there will be spoilers in this thread, you are warned.
Survivor Finale Thread
First for BB
Second for BB
You think andrea will hook up with cirie's son after the reunion?
Culpepper fucked it up so hard that he deserves all this salt in the wound.
>season sucked so badly they're playing what if
nicole winning was unreal
>Tai, why