I couldn’t watch the last episode of Better Call Saul because it was so BORING. Every time I tuned in, it was people talking in a room. That’s it. And if I stayed long enough to hear what they were saying, they would be talking about NOTHING. I figured out that I couldn’t follow the plot, (or had to make one up) because there WAS NO PLOT. A man went to a town to shoot a commercial. That’s it. Nothing else ever happens. Just people talking in rooms. And all this taking NEVER advanced the commercial shootings ONE BIT. I liked the part that Mike was in, (because Mike was in it), but it still didn’t make a hoot of sense. Hard to watch.
I couldn’t watch the last episode of Better Call Saul because it was so BORING. Every time I tuned in...
nice michael j anderson pasta
go watch problem solverz.
>it's a Mike pours cement and chats up some mulatto girl for 47 minutes episode
Autism detected
mmm perhaps a sereis for briandead people like you called the walikng dead would fit better for you
i watch a stream the next day at x2 speed so i dont waste too much of my life on this shit show.
nigga u post on Sup Forums. there is no chance u dont wanna waste time.
>It's a Saul walks around looking constipated episode
Worst episode of the season for sure. That being the last episode for 2 weeks plus how fucking terrible Fargo has been this season have really sunk my battleship.
>it's a fat NEET still cucks himself into watching a show he hates for no reason other than to shitpost
>doesn't like show
>still wants to talk about it
Better Call Saul is the greatest pleb filter known to man. Plebs watch Twin Peaks and think it is kino, while true patricians watch this.
Not to worry, the show will pick up soon enough.
Just in time for the season to come to and end and we will have to wait untill next season.
>Boring Lawyer Shit: The Show
>it's a pleb gets filtered episode
Better Call Saul has better screenwriting that 90% of shows out there, get filtered
>he thinks it's about lawyers
It's a show about people, who just happen to be lawyers. It's not a lawyer show but a character study looking at the metamorphosis people go through in their lives.
It's working! I'm a huge BCS fan but haven't started watching the new season yet. The more I hear you spergs here complain about how boring it is - the same spergs who watch Game of Thrones and pretend to diss it but at the same time cireclejerk over every episode, you know the ones - the more I hear it, the harder my Vince Gilligan rager gets. The more psyched I am to see just how much he can get out of so little. The show is a masterclass of economical screenwriting. A minimalist magnum opus for the Golden Age of Television. Appreciate its sublime simplicity or get the fuck out :)
GotG2 is the kind of plot where nothing actually happens and nothing actually matters. BCS is the kind of story where nothing actually happens but everything matters.
I'm sorry it would take a long time, a more refined vocabulary, and the proper syntax to explain this further to you but it's the best I got.
>tfw the first poster calls out what this post was immediately and dumbfags stiff shit themselves in anger
>Watch scripted television is patrician
>not about y, about x who just happen to be y
>a new refreshing take on y
>will rly make u think!
Blow your brains out you dumb fucking "artistic critic". God I hate you worthless nothing-saying faggots. "I used a passive indirect sentence structure saying it's just casually and passively about the thing it's advertised to be about, this implies it is very deep and meaningful and like, such relatable characters, omg when she cut herself like I do i cri evertim!!!"
Fuck off you trash.
I like the show's pacing and style but it's not without problems. The scenes with Jimmy at the bar or at the insurance office were terrific character moments, but the idea of him shooting commercials doesn't really work, ever since the film crew was introduced, it never really worked comedy-wise, perhaps amusing on paper for one episode, but I don't understand why they keep reusing this without even trying to make good gags out of it (like say, the billboard stunt, which had the same point to make Jimmy look like a scummy huckster while actually being memorable).