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Nah fuck that
Check that gobbler.
I'm sorry that the Prequels are dogshit and that the Disney movies are better in every conceivable way
The prequel trilogy is a supreme masterpiece of "so bad it's good". Everything is so cheesy and silly, but also so weirdly memorable and completely fascinating. I don't think I'm lying when I say the prequels are unironically some of the most interesting films ever conceived, just because of the context, lasting impact, and backstory behind them. For these reasons, episodes 1-3 will always be better than something like Rouge One, which is completely forgettable in about every aspect.
I am sorry I thought George Lucas was a good filmmaker
prequels aren't great but they are better than the disney movies like come the fuck on nobody here actually like disney star wars do they?
>TFA = female main character
>Rogue One = female main character
>Battlefront 2 = female main character
>Last Jedi = female main character
>Forces of Destiny = female only focused show
>Episode IX = female main character
>Not one new white male character in a lead role since disney takeover
>Even the Force is considered female now.
I'm sorry George
The Prequels are the film equivalent to that old woman touching up that priceless painting of Jesus
>Man, these prequels kinda suck. They couldn't possibly make a worse Star Wars movie even if they tried
>lucas sells star wars and episode 7 happens
I'm sorry, George.
How could you mock this man's life work?
Aren't you ashamed?
>lucas sells star wars
So you should say fuck you, not "sorry George"
This is all George's fault. Not JJ, not Disney, it's his fault.
He's just an old spineless weak pussy who was afraid to get shat on by critics yet again so he sold his life's work to a children toy manufacturing franchise fully knowing what they are going to do with it in hope that everyone would stop blaming him.
Fuck him.
The second George sold Star Wars to Disney, he lost all right to be apologized to. He should have let Star Wars die peacefully.
It started off as just fun and games, but we may have gone too far in a few places
He trusted Disney but they bamboozled him. Don't blame the victim.
7 had far less soul, but it was objectively a better constructed film than anything George did alone
>trusting Jews
come on now, George should know better
I regret that I paid to see Episode 1. I am glad that I didn't pay for the other two.
>trusting a highly profit driven massive toy corporation with your life's work
Yeah, that was the most logical perfect decision ever, can't go wrong right
I'm sorry Disney blackmailed you into selling Lucasarts.
I waited to rent on video Episodes I and II after hearing they were terrible. I watched Episode III in the theaters after I fell for the "it's actually good! and it's dark!" meme
>implying George gives a shit about "integrity"
Are you forgetting the Merchandizing Empire he created?
He was solely responsible for Ewoks
He never gave a shit. It was always about selling toys.
That's why the Prequels had new ships and crazy vehicles and shit every movie
We broke his spirit and memed him into submission.
It's all our fault and we must apologize.
shill pls, being a blantant ripoff of a better movie is not a positive quality
It was a necessary one though
Disney had to show to everyone that the weird nerdy ass Star Wars of the Prequels were gone and the cool originals were back
It wasn't a
>Hurr how i make movie? i copy good movie!
It was a chosen and calculated move
Well, good thing it actually was.
Sorry Georgie-poo you're the husband I need right now, not the one I want.
When George sold Star Wars to Disney, he actually put Star Wars out of its misery.
He killed it. The franchise ended. It's over. What Disney isn't making isn't Star Wars, it's just called Star Wars. They bought a trademark.
Thank you, George.
The best Star Wars movies have had the least amount of Lucas influence.
George = Sup Forums
Disney = Facebook
Pretends that he is fighting the Studio system his whole life
>sells his most successful IP to one of the biggest studios on the planet
>"He is the victim"
Fuck off, ironic lucasposting is just as retarded as the unironic kind.
Oh fucking God we should have listened. Now we have nustar wars shoving political shit down our throats. Please fucking save uS!!!
>disney run by people who aren't white, ruined disney, and identify as jews
>refers to disney as "white slavers"
>muh black wife
George is such a boob
He tries to do his "I'm not racist cuz mah wife" thing
But then he made Red Tails
Which was racist as fuck
Horrible. Just horrible.
Disney > Lucas.
I'm sorry, George.
I didn't know about the white slavers.
Sorry. Even if I didn't like your vision and your decisions at least you did't try to get me cancerous ideology by the ass
George has always been a massive Hollywood progressive. He probably loves this
I'm sorry
I haven't ever squinted my eyes and actually cringed in my entire life until seeing this
what the fuck is this
I thought that the Disney Defense Force was only at reddit, guess shilling knows no bounds.
Like your waistline.
why aren't the words in "the force is female" lined up correctly?
>being competent
I was under the assumption the shirt was designed and made by males
Chinese "males" maybe
Why do women have to ruin every single thing that men take an interest in?