What has Sup Forums changed your opinion on? I used to be very anti-gun, I used to think basically all civilian gun ownership should be banned but since I started browsing Sup Forums in 2011 I've done a 180 and think people should be able to own pretty much everything. The months following Sandy Hook was when I really ended up radically changing my opinion.
What has Sup Forums changed your opinion on? I used to be very anti-gun...
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I used to think 90% are decent 10% are shit
I'm revising that to 50-50
I was agnostic, but now I strongly believe in Kek, the Lord of Chaos.
I've become extremely hardline with all of my views, with very little give. I've lost all sense of pragmatism or compromise.
Abortion. Used to be entirely against, now I know it's wrong but a necessary evil.
Dindus and Mexicans.
Several countries I thought were shitholes have good quality posters so that too. Don't hate Romania for example.
I hate every Canadian so fucking much now.
Australia, top fucking blokes tee bee aich fampai
Race mixing.
I was already pretty redpilled before here though.
Sup Forums has made me more liberal, not the SJW tier though.
>I used to think basically all civilian gun ownership should be banned
How, exactly, were you planning to enforce that idea?
Hardmode: you can't afford to hire big strong sweaty mens with guns to do it, and you can't be sure those big strong sweaty mens won't just use their guns to take your money.
Keep telling yourself that. None of the SJWs think they're SJW.
Sup Forums has made me realise how many sad fat fucking delusional faggots exist in the world.
Iv become more aware to the various political angles to everything in the news and that compromise for the sake of compromise is stupid.
If people want something they need to give something in return.