Why have Muslims not attacked Canada? Are we that likeable?

Why have Muslims not attacked Canada? Are we that likeable?

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Cpl. Nathan Cirillo

A: they have, and B: no, you're weak and silly

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>Who is Ayanle Hassan Ali

Canada is irrelevant.

Smaller population, fewer targets, less political capital from staging an attack.

You don't attack your own.

We are in a perfect place. Geographically separated from the middle east and not big enough of a target to get the attention of the Muslims. We are the good guys and people know it. Trudeau brought the families too not fighting aged men.

>Are we that likeable?
You wish. Canada is about as relevant as Belgium on the world stage.

I can't be bothered to google, was one of those the guy who ate someone on a Greyhound?

I think it's great we uninstalled our Constitution and installed the spook state over a religious meme as well. God wills it I guess.