His country"men" put sugar in the coffee

>his country"men" put sugar in the coffee

>putting sugar in any drink

Found the wagecuck normie

>no one in my family drinks coffee with sugar


>Putting anything in your coffee

>"niggers should be murdered because they dont work"
>"LOL fucking wagecucks LOL normies contributing to society"


>not putting migrant tolerance pill in coffee before heading out to get ganged raped all in the name of love

The fuck are you talking about? Putting sugar in your coffee is childish, regardless of one's employment status.


>mfw my countrymen dilute both coffee and tea with sugar, milk, and other assorted wank

How do I start drinking coffee Sup Forums?

I have drunken it a few times in cafes but I don't really want to go to coffee shops to try out

I don't. I use splenda.

Are you guys joking ? Do you really mix coffee or tea with milk ?

>putting salt or pepper on your meat
>putting ketchup on your fries
>putting cinnamon on your oatmeal

I don't drink coffee tbqh it tastes disgusting

Putting salt on food just enhances the taste of your food
Putting sugar in coffee just changes the taste and makes it absolutely disgusting, only wagecucks and normies do this because they hate coffee

No, that's dumb. To enchant the taste I put cream sometimes

>drinking coffee
firing squad

>not putting in a boatload of saccharin

In your coffee or in your tea ?
Do Russians also do this ?

>sugar in coffee
>not drinking the strongest coffee available and enjoying it

>not drinking female ejaculate


Well steppe people always put milk/cream in the tea, they don't drink it otherwise. Russians may or may not do this, it's all about what kind of tea it is.
But I was talking about coffee originally, we don't have any particular coffee culture here.

>his country men drink coffee.

You don't. coffee is fucking disgusting and it's only consumed by complete degenerates. Just have some water.

>water stimulates you

>people no have same taste than me!!!! degeneracy!!!!

>Drinking coffee
Literally a Jewish drug to squeeze more money out of the cattle.

>he doesn't like coffee both sweetened and sugarless
I can't believe plebs like this exist in twenty-seventeen (2017)

A post as cancerous of this should not go un-mutted.


>his country "men" eats soy

>his country "men" care about others' opinion on wheter putting sugar in coffee is "manly" or not

If you drink gourmet coffee then you don't put sugar in it, but if you don't and you consume black roast than you must to counter the acidic effect.