Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
I'm at a funeral, what's the video?
How to ruin your political career in 30 seconds.
Nice shoop also not television and film
I only saw a still image. Did they really not film this?
Do you feel in charge?
there's no video
>guardian numale being a little bitch
what does GOP even stand for
Grand Old (white) People
gooks only phaggot
Get Out Please
>Greg Gianforte Assaults Reporter- video
>it's only audio
what did they mean by this?
>muh glasses
Should have broken your jaw, you piece of shit.
Can't be, according to the campaign statement, Ben Jacobs is a fucking judo expert and a one-man infiltration unit.
sounds like he went in where he wasnt wanted and started harassing people and possibly even touched the guy and got his shit slapped
>republican being a knuckle dragging troglodyte
nothing new here
Pretty much every other account tells the opposite, though.
Can't wait for Shane and the entire Gianforte PR team's career to be over when the camera footage turns up.
Where is the video proof?
I expect everything in this day and age to have been recorded so if it is not there I have my doubts.
jesus what a bitch
reporter sounds like such a fag
>pathetic whimpering
well where did this take place? if it was on private property the reporter was in the commission of felony trespassing so violence is permitted, if it was public property it was assault (assuming the reporter didn't touch him first, any physical contact can be construed as violent)
What a pussy. He gets body slammed and instead of defending himself he cries about it on Twitter?
>Y-you just broke my glasses
Jesus Christ.
In a civilized society the cycle of violence is broken by using the state to render justice/
Matching unjust force with force is literally the mark of a barbarian society
>someone just body slammed me for no reason
>better make sure people misinterpret this by punching the other guy
Yes, user, a numale reporter successfully infiltrated a private room full of security personnel and no one even bothered to him to leave on the recording.
Man, imagine the bitching if this was a Breitbart reporter.
He broke my glasses. I can't see goddammit!
There's no excuse for Gianforte's behavior.
>if you dont treat your enemies better than yourself, they win
>Republican is so thin skinned he can't handle a simple question without flying into an autistic rage
Is anyone actually surprised by this?
>body slam reporter
good desu
>He broke my glasses, my eyes are going crazy!
Always fun to see a politician commit suicide.
Why am I unsurprised Sup Forumsfags are completely unfamiliar with how adults are expected to conduct themselves in civilized society
These are also the same faggots that lose their shit about niggers chimping out kek
It's even more fun to see members of the press who harass people all day get their comeuppance
T. Got beaten up too much
There is a big difference between self-defense and an unprovoked attack.
>t-they hurt my feelings!
sticks and stones bitch boy, sticks and stones.
>the people of Montana caring about a faggy reporter getting dropped
Its not about treating them better, its about using the appropriate channels to extract justice instead of violence
See that's the thing. No politician would wantonly assault a reporter and risk their entire fucking career during a heated election. The guy was obviously baited and journo's like Ben should be spanked/pilloried/tarred and feathered for trying to swing an election with such scummy tactics.
>blocks his path
>gets knocked away
Gianforte did nothing wrong.
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
I'm not a Sup Forumsack.
That's irrelevant. You don't respond to senseless violence with more senseless violence.
What other accounts? If it's the buzzfeed witness then I'd hold that with high suspicion.
>if it was on private property the reporter was in the commission of felony trespassing so violence is permitted
listens to Sup Forums once
>he thinks letting himself get beat up is civilized
top cuck. its exactly this sad autistic thinking that got us in a lot of the mess were in now.
Yeah the credentialed reporter with a major news publication definitely should have started throwing punches at a congressional candidate the day before the election
Rule by force, might makes right, these are the foundations of right-wing governing philosophy
You dont, because youve been brainwashed into thinking that you should allow people to hurt you. I genuinely believe that if you think you shouldn't physically defend yourself then there is something drastically wrong with your brain
Have we started the fire?
The fucking recording, for one thing. I don't hear any guards or even Gianforte himself telling the reporter to leave the private property.
But that's besides the point. There is no scenario in which a numale reporter successfully infiltrats a private room full of security guards protecting a nominee. It just doesn't happen.
>Man, imagine the bitching if this was a Breitbart reporter.
yea, sure, i guess, in some hypothetical reality.... but we're instead talking about a guardian reporter who literally ran off and tattled about having his glasses knocked off!
>attempting to talk down to anyone
>get assaulted
>hold perpetrator accountable
>because youve been brainwashed into thinking that you should allow people to hurt you
You're applying middle school logic to situations that don't even fit the criteria.
If self-respect was such a hot topic for you, you wouldn't be posting here, anyway.
So the only recording in which Gianforte himself says "Are you with the Guardian? You guys tried this last time. Get out! Get out!" undeniably referring to him being goaded into a case of battery?
