Why does coffee smell great but taste like shit?

why does coffee smell great but taste like shit?

Because it’s for men sweetie

>taste like shit


Because you're a literal child

bump nigger

it tastes like it smells, burnt

>maybe if i like grown up things like my dad he will tolerate that i am a disgusting neet

>I'm a grown up up! I drink beer and eat bacon too!

Coffee is literally a drink whose purpose is not to make you feel good either from its taste or effect but rather to keep you conscious for longer periods of time so you can keep working. It harms your stomach and messes with your central nervous system. Metaphors including coffee are always related to the grimness of reality ("wake up and smell the coffee"). Every single thing about coffee implies unhappiness. It is a vile beverage.

shoutenings to manchilds :DDDD

majority of people drink it like ice cream or chocolate milk, so that's irrelevant

>majority of people drink it like ice cream or chocolate milk

You're only proving my point and making the analogy with reality that much stronger.

ass smells pretty bad but tastes great

not really, even more people drink decaf...so its purpose is subsumed

>coffee itself is shit but it's not shit because i mix it with other ingredients to mask its shit

>tea manchildren still at it

i don't mix anything, stop pretend to know me

coffee itself doesn't have a purpose, it is used by people for as just a drink, there is decaf, there is super sweet ice coffee more ice than coffee and there is flavored roasted coffee and so on

i don't think it's shit and i don't mask it at all

You have your reasons to like it, I have my reasons to dislike it. Let's leave it at that, friend.

stop with the personal attacks

Fuck off you mongrel son of a bitch.


but the problem is it tastes really bad. it's bitter, stains your teeth, gives you bad breath ruining it for everyone around you. here people constantly sip disgusting turkish black tar-like coffee with lots of residue and my delicate nostrils have to endure their nauseating thick coffee breath, it's just sickening. it also fucks up your bowels and makes you a jittery asshole all the time
people who enjoy that poison are just not human

coffee is easier to clean than tea
this is absolutely provable

also it is habit forming and you can get withdrawal symptoms

but people have liked worst things

Nearly everything in life that is somewhat enjoyable is bad for you. You just need to pick what’s worth it, and what isn’t.

Being a Vegan who obstains from any and all mind-altering substances, and doesn’t indulge in any TV or internet entertainment just doesn’t seem all that better of a life than being a heroin junkie.

>tries out instant coffee
>omg why is it bad
Well, you see...

Because your coffee isn't brazilian

I don't understand how people can enjoy coffee, I literally can't swallow that shit because it's so disgusting. Even the smell disgusts me

For some reason I don't like the taste of either coffee or beer. I like strong, black tea though.

try gourmet coffee

Youre not supposed to like it. Its toxic. Anyone who says they like the taste of black coffee is fucking lying.