Walk into your room

walk into your room
see this

what do?

them dark elves live like animals

Tell them to gb2/pol/

Turn 360 degrees and walk out.

>what do?
Sieg Heil, Kameraden

shake my ass


Bring my gun and do humanity a favor.

Gas them fucking wh*toids

Hitler would gass these fuckers

I bet they're slavscum

This. Fuck wh*Tes.

If it weren't for the vault and mike's hard lemonade, I would've never guessed these people were American

Based leafbro

Why? Are they too white?


this is the scum that gives nazism a bad rep. look at all that dirt and mess. untidy people should be gassed. look at their boots. dirty. not well kept. their women are drug addict prostitutes not conservative frauleins. there is nigger writing on the walls. one of them has not shaved properly. wearing rings on the beating fist is retarded. can't even draw a proper swastika. eating cereals. drinking lemonade.

go to the garage, get 10L of petrol, torch the house and claim insurance money. if they
run out sprinkle them with more petrol

Ask if they still have my best of Skrewdriver CD. They borrowed it 2 years ago and never gave it back.

>this is the scum that gives nazism a bad rep
Yep, it's totally that. Not the associated history and retarded ideology, it's a bunch of strung out skin heads.
You're a fucking idiot and conservatism is a mental illness.

>associated history
which is completely right
> and retarded ideolo
try harder troll, the ideology is sound

Conservatism and Nazism are not the same thing.

seeing as the dude in blue is about to pass out I try to talk to his girl

As a nonwhite do you think I could pull of the neo nazi look ironically? I think people would give me a pass since I'm not white and wouldn't think much of it. I do like the boots and jacket

Shoot the goblin males, and impregnate the females.

No, this is very representative of all nazis.

>tell them Rammstein is shit
>turn 360 degrees
>walk away autistically

I would unironically shoot them and then ask how the fuck they got into the neighborhood.

cum in my mouth

Check if there`s any beer left for me.

>this is the scum that gives nazism a bad rep.

Call the police and smash their heads with a bat.

this IS nazism

>"Ahh.. hello freunds, you don't mind if my Turkish m8s joining too, do you?"

join the party?

Ironically he would have gassed most neo nazis

threaten the males in order to have my way with the females.

But if you turn 360 degrees you would be walking towards them, and that would also look pretty retarded

>he doesn't know

zip tie the three and hold them for later use

Give them copies of Mit brennender Sorge, reminding them that totalitarian governments and pagan idolatry of race, party, state, nationality, etc. are incompatible with the Catholic faith.

Give them new uniforms and make them clean that mess. So we can start operations.

Find a loudspeaker and toss a coin. If heads, Links 1 2 3. If tails, Nazi Punks Fuck Off. Then run like fuck and lock the door.

good lads.

lift the grey shirt grill to my bed and prepare for the pounding that's about to take place

Would likely try to get in the big tits on the left's pants

spot the plebfag

They're pro DDR leftists lmao

Just another day in America.

Do we have to do this every time?

I think they just went with the "shouting deutscher = nazi".

do these guys realize they're anti-nazi?

look at the boobies

>the neo nazi look
you realise the skinhead look was started by black jamaicans right?

>the ideology is sound
read a book

This. Ignore the shitskins replying to you.

Nazis?! In my kvartira?!

>Nothing personal kids...

Tell these subhuman degenerates to get the fuck out so i can finishing planning my revenge on the kikes

What the? What the fuck are you doing in my bedroom and what did you do with it?!

People that have not accomplish anything in life besides being born white should not be nazis desu

Shoot them. Not even joking

>the skinhead look was started by black jamaicans
Why do wh*tes have to ruin everything?

i want the guy on the left to angry fuck my brains out and brutalize me. that being said, they're trashy af. they need soap. and maybe even jesus. i hate racists.

offer them a "shower"

>what do?

Immediately start sucking the dick of the guy on the left :^)

>go back to pol
>realize I am in real life and get killed

HAEM the skinhead girlyboys
Give their molls the KARA BOĞA

That is not my room

It certainly isn't now

q-q-qt boys

I'd join them of course they look like nice, friendly people

you'd be facing the same way retard

this is neo-nazism. National socialism died in 1945, only loser and lost kid without paternal father jerk off on hitler