What are some films about deceiving, lies, and betrayal?

What are some films about deceiving, lies, and betrayal?

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literally me when i realized at age 19 the holocaust actually happened and 6 million jews were murdered

What's the Sup Forums consensus on this?

thank you for correcting the record!

>the holocaust actually happened and 6 million jews were murdered

it was all a plot to get him to hire Israeli construction firms to build the mexiwall. "As you can see, President Trump, our people have been building excellent walls for millennia."

I'd like to know too but Sup Forums is in such disarray at this point I don't think a consensus can be reached.

Just go look at the front page. Literally in fucking shambles. Even his general seems to be bots both literally and figuratively.

What are some flicks about taxi muslims pretending to help children by giving them free rides home after their own kind attacked them, but then actually kidnapping said children to become either one time sex slaves/ regular sex slaves WHILST the media pretends the muslims were helping them?

The bots are crazy.


tourist here.

doesn't "jew" actually mean "the whealthy elite"?

didn't we like Trump for being rich since the begining?

>that fucker
I can see why grown up refugees get in so easily.

Do you mean deception?

Shhhh, Sup Forums doesn't care if rich people are controlling them, so long as the rich people are Aryan.

Trump from day one of his campaign said he was pro-Israel and pro-Jew. Fuck off, retard.

Maybe some bollywood "kino" instead of flicks then, anti children libs?

So why did Sup Forums vote for him?
Don't they hate jews?

Schindler's List

oh thanks man I'm retarded

Aryans look like Trump?



>implying Sup Forums spouted nonstop whenever someons said this was that Trump was just playing a 99d chess against the jews

fucking Sup Forums got played lol


>loves jew
This is literally proof he is Sup Forumss guy and Sup Forums related
Why do liberal mobile posters report bomb his threads?? Are they actually nazis?

not really. that's high fantasy though

>When you're so shameless about your agenda that it overrules any actual good that might have been done in real life

Fucking Sikhs always get the short end of the stick, bro. After 9/11, everyone lumped them in with Muslims and hated on them. Now that it's suddenly popular to like Muslims now, any good that Sikhs do is automatically attributed to the Muslims.

It's a shame, Sikhism is one of the few truly bro-tier religions in existence.

And that's why Islamophobia is racist, because people detect Muslims by virtue of people's phenotypes.

Are people really betrayed by this? Trump has been kissing Israel's ass throughout his campaign and his presidency thus far.

>the holocaust actually happened and 6 million jews were murdered

fuck off its just Trumo's 99D chess!!

he's playing the Jews!! get your friends close and your enemies closer!!!

stupid lib. 8 years remember that

>the holocaust actually happened

>Messing with bro tier Sikhs
Now they've gone too far

the greatest redpill of all

lots of shilling and concern trolling

he has talked about loving israel and being friends with bibi and having a jewish daughter for years so it's not surprising

the hats look dumb though

>get attacked.
>still start shilling for more immigrants on Sup Forums source moohbeehabigyaw the third..
bongs are eternally cucked leoelle.

>This is literally proof he is Sup Forumss guy and Sup Forums related
This! Where would Sup Forums be without our greatest ally making movies and tv shows for us?

Deflection, as usual.

This is the first time in my life I felt triggered. I always see this word used by tumblerinas but now I understood what it meant. I was literally shaking while watching and I don't know when it started but I did. As I listened to Netanyahu's speech about Trump, flashbacks of:

- Ben Garrison edits
- happy merchant OCs,
- Oy vey and fuck off JIDF replies
- (((()))) posts

swirled in my mind. Was it all I lie? I did hate the Jews. We did hate the jews right? I have been on Sup Forums since it was /new/ and we did hate them. We really did. But WHY THE FUCK DID WE ELECT THE BIGGEST GOY OF THEM ALL? WHY?!!!

I should have seen the signs back then. After all, he has a jewish son in law, he's got close ties to the jew businessmen, but I firmly believed he's just playing 99D Chess. He was just making America Great Again. Those kikes will never know what hit them. I should have known better.

Only way I can describe the feeling something close to being stabbed in the heart and twisting the knife while someone whispers to my ear "You got played GOY!!". Tears started flowing from my eyes and my bewildered Philipina wife and son looks at me and says "Honey, why are you crying? Are you happy for Trump?"

I couldn't answer them. I just sat there crying, all my beliefs were destroyed, were all a lie. watching as Netanyahu proclaims Trump as their greatest friend and ally.

I'm never visiting Sup Forums again. ;_;

Because they are a bunch of delusional man children. Sup Forums and trump have a lot in common.

>He likes single-page memos and visual aids like maps, charts, graphs and photos.

>National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in "as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned," according to one source, who relayed conversations he had with NSC officials.


shame, but people are stupid they see a brown man in a turban and think jihadist. Admittedly I didn't know what a Sikh was until a few years ago. Also haven't they been fighting Muslims for centuries now? seems a shame to lump them in with their longtime enemy

Why was this thread deleted but not OP?
Are the rumors about Sup Forums liberals report bombing threads that don't fit their narrative true?

>the holocaust happened

This is actually fucking sad. Why are Americans so retarded brehs?

>deceiving, lies, and betrayal
He was open about his Jewish and Israeli attachments since day one. How could anyone be so stupid as to think he was literally the next Hitler?

Sup Forums here

We're tearing our own hairs out over this.

Half the board wants to gas him, the other half are /r/The_Donald faggots who would still support him if he was cucking their mothers.

You haven't even seen the best part yet

people believe what they want to believe


pol was trying to disregard it as ebin 5d chess but that narrative is failing as trump continues to disappoint them

i've been on Sup Forums since /new/ and we've always hated the kikes. why did we elect the biggest goy of them all? what the fuck happened? what the fuck happened man?

