You guys ever wonder why there aren't that many stewie/peter episodes?
You guys ever wonder why there aren't that many stewie/peter episodes?
Never realized that but you're totally right.
I personally believe it's because all of Seth's voiced characters are different parts of his personality.
Brian - Quite obviously just Seth MacFarlane in dog form
Stewie - Seth's repressed and suppressed homosexuality and violent thoughts. (Like Jung's theorized and famous "Shadow")
Peter - Peter is Seth's dad and older men he grew up with in New England.
This is all important because Seth wants to keep his hidden sexual and violent urges from his father and the traditional New England culture he grew up in.
Yeah that's disappointing.
What plotline is he gonna have that wouldn't be better suited to use chris with?
I think the last one was where they went to Disney Land and Stewie was nearly molested or something?
Some of their moments are funny. Like when Peter left Stewie at the park and came home with a different baby, but then the rest of the episode was just about Peter being an idiot.
Maybe they can't make chemistry happen for a whole episode between them anymore. It was easier to sell Stewie being extremely gay.
to be fair, that episode wasnt really that great
family guy stopped being about family, humour and parody then just became Seth mcfuckface's political soapbox after the hiatus
Because peter wouldn't be able to stop fucking the baby
Because he's so freaking horny
Peter those are Cheerios.
That bit is a lot funnier than this meme
Shut up meg
>Sup Forums are now stealing memes from facebook
oh dear oh dear
Sup Forums as a whole has been aping twitter/normiebook memes for years now SENPAI
>what's your name
>uh, uh pea
>uh, uh...uh tear
>oh crap
One of the only genuine laughs I ever got out of this series
Holy freakin crap Lois this is almost like that time I was in freakin minecraft
Joe: "you know I don't think you should do this peter, minecraft is retarded
Peter: joe I'm tellin you put me in the freakin bricks
Ok peter
JOE: peter you can't do anything now, I'm telling you this wasn't a good idea
Beter: joe I'm freakin horny bring my wife here so I can have sex with her
Stewie: what the deuce??
Peter: on second thought bring the baby
That joke is funny, fuck you
I've been watching the first 3 season of Family Guy and goddamn it was actually a funny show. I have no fucking idea what happened when it came back after cancellation, but it just went completely downhill and relies on nothing but edgy humor and contrived plots that end up going nowhere.
Why couldn't it have just stuck to being an animated sitcom with pop culture jokes? Why did Joe turn into the show's punching bag? Is it just because he's "lol crippled?" are cripples the Asians of handicapped people who it's socially acceptable to make fun of as opposed to retards and blacks? Why do all the characters hate each other? Is it supposed to be funny? It's not.
The Death episode with Norm Macdonald voicing death is probably the best episode in the series.
I fucking love that episode it's funny the entire time, feels bad Seth McFarlane is just ruining the show.
Nehehehehe hey Lois check it out
*whips Nae nae*
BETER: what's the big deal Luis don't be such a stick in the mud
*meg whips naenae*
*beter whups meg*
Joe: peter
>Thank God! It's Karen Black!
>She landed a busted plane in Airport '75?
>It was a movie, in the '70s.
>Ah, you damn kids with your music.
>Don't worry, I'll be back
>Really Really Soon
>ahha, is he joking?
>Pter's mom wlaks in
>now where did my dildo go
>sees ALphabeswt soup
>pteer thoss are chdeerios
i dont watch this show: so can they like, understand the baby?
No they just have sex with it
There are Facebook memes about petuh fuck the baby?
>I've been watching the first 3 season of Family Guy and goddamn it was actually a funny show
t. reddit
>I fuck the baby
It's because Stewie can only be understood by Brian, Chris, or side characters. And with Stewie not being an "evil baby" anymore there's little you can do with him without communication
>he fuck the baby
What is this meme's endgame?
gross fan art
when the plot needs them too. usually only the dog can though.
This is more embarrassing than the time I forgot how to walk!
>Cutaway gag to Peter falling down the stairs
Now play the game Sup Forums, did that gag actually occur in the show or not?
We're long since past that point
People still watch this shit?
never noticed this but you're right i guess
Joe became a punching bag because he was the only person on the show who wasn't an inherent jackass and Meg started to get treated a bit better after the one episode where she beat up her aunt in a wrestling match so badly that she put her in a coma.