If Donald loses to Hillary, should the South Secede and elect Trump as their leader with a Saudi Arabia-type Monarchy?

If Donald loses to Hillary, should the South Secede and elect Trump as their leader with a Saudi Arabia-type Monarchy?

Because Southern secession worked so well the first time.

It's already over. Trump has shown himself to be too retarded. Enjoy 8 years of shillary

That was over 150 years ago.

This will be a friendly secession

We are more divided now than we were before the first civil war.
Another one is coming and I'm preparing.
If you're smart you will too.

>the secede meme

And you enjoy the 2 cents deposited into your account. Thank you for supporting Shillary!

>This will be a friendly secession
How so? What makes you think the fed would let you off easily?

t. remainer

NATO will bomb us southerners like they did to Serbians if we ever acted uppity

I don't think the FED will kill Americans. I'm sure NATO Members in Europe would though