>Man, imagine the bitching if this was a Breitbart reporter.
There would be none
This reminds me of the reporter that tried to sue Trumps bodyguard during the election for touching her and she got BTFO when it was thrown out and they threatened to counter sue her
The Lugenpresse needs to die
>being this humorless
guess it hits too close to home
Do the mods and janitors not give a shit anymore?
>"Are you with the Guardian? You guys tried this last time. Get out! Get out!"
This doesn't prove he was on private property nor does it make Gianforte look any better if he can't handle numales doing their job as reporters.
>goaded into a case of battery
hey retard nobody forced him to body slam the reporter
if he keeps finding himself in situations where he immediately escalates uncomfortable interviews into violence that sounds like his problem
>make a stupid, incoherent post
>get BTFO
>h-heh, i was only pretending anyway...
>middle school logic
Again, youve been brainwashed into thinking that you should let people hurt you. Whether this is because you believe defending yourself is childish and thst you are more mature than that, or because you know you cant defend yourself is anyones guess.
Outside of America, the UK, scandinavis and Germany, people arent completely feminized and will defend themselves. You are literally allowing physical and emotional harm to come to yourseld just so you can say "im better than you". Retarded and you will hang on the day of the rope
wth is a non-graduating senior?
You don't know the whole story and you're already insisting this is a whole pattern of violent behavior. You don't care about the truth.
The party of personal responsibility, everyone!
who died pham?
>This doesn't prove he was on private property nor does it make Gianforte look any better if he can't handle numales doing their job as reporters.
not saying whether or not it proves he was on private property. i'm saying that coincides exactly with a scenario in which ben jacobs attempts (successfully) to provoke a physical reaction out of gianforte so that he'll lose the election and the seat will go to the dems, who can then challenge the healthcare reforms trump and the gop are trying to pass.
>Outside of America, the UK, scandinavis and Germany
So, shitholes? Okay.
>Yeah the credentialed reporter with a major news publication definitely should have started throwing punches at a congressional candidate the day before the election
>it has to be this way starts.flac starts playing
>if he keeps finding himself in situations where he immediately escalates uncomfortable interviews into violence
I'm not insisting anything because my parents weren't siblings and I understand what a hypothetical scenario is.
No it's just the Sup Forums and Sup Forums liberals don't know if they should report this thread or not
This was deleted because it didn't fit the narrative archive.4plebs.org
Is Ben, dare I say it, the Cassandra of our time?
>all those triggered neoliberals
good lol
And, surprise, it's already happening.
Grab Our Pussy
Australia > all of those fag nations
Haha good joke mate top laughs
>i'm saying that coincides exactly with a scenario in which ben jacobs attempts (successfully) to provoke a physical reaction out of gianforte
Can you prove it?
We called them "Super-Seniors" back when I was in highschool, but basically too dumb to graduate, but also too pathetic to just move on and get a job
They were in a room full of people with recording devices, from the sound f it there was no more threat of violence after the initial assault. If the reporter responded in kind it wouldn't have been "defending himself", it would have been retaliation. He handled it the way he should have, I.e. like an adult and not some middle school Sup Forums kiddie posturing on the internet.
Jezebel would be more accurate.
>Let me tell you what is true based on a couple things I've read hundreds if not thousands of miles away
>All while not knowing any of the people involved
Isnt truthery great?
And I'm saying that if Ben Jacobs being annoying is enough to get Gianforte to physically attack him then Gianforte is clearly in the wrong.
We'll have to wait for if this his courts to see what the verdict is, but either way this reporter is openly chomping at the bit to use this as a weapon against his campaign. You know he wants the assault to be as bad as possible, this guy wants his political enemies to punch him so this stuff can happen.
>just body slammed me
How is he able to tweet about it if he can't see without his glasses?
How do you think he got bodyslammed you moronic cunt? He woukd have had to be standing still doing nothing while this guy came towards him and got into a position to body slam
Which begs the question, where is the video he said he had?
>direct link to the source
>reddit spacing
hello pleddit
I'm telling you what would be true if the scenario I described is how it actually happened. We don't know if it is or not, but luckily that's what the word "if" means.
I can see how that might be confusing if you read below a third grade level
One rarely is able to prove anything definitively during cases like these, as a bystander. Regardless, to deny conspiracies or hidden motives at play during political happenings is naive.
>Im telling you this is what would have happened if it happened
>But who knows
>Ur dumb though
Plebbit debate tactics are an amazing example of cognitive dissonance
He's likely to get more votes because of this not less. The only side that even remotely cares about tabloid harassers and their worthless lives are on the left. Even if he shot the guy he'd break even.