Should it be more liberalised or fought against ?
what's the best way to get rid as much as possible of this degenerate habit?
Opinions on prostitution ?
I have mixed feelings on this. At the one hand, it's gonna exist either way (world's oldest profession and all that) and legalization would help prevent sex slavery by eliminating clandestine character of the practice. Also I'm not sure if consensual sex should be banned in any case. At the other hand, it may be said that it spreads degenerate, exploitative attitudes about sex - although it's a demand rather than supply problem. All in all I would support controlled legalization.
Fun fact: in Poland prostitution itself is legal, but profiting from someone else's prostitution (i.e. pimping, recruiting, providing places for the activity) is not, thus bizarrely prostitution income is tax free - because otherwise the government would have to convict itself for being a pimp.
The world's oldest profession is always going to exist, get used to it. I think it should be legal and regulated, however the whores need to be regularly screened.
Hell maybe just restrict prostitution to tested non-citizens. Let the degenerates fuck imported whores who can be deported after they get too dirty.
it should be legal, desu. I can walk outside and get a bj for 15 bucks from a straight up 8/10 polish 20-30 year old. Or i can drive into the city and spend the whole night with some dirty ukrainian 9/10 for 100-200 all without having to worry about any police shit.
i'm not sure how to feel about this, if there was a way to make sure these people use condom then maybe it'd be ok, the thought of someone fucking a whore that probably has 3-4 STIs unprotected and then going back home and touching his children makes me sick
also that's some based laws Poland
Here are what I think the prices I am willing to pay if they are ever legalized prostitution for 10/10 girls
12 10000 dollars p/hr
13 6000 dollars p/hr
14 4000 dollars p/hr
15 2500 dollars p/hr
16 1500 dollars p/hr
17 800 dollars p/hr
18 500 dollars p/hr
19 450 dollars p/hr
20 400 dollars p/hr
21 350 dollars p/hr
22-24 300 dollars p/hr
25-27 200 dollars p/hr
28-30 100 dollars p/hr
31-35 50 dollars p/hr
36+ 25 dollars p/hr
i really hope you get screened every now and then
STI are transmitted also normal sex (so the same guy you think about may just have sex with non-prostitute and do the same thing) and in any case legalization would help introduce mandatory screening etc.
Based, but they also created massive tax evasion loophole, several years ago it appeared most Polish prostitutes are fat, bald, middle-aged men.
Good and bad.
The problem is casual sex amongst the regular people. We fucj and fuxj and fuck and don't have kids. No wonder njggers and muds are winning.
Family is a forgotten concept.
Casual Sex is degenerate. Fun as shit. But degenerate as fuck.
it should be legalized . like all blue laws, and all general prohibition, its banning just creates black markets where the truly undesirable effect (eg. spread of disease, human trafficking and enslavement of the whores, etc.) are only more pronounced than they would be if things were allowed to be open.
of course there's another real pragmatic reason that it's prohibited (maintaining marriage/'romantic partnerships' value), but that is a) a ship long sailed and b) was never good to begin with.
>10/10 12 year olds
Sex is a commodity like massage or someone delivering a pizza for you. I see no reason to not make it legal.
If you ban prostitution, you might as well ban masturbation, as sex with a prostitute is basically masturbation with another person.
I will follow literally what muh liberal media will say.
what kind of product are you REALLY buying?
He is buying service
Imagine they tax you for masturbation lol
While promoting sex everywhere.
Or tax anyone giving a head or the other holes. Becuse this is like a gift and gifts are taxed.
He is buying self-esteem.
In my opinion, it serves less purpose than alcohol or even cigarettes. What conversation involves fucking a prostitute or talking about fucking a prostitute. We give cigarettes and alcohol the benefit of the doubt, because they are socializers; even a lot of religious people aren't truly against them. But prostitution carries only selfish value, like selling gluttony or addiction, but without the social aspect of it (such as eating food with someone, or having sex with a wife or girlfriend). Degeneracy itself is not the problem; it's that we treat degeneracy as the reward for handwork rather than the title one earns for working hard.
>it's gonna exist either way (world's oldest profession and all that)
Always in a poor country or a country that is literally falling apart.
> I can walk outside and get a bj for 15 bucks from a straight up 8/10 polish 20-30 year old.
What benefit do you get from having sex with a stranger?
I mean, without the flag, I'd guess you lived in Germany, because your country is a piece of shit.
It exists in US, the richest and most powerful country in the world, so I fail to see your point.
Oh god my sides!
>illegal prostitution
>all the roads leading out of town have girls waving goodbye
I don't think that there needs to be "a social aspect" or other benefits for society. Sexual pleasure is a thing most people want, but some can't get. Sex with a prostitute should be considered very different than sex with your wife or gf. Sex with a prostitute is purely a purchase of pleasure. The prostitute should be considered as a perfect sex doll in the act, not as a partner.
Holy shit
He's buying dick massage get over it
>Always in a poor country or a country that is literally falling apart.
Not even a little true, unless you believe that all countries have always been in a constant state of falling apart.
it is cheaper and safer and probably quicker to massage it itself
well, probably less exciting too
touching girls tits and butt at the same time will always feel better than mastrubating
you can get a disease which will end your journey
also if you are a poorfag you are fucked by literally everything, especially in "neoliberal democracy" where literally nothing healthy is for free because muh greed is good and shit
Burn all degenerate porn like Hitler did
shut down porn websides
Make a Reichskristalnacht on everthing sexrelated that is against 2 people lifelong partnership
Prohibit any form of prostetution and sexual liberation
Death penalty (just like on any other form of degeneration)
Problem solved.
Only virgins believe in the STD meme.
>he is buying self-esteem.
Good kek polbro.
It's fine and needs to remain legal. Because otherwise men will rape if they can't get laid.
No, extramarital sex should be punishable by death.
perhaps but if you are poor every disease is a kill
here you wait literally 2-3 years for a specialist
also muh religion
I dont remember a rape epidemic in the 3rd Reich
He shut down the red lights streets and burned porn books and some reds shit.
fukken THIS, why don't people accept this? Even in the middle ages prostitution was tolerated so that men didn't just sperg out from horniness and go rape the village milkmaid.
>I dont remember a rape epidemic in the 3rd Reich
Maybe not by Germans...
I used to be for legalization and have since started changing my mind. Enough European countries have started to reconsider the state of legalized prostitution after underwhelming results. If the evidence is there why bother.
These days everyone is a slut, having sex before marriage with multiple partners. If you can get paid for it then what is the harm?
Well, prostetution was banned and germans didnt rape. This is my point.
I believe this would work in other Europian countries with a propper Führer.
I can speak from expirience that the russian people would either not touch a women and defend and women if a rape is attended or criminals.
It's degenerate.
Prostitutes and pimps should be hung publicly.
What they really need to get rid of is currency so people can work at their passion out of love for life. Scientists just had an ALS breakthrough using money from the ice bucket challenge. Imagine the breakthroughs if currency didn't exist and everyone worked together as one family.
I acctually had this view for a view months when I was 17.
Dont worry it gets better :^)
No worries. You will grow out of it once you turn 18.
It doesn't matter if you legalise it or not, women will always sell sex for money or good.
All you can do is legalise it and regulate it, make sure brothel has cleaning standards and the girls are not slaves or have been kidnapped
If everyone just "follows their passion" then there will be a society of artists and scientists. Everybody wants to be important but nobody wants to scrub the toilets.
>artistists and scientists
no its only artists and they look like pic related
Only way i'll ever get puss. I've fucked myself up enough that no sane woman would want me and it's unfair for me to expect anyone to want me. In the meantime is still have needs and would like to experience sex at least once in my life.
Maybe i'll just take the plunge and buy a sexdoll. They're getting pretty cheap these days.
>Death penalty (just like on any other form of degeneration)
Start with yourself, please
I am not a degenerate, sorry.