*reads the synopsis of a Lynch movie once*
*reads the synopsis of a Lynch movie once*
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>phoneposts an asinine post again
I remembered liking it, but I don't remember much else, with the exception of that one shot of the two doorways side by side. I really liked that shot
Yet somehow you contributed less than OP.
I remember it literally being Lost Highway watered down in the most barest way possible with a villain who's 1:1 ripped off from Lynch.
God, this movie was shit. Everything after the diner scene felt like a made for TV movie.
this was the first Cronenberg movie I watched and it turned me off from him for a while desu
An extremely underrated and rewatchable movie.
I'm surprised it doesn't have a cult following.
what are you even talking about?
It's great. It's just unsettling enough to throw you off guard by feeling "real" as opposed to cinematic, but still violent and entertaining
It's not my favourite Cronenberg but it's a damn good film
what did OP mean by this?
except le small town le duality of man le underlying darkness i really don't see any lynch comparisons.
even if you disagree with the parallels with LH and to a lesser extent BV you have to admit that the villain is a Lynchian mobster, bruv. And the entire circumstance surrounding the conflict in the first half is straight from a Lynch film. Did you not watch it? Man shoots someone's eye out, then suddenly a shady character appears out of the blue sporting a scarred face in the same spot, while telling another character he's not who he thinks he is.
And the tension is shit in this movie and the violence unconvincing btw
Not to fault him as a composer whatsoever, but Howard Shore was the wrong person to score a film like this.
If that's the case then all it's missing is ambiguity and a few non-sequitirs.
I'm all for gratuitous violence but some of this scenes in this were just like c'mon
But it completely lacks any of Lynch's atmosphere or signature stylisms?
The plot is a straightforward gangster-revenge-story
Sure, there are some surrealist images, but I wouldn't say that Lynch has a monopoly on surrealism. At no point is the "shady guy out of the blue" ever thought or implied to be the dead guy.
The film is pretty much exactly what you'd expect if you take someone like Cronenberg, who specialises in over-the-top body-horror and violence, and give him a thriller like this.
You may as well say it's a rip-off of a Scorsese movie because Goodfellas ends with a mobster that betrays the other mobsters
(For the record, I haven't seen Lost Highway so if there's an overt plot-line I'm missing, that's why. But it's based, pretty accurately, on a comic written in 1997 which is the same year that Lost Highway was released. I find it hard to believe that the comic author saw LH and wrote an entire comic ripping it off the same year)
what do you mean? The film isn't particularly violent. It's pretty tame for being called A history of violence.
Good movie, parts of it were shot in a small buttfuck-nowhere town near me
Only good scene is the rape.
>But it completely lacks any of Lynch's atmosphere or signature stylisms?
i'm assuming that's why OP titled his thread the way he did
It was a comic. But I don't love it either, it's a fine, simple sorta noir but overrated. Maps to the Stars and Cosmopolis are better late period Crone.
She was totally into it bro.
What? There aren't any rape scenes in the film
Inaccurate, uninformed. The "Lynch" thing gets thrown around by people who have never actually seen Lynch films.
scroll down nigger
There's nothing Lynchian about History of Violence. Sharing some thematic material isn't enough because that's not what distinguishes Lynch's work.
I'm just glad we' might be getting that Eastern Promises sequel.
>You havta agree he was a Lynchian mobster bro!
Doesnt change my opinion. I don't even know what that means. If that's what it reminded you of, cool, but that's subjective and indicates your exposure to actual Lynch films, or even gangster/noir seems limited.
>Eastern Promises sequel
source me right now you fuck
Western Promises (2020)
>Theese time, we go to California
Came up early this year, but I haven't heard from it since. So send your prayers to Viggo.
Quick guys, what is the most lynchian Cronenberg film and what is the most cronenbergian Lynch film?
Not even what I was referring to.
Cosmopolis akin to Inland Empire or The Brood akin to Eraserhead
To be honest... more of a Cronenberg guy.
That is if I had to choose.
Maybe Naked Lunch. None of Lynch's films really stand out as Cronenburgian, wherein abtracts fears of modernity physically manifest.
Lynch has a much better track record, and while I like some of his later films, Cronenberg was better when he wasn't as self-aware and worked within the framings of a genre.
>Jesus, Joey, you took his eye. Barbed wire, wasn't it? That's disgusting. You always were the crazy one.
What a great cameo by William Hurt. That guy is one of the greatest underrated actors.
What did Aragorn mean when he put is two finger to his throat?
First off A History of Violence is based off a graphic novel by the same name, and is also a sweet film. Secondly you can't compare Cronenberg to Lynch at all, Cronenberg actually makes amazing films with plots that make complete sense, and are just a smorgasbord of pretentious garbage.
Never saw it but I always admired that poster.
what does this have to do with david lunch. this movie is in the same category as The Equalizer, John Wick, and Taken. is this gonna be the new thing you lynchfags do? say everyone is ripping him off?
so any movie that has any element from a lynch movie, no matter how small, is a rip off? lynch fags are the worst
yeah, that and being any good.
What are you talking about, this is not even remotely similar to Lost Highway
Cosmopolis was his last movie I enjoyed
It was based off of a vertigo comic written by John Wagner
I wasn't really impressed. What was so great about this?
It's also his best, Videodrome is a close second.
This movie literally tries to do the same thing as Blue Velvet did. The latter is a masterpiece and this one is a very flawed and overrated movie.
what was the fucking point of that stairway sex scene?
Him conquering her as an animal. But it was so badly done that it doesn't even matter in the movie.
>what does this have to do with david lunch. this movie is in the same category as The Equalizer, John Wick, and Taken. is this gonna be the new thing you lynchfags do? say everyone is ripping him off?
>this movie is in the same category as The Equalizer, John Wick, and Taken
Didn't even like the movie but I think you missed the point.
It's based on a comic. The first act is very faithful.
Second act is glossed over. Comic has a lenghty flashback of Joey's crimelife back in philly with his brother, until he made the mistake that made him run away. Only mentioned in the movie.
Third act is where everything goes off the rail. The phonecall that Joey receives is not from his brother, but from mafia guys who've had his brother kidnapped all these years and they've been torturing him ever since.
Joey returns to philly and raises hell. He agrees to meet with the now mafia boss and a gunfight ensues.
Joey kills a lot of people. Then finds his brother, who is nothing but a horribly scarred and mutilated torso and head at this point. He fights the boss, kills him. Then puts his brother out of his misery. Police show up with ambulances,
and Joey's family is there too. The end.
>>what does this have to do with david lunch. this movie is in the same category as The Equalizer, John Wick, and Taken. is this gonna be the new thing you lynchfags do? say everyone is ripping him off?
>>this movie is in the same category as The Equalizer, John Wick, and Taken
>Didn't even like the movie but I think you missed the point.