>make claims with no evidence
>attribute lack of evidence to massive conspiratorial cover ups
How does that ever work?

its a Sup Forums classic, you'll get used to it

Remnant of puritanism

>>He likes single-page memos and visual aids like maps, charts, graphs and photos.
nothing wrong with this though

They do it because he has a "notoriously short" attention span. They basically have to give him a picture book because the words are too boring for him.

Half the people are deflecting and pretending they wanted Donald to be Hilary 2.0. The others are upset that he betrayed them.

>>National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in "as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned,"
I bet they also include the verb "trump" more than is necessary

who gives a shit about this or the fact that donald sold 300 million to the sauds

we need to focus on SETH RICH



>biggest goy

1st off, I think you mean goodest goy

2nd, he ain't even a fucking goy. His great grandmother's name is (((Kober))).

We literally elected the first full-blown Jewish president.


Yep, that's right Sup Forums, the holocaust did indeed happen. You're just going through your edgy middle school phase right now.

What are some films about ultimate villains who get the last laugh?

>liberal cucks from Sup Forums and Sup Forums are joining the stormfront sensibilities

About time plebs

Chris should have thrown Jared in prison too.

lol you do know its the redditors that invaded Sup Forums that shilled hard for Trump. Sup Forums has always been against kikes

His daughter married a kike. He already whored himself out to AIPAC during the campaign. Is anyone actually surprised? You're not going to get an American politician who isn't a jewish puppet. He could at least keep shitskins out of the country.

(((They))) are already doing the advertising thing on Hannity

No that would've been Bernie

nah obama was the only president who ever stood up to israel, albeit not fully by cutting out all their funding

>implying Sup Forums isn't comprised of hypocrite manchildren

They hate Israel and Saudi Arabia, yet they wanted Mitt Romney to win in 2012 and he was a gigantic cuck for Israel. Obama was the only president in recent history that even slightly tried to stand up to Israel and Saudi Arabia and Sup Forums fucking hates him. They try to call liberals sheep but they are the biggest blind followers of them all.

>m-muh 32D underwater backgammon
>Fuck off shill, god Shariablue is working hard today
>Well I don't care as long as he (some bullshit which he isn't going to do)
>t. Muhammed
>We only hate the Jews in America, Israelis are super based bros
>Fake news
>Hillary is a loser just fucking get over it
>8 more years cuck, getting tired of WINNING over here
>We're coming for you ANTIFA, helicopter rides soon
>You have to keep your enemy close, so he keeps the Jews close
>We knew all along, Sup Forums is satire, I was just pretending to be retarded
>Good, I want things to get worse so we can finally have a crusade and muh rope day

capricorn one

With Obama it was a case of the cons heavily outweighing the pros

>Hurrr he's a nigger so far automatically hate him.

Does his obviously high iq not matter to you guys? He wasn't an extremist, he was extremely level headed. The absolute antithesis of trump. We're going to look back on his presidency and realize we took him for granted. I can care less if he's a democrat or black. Just as an individual he's a admirable guy.

>Sup Forums

This is Sup Forums
also jews did this.

He is a former Sup Forums persona so it's kinda related.

>Oh no. Israel only got an average of 3 billion dollars annually in aid while Obama was in office, the most of any president in history.

Yup. Obama sure stood up to Israel.

Sup Forumstards don't understand that the jew meme was actually about wealthy elites. They're just legitimately anti-semetic.

>/r/the_donald will defend this

delet your comment, goy. This board is for President Trump only.

>bought out by Sheldon Adelson
>Son in law is a wealthy Jewish elite
>staff full of wealthy Jewish elite
>heavy ties with wealthy Jewish elite
>cuck for the wealthy Jewish elite in Israel

>but muh 4D chess

republicans control congress

the budget of the military and israel will always go up

just because his campaign relied heavily on dogwhistling to people who hate jews doesn't mean he can be openly hostile towards them

either way, it's fun to watch you guys' disappointment set in (or alternatively, your rabid doubling down on why he really is doing a good job)

He was literally talking shit to Netanyahu when they were getting butt hurt about the Iran deal. He also told Israel to stop killing Iranian scientists. They were calling him an Islamist and trying to pin all kinds of conspiracies on him as well.

Fuck off it was only the redditors that liked trump

>Supporting Trump is reddit

What a day.

>Sup Forums goes on for years about how much they hate kikes and the establishment and how they're "redpilled" because they aren't falling for their tricks
>Sup Forums insists that shitskins and niggers are ruining white countries, and insist that the white race is going to rise up any day now and kill all of them
>Sup Forums accuses anyone who disagrees with their far-right conspiracy theories as being a filthy redditor

>Sup Forums ends up getting the biggest pro-kike and pro-establishment candidate elected as President of the United States, all while allowing r/the_donald to flood their board and allowing them to systematically ruin it in the same way they claim third world immigrants ruin white countries

The irony is just beautiful.

Back to /r/the_donald.


I think that calling something reddit is the shitties most cop out "argument" you can make on this site, but yes he certainly is

delet this right now

More like stormfags and Sup Forums keep raiding other boards and spreading their cancer to the rest of the Moroccan Sugarglider Trading Emporium

>implying it's not true

i just don't know what to believe anymore.

all those

>endless Ben Garrison edits to promote antisemitism
>numerous OC of the happy merchant
>endless spouting of JIDF! fuck of kike!
> ((((())))) posting

all to elect the biggest pro-kike of them all. fuck this shit, should have gone libertarian instead


Most of us just want Trump to normalize racism and nationalism. It's still a long shot. The man himself and his family are elitist kike lovers.

pic unrelated right?