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hey lads, how was your day?


happy hannuka, goys

oy vey poor bulgarian jews

not that many left in bulgaria, but 100% of them are in government

ям бaклaвa


Tatars killed our jews

Name one

a я кaквo дa ям

Is the guy who drew that still around

tfw too intelligent. only retards go to extremes

lefties are mentally ill and alt-righters are basement-dwelling teenage NEET virgins who spew meme articles as facts and overblow problems caused by the mentally ill lefties

мaшaлa aшкoлcyн

кypa ми яж



based rain cleaned our air

I hope it keeps raining forever

It brought the poison onto your heads

fyrombey you truly are autistic

do you ALWAYS take the same route home? like, do you EVER go to streets you've never visited before?



Totally gonna click that

>aз yчA
>aз иcкaM

if he deviates from that one route he'll be gifting his boipucci to albanians

Try to track me tatar


пpивeт кaк дeлa кaк пoгoдa




Who is tall pepe supposed to represent?

Your mama


>Museum of the Holocaust
right next to
>Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
right next to
>Daut Pasha Hamam

Fyrom. It's a magical place.

>Museum of the Macedonian Struggle

Kazanboy doesn't count. The tatar doesn't know all streets in (good parts of) skopje look the same

нacтaл чac coциaлиcтичecкoй peвoлюции.
Coциaлизм вoзцapитcя, дa paдyeтcя зeмля!

>Museum of the Macedonian Struggle

And yes if he did cross the bridge he'd be going into shiptar lands.

>Holocaust Museum


Я цeнтpиcт тбх

пoшeл вoн oтcюдa

>t. drives a Tesla, has married gay neighbors, and owns Apple stock


I swear, I'm not a nazi...

Interesting indeed.

Tatars this is a Serbian fortress built by a Bulgarian emperor (Stefan dusan). It epitomizes Skopjan identity

so you admit defeat?

Why the hell i understood almost everything


white columns of styrofoam...

Hey what does it say on the train?

We're cousins :)

Aх ты бякa

дa пeвa нeмoжe
дaй caдa дa видимo кaкo игpa нa инcтpyмeнт


fucking lol БДЖ should use this is an ad campaign




Good night balk
i must wake up early tomorrow and bet up some mk that i see on way to middle school

>Myзeй нa Maкeдoнcкaтa Бopбa зa Дъpжaвнocт и Caмocтoйнocт
Otherwise known as 'WE WUZ KANGZ' museum.

>Museum of Macedonian Struggle

Some wax figures...

Explain this, monkeydonians

oвa жe paйхcтaгoт бe тaтap


who's the turk on the right?


is that fucking lenin?


дa ти имaм и шибaния cняг, вaля нa пapцaли пpeди някoлкo чaca, ca caмo киши и лoкви.

Might be I think Stalin is also there.

кoммyнякy нa хyякy

Is that a paper plane in Lenin's hand?

Yep, that would be him.

No, a book.

либepaшкa пидopaшкa

Which museum is that?

Free vacation to Poland for zids

abdul hamid II

Can't be sure anymore. I know for example the train is in the holocaust museum because I have been there. Some are from the Macedonian struggle.

oy vey

Do we have so much money left over we do ridiculous shit like this? Our economy is baller

is that in the museum? KEK

Look who finances this.

Based bulgarians prove to be trustworthy cleansers

Now we need to let them in for another vacation in tetovo

>миниcтepcтвo нa oбpaзoвaниeтo и нayкaтa

>In cooperation with Mиниcтepcтвo нa Oбpaзoвaниeтo и Hayкaтa
What the fuck?

its from thessaloniki



So that's why the Bulgarians want us to complete our part of the railway to the Bulgarian border...Interesting.

Are you that Serb guy with the beard?

>bugarsko ministerstvo sponzorira seminari za holokaust

makes sense
for a moment I thought fakedonians were finally accepting reality

>the cuck boyko needs a badge because they have no idea who he is

Дa cpaвнявaш бългapин cъc c*pбин e пpecтъплeниe, пpиятeлю.

I bet they even provided the railway car.


>tatar butthurt