#friendsforever #sexuallyliberated

#friendsforever #sexuallyliberated

no clue who he is

She recently divorced her husband (him).
Welcome to /tab/loid

The call that saved Riley?

does he get alimony?

>I want to ride niggers and take BBC, but cry on your shoulder still

Is that what she meant by "ride or die"?

I don't know who either of these people are

Edward Snowden AKA "Sup Forums", notorious US hacker.

>love with all my heart
>time to get a divorce
He looks unimpressed, she looks like she's trying to convince someone it's a lovely scene. Possibly herself.

MEW's former husband. Literally his claim to fame is through his wife

he looks constantly dazed as though the life he is living is not the real one, like this wasn't meant to be, none of this was supposed to happen

Why did he never impregnate MEW?

He's trying to escape the Matrix

that's the bull's job


He posted the same pic with some 'I'll always love you' bullshit on it. It's like he's been perma-friendzoned all this time.

White women take such a cocktail of pharmaceuticals, he'd have a better chance if he fucked a petri dish.


Wasn't there a instagram post on a ski resort where he proclaims his love just a few days before he was dumped ?
Mutual decision my ass

Not only that, but just compare their current social media presences. The guy is miserable.

The worst thing is that they both appear to be so unremarkable personality-wise that there's little chance he can dredge up drama in revenge.

>We are still ride or die, just in a different way now.

Is she the new Gwyneth Paltrow?

imagine getting friendzoned out of a marriage lol

>cucks your path

Even worse - not fighting it because you're an extreme nu-male

Why do I keep seeing this thread? What is the point? To talk about actors private lives?

I don't see how this thread could be confusing. Are you ok? Maybe you should lie down for a bit.

cuck hubby = side cash
bull boyfriend = sexual pleasure/reproduction

What movie are we talking about?

Welcome to Sup Forums.

You definitely need to lie down

>private lives
It ceased being private when they decided to make it public.
And this will likely affect any planned future collaborations.

>Sup Forums is for serious discussion of film only.


I am posting from my phone while laying in bed. Now tell me the topic of this thread.

"The man who lost everything"
I wonder if it will flop though, Riley hasn't made any really successful films yet.

What are you wearing?

>beats some kids

I bet he texts her late at night during her breeding sessions


>thumbs up
wtf is Riley alt right now

>"we have spent our lives together"
>still young adults
thats not that significant

>We'll stay collaborators

It seems like she has someone to prep the bull.

>I have no problems with you and every day together was wonderful and I love you so much, but... but... You know... I mean...

Kill yourself, cunt.

I always knew she was a piece of shit whore and that fag a cuckold.

You seem confused

The nerds of Sup Forums are figuring things out, it's important to cultivate. I've been here since near the start, but the "asshole of the internet" is starting to become normal compared to the insanity of the current world. This thread is for warning users against becoming a cuck, most guys these days learn the hard way.

>Jon's babaroo, his jewbaby

Wtf I love Hitler now

at last, now i can fantasize about MEW being my gf

I have to fap now

wtf I wish I was gay now

Waaaah i owe to this nice guy to fuck him forever and suppress my desires just because he is a 'good boyfriend' waaah


is this real

not the person, i mean the post

This is literally how mass murderers are manufactured.

Dude was fit, seemed nice, not particularly ugly... he's either too boring or she cheated his ass (that includes everyone's fascination with her being blacked i suppose)

>This is how 4chins understands relatioships, everybody

This is fake

how is this an apology? you can literally rename it with "fuck you jon, you fucking cuck" and it would make 300x more sense

This is how you get yourself hacked to pieces with a axe. To be honest you couldn't even blame the guy if he flipped and murdered her she is pure evil.

>not knowing she's a lesbian

When you become "just friends," with your grill, you very quickly realize how much more a mouth/vagina on your benis matters than comradery...

Women think admitting fault is the same as apologizing

he logged into her account and posted it

>a nut with an on-off switch
this makes no sense

hmm why did she disable comments on this post?

Lurk moar

>Lurk moar
wow, really activates my almonds








Post examples



this isn't what being content with a "mutual" breakup looks like

Hahaha this has to be fake, she reads like a villainess from a Greek tragedy

I really hope Riley makes a few more really good movies and now mew is out of her prime she never works again. She deserves to lose everything

>yfw six months from now she's dating a 6'2" chad that gets her pregnant
>yfw six months from now she has no career and dies inside while Riley becomes a successful director

damn riley this is just. sad man.

really bro?



Isn't Tyrone waiting for his rimjob Mary? Hurry up

Hahahaha yeah okay. I had a manager when I was working at a supermarket who did exactly this passive aggressive "not talking about it but it couldn't be about anything else" when he got cucked too

Why so twisted? The guy is numale as fuck, I'm glad MEW set a public example that soft men don't get happy ends. She can do better.

Riley, a meta film based on this is your only option. Think Adaptation meets your pathetic instagram feed.

he wasn't able to provide


There Riley becomes Darneyl

>soft men don't get happy ends
>implying tough men get happy ends with women either

Do you think these news have alarmed other directors of similar caliber?

Because deep down MEW knew that her husband is a biologically inferior male

"The man who lost it all", it's already in production. Check his IMDb page.
also speaking of IMDb, kek




Because MEW is like a real life version of Peggy from Fargo

fucking kek this is too perfect

She's taking some big brown cock. She isn't going anywhere.

MEW exclusively "dates" Black men now

You remember how a certain female Sup Forums poster dumped James Gunn in 2008 because she thought his career was dead and she could do better?

Is relrairvk, dare I say, /ourguy/?

>I give it 3 years
More like 3 months.