>be Buddhism
>peaceful af than islam
>fight chinks in tibet
>support fascism in india, thailand
why aren't we worshipping buddhism already?
because they're heathens and don't desreve to live?
Because it has been overwhelmed by Atheism, Islam and the likes.
Sup Forums has really warped your mind, Hasn't it? Also yes, I know who you are.
Don't forget the Dalai Lama's close ties with the NSDAP.
Because white people calling themselves Buddhist is cringey as fuck.
Religions are only peaceful when have no power to spread themselves forcefully. And between major war between two different faiths, there is a constant internecine rivarly between sects of the same religion, shia vs. sunni, caths vs. refs, drukpa vs karma kagyu
>m-muh intelligence
pls fuck off america
Seriously, though I know this person is based on their writing style.
Because karma is hippie bullshit as bad as Abrahamism, and because Buddhists ultimately celebrate and aspire towards absent-minded unconsciousness
This is like taking a wrong turn and your face to face with some numale tending his bamboo garden
>muh intelligence
You literally used to subscribe to those Myers Briggs test to feel superior towards others.
seriously, reveal yourself or fuck off. I don't even remember taking an MB test except online.
Nah, should be fairly obvious who I am ;^)
Subscribe was the wrong word to use. I meant you used to believe in that shit.
Buddhism is atheistic.
They are heathens.
No you don't.
>this entire conversation
the fuck is this shit
kek. I'll need proof than a wink.
PSA about common misconceptions of Buddhism:
>Buddhism does promote worshiping of a God.
The questions of 'is there a god, is he almighty and good, and if so, does he love me' are questions the Buddha thought we shouldn't be asking. At least, not until we had fixed our own problems through enlightenment.
There are many festivals and ceremonies that some might call religious, but the Buddha never claimed to be anything more than a man, and these festivals often have very little to do with the Buddha's teachings.
Buddha would teach people of any religion or social standing in his time, and was accepting of any faith, because he taught man about man, not about God.
>Karma is not an external, cosmic justice.
Karma is instead simply a kind of psychological cause and effect. Bad karma causes bad outcomes in life, usually by causing yourself and other beings to suffer. Good karma relieves the suffering of yourself and others. Actions which are neutral produce no karma.
>Buddhists do not strive to kill all emotion.
It is a misconception to almost all who study Buddhism that Buddhists feel all emotion is bad. This is not true. Buddhism seeks to attain enlightenment - nirvana - by eliminating suffering. What causes suffering? Clinging to desire and impermanent states causes suffering.
You are free to feel the whole range of emotions. Happy, sad, angry, lustful, etc. Your suffering comes from your rejection or clinging to these emotions, as they are impermanent. You are also free to desire food, water, luxuries and such. Suffering comes from clinging to these desires when you cannot fulfill them.
>A desire to remove all desire is a desire in itself. It makes no sense.
The Buddha talked about this using the image of a raft for crossing a river. When you have crossed the river, you leave the raft behind. Just as when you have attained enlightenment, you do not need the Buddha's teachings anymore, as you will be free from all desire and suffering.
Just start naming names, I'll tell you when you get it right lel.
Me going full autism late at night. I was studying and decided to take a break and shitpost on Sup Forums.
it's literally the fucking internet, just
what do you mean why arent we?
there are more buddhists in the world than there are non-buddhists
Then you shouldn't be taking me so seriously then lel, or Sup Forums for that matter.
Still know who you are, though :^)
Buddhists are based and the 969 movement is bringing peace to Burma
why do Korean protestants take religion so seriously?
Daily reminder
every protestant takes religion too seriously, i grew up in a Pentecostal household and the wacky bullshit made me an atheist real fast.
because they are truly the devil.
Islam probably killed most of them.
Buddhism is a sham.
As a vipassana meditator I approve this answer
Based NZ knows
Because Christianity is true and Buddhism is false.
I'm not sure if I can trust you satin.
Now I'm no expert but, there's no room for buddhism to be false. It's just moral guidelines to make you be a better person. Christianity is riddled with voodoo hoodoo doodoo magic n' shieeet. Were christianity not an established religion today, it would be regarded as a cult just as it was in it's early years spreading into europe.