Is this one of the most kino Disney flicks?
Is this one of the most kino Disney flicks?
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Literally the most boring nothing movie
this 100%
It was bad
But the girl was the sexiest Disney creation ever
top notch songs
Really boring aside from a couple of decent songs, but cuz "MUH BROWN GIRLS UNITE XS" Gisnip has a hit on their hands. Frozen and Zootopia were better films.
I honestly can't even remember a song from frozen aside from the most known one.
Moanna has 4 I can easily remember.
any webms of the qt
He could fit her entire head in his mouth.
If you watch the extra stuff on the bluray it reveals it was actually going to be even more boring.
The main premise and plot beats are fine, if generic, but they could have worked great if everything else wasn't so tame
Then you didn't actually watch it. Most Frozen songs were 9/10, 10/10 Disney easily.
I remember Do you want to build a snowman and let it go
Your welcome
I liked moana better maybe I just have a shit memory
I wanna fuck her so badly, just one more year and she'll be legal.
>tfw i know a girl who looks like moana
want to get into her pants, lads
So? You think then she's gonna knock on your door and fuck you?
If Miranda Cosgrove was hot
No, but at least I can finally look for nudes for her without worrying about the FBI.
Okay so the story is about a society of explorers who gave up the exploring in favor of safety and security. Obvious metaphor for, ya know, humanity as a whole.
Then maui represents humanity's desires to prove their worth/value. Who has been stripped of all his influence and banished to an island for fuckin up some shit.
I thought I had a question but I kinda realize now I didn't.
haven't seen it yet, but I love You're Welcome
it's so fucking good
the FBI doesn't care. They only care if you're producing the nudes.
>Most Frozen songs were 9/10, 10/10 Disney easily.
No they were shit
Why do recent disney movies have such shitty stories
Because they're afraid to do anything interesting and they're marketing to the braindead.
I was thinking of a question about what the movie was about, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask it.
You were probably mixing up if you had a question or if I had a question.
Thanks for answering the question user.
Because Cinderella had a good story? Snow White... Sleeping Beauty...?
I mean, Disney movies were always shit. They have good songs and good animation and that's it.
No one watches a fucking Disney movie for story.
I was trying to figure out who/what maui represented, but then I figured it out, and didn't really have any questions left. But still not quite sure of something.
I guess the crab asshole represents billionaires. As they can't really be considered human anymore.
Kino, no. But I like it better than frozen. It certainly is a better hero myth, and for once the ending isn't babies ever after.
>Wall-e on the other hand
>Because Cinderella had a good story? Snow White... Sleeping Beauty...?
Yes. There's a reason these stories are hundreds of years old.
Cinderella had so little story that they had to create an entire mice B-plot for it to even work.
Because they've been adapted and adjusted and retold in manners that better suit contemporary sensibilities?
negro cinderella is basically the book of fucking job except for women.
Recent Disney movies (with the exception of Zootopia) are just excuses to sell songs to little girls. One could argue that's always been the case but Disney movies used to have something for everyone to enjoy. Now their demographic isn't "kids"--it's literally little girls and you get stories written as such.
I want to fuck the shit out of her
>Yes. There's a reason these stories are hundreds of years old.
because they were made hundreds of years ago
Sorry. my fault. I assumed people would be able to extrapolate from this sentence, but I forgot to account for autistic faggots, so let correct myself:
There's a reason these stories are hundreds of years old and are still around.
>and are still around.
Yeah a lot harder to get rid of stories these days.
Can't burn one library and expect the story to just go away.
Best Disney movie I've seen since forever.
Better than Wreck-It-Ralph?
I saw it less than two weeks ago and I barely remember it. Sure, I'm a retard, but it was really nothing special.
It was average. They were at sea for most of it doing nothing and arguing a little bit.
Reading this thread I'm surprised at the hate it's getting.
Biggest criticism I could say is that it's formulaic and has a few flat lines (Twitter gag is gonna age like milk) but everything it does it does really well. I enjoyed it as much as Wreck it Ralph and Frozen.
Nah, it was terrible.
Every time I see this image it fills me with rage. Stop ruining kino posting you faggot.
This is bait, no one's this stupid
It was meh, wreck it ralph and zootopia are miles above it.
it was ruined once it meant nothing but "something I like." ya know, the first time it was uttered.
>one of
Not even close Sweetheart.
Did anyone else cry at the end? Btw, I am a white racist neo-nazi.
No but came close when she was leaving the first time and when her grandmother came back to her.
I cry all the time in movies now though. I cried at an episode of Frasier the other day where Martin gives his son the Robogeek for Christmas. I've seen the episode dozens of times.
I think I have problems I need to address.
>I cry all the time in movies now though
I don't know what is wrong with me I'm almost 30 and I cry or get choked up at the stupidest shit, even commericals. Started happening recently. The worse is when I'm watching something with people and I don't get to appreciate what I'm watching and let my faggot depressive emotions come out and it ruins the film.
I swear if you post that shit one more time I'm going to beat you.
welcome to adulthood
Its pretty neat
I like that Maui is a shitter who fucked everything up and knows it
I'm 32 and it's the same issue. It's either repressed emotional problems or increased empathy imo.
It's strange because while that episode of Frasier will make me cry I don't cry at anything else in my life. In fact I can't remember the last time I cried that wasn't aided by a film. Might be because I get no emotional responses in my regular life (because nothing good or bad happens anymore) that film now fulfils that emotional need.
>this entire post
Literally me.
wait'll you have a kid. i have a 2 year old son and, holy fucking shit, anything remotely sentimental turns me into goddamn niagara falls. last time it was the song puff the magic dragon.
Holy shit, this.
I have a three year old and I get teary at the dumbest sentimental shit.
>forgetting Big Hero 6
Goddamn that movie was shit.
>remember It's an academy award winner
Further proof that those awards are meaningless
Kek, There was maybe one good song in Frozen. The rest were mediocre to dogshit
>Just one more year
Isn't she 16?
This movie was garbage
1. Boring characters. Both of them look disgusting. Moana looks generic at best.
2. Entire boring plotline on a fucking boat
3. Rehashed backstories. Moana is an Ariel rip off
4. Jokes are flat or they trying to be meta
5. Songs were horrible, so forgetable and not catchy at all. They were mostly spewing exposition in most cases.
6. The forced chicken and little tatoo guy tried too hard as typical Disney mascots
7. The cute lovable pig was false advertising, and didn't actually go on the quest as the trailers implied he would
8. That fucking ending, good to know the main hero is responsible for the death of everyone who ever dies, and not only goes scott free, but also gets rewarded
Seriously fuck this movie. A typical production made by black suits and created out of every Disney archetype. Seriously making a main character a woman or black will automatically have critics rate this as 95% on rotten tomatoes. Fucking brainless SJW's.
I hate you so much right now.
Looks 18 to me.
Shut the fuck up you retard
In the same boat niggas. I got a son and anything father/son related ruins me
This pasta is so fucking bad
I feel your pain, bro. I too wish that this reddit created meme word would get the fuck off of Sup Forums for good.
Sadly it seem every day we get a new batch of reddiors who think it's ultra funny to use this word on Sup Forums.
t. SJW
I'll put a trigger warning on it next time.
I like it, was not perfect but a solid movie 7/10
The songs in Moana are not timeless, and wont be remembered 25yrs from now. Same problem with Frozen. The songs are generic disposable, flavor of the moment bubble gum pop songs.
Frozen, and Moana both suffer from shitty modern day pop-songs that sounded like they belonged more on a High School Musical/ Glee soundtrack than in a timeless Disney animated classic.
>>Just one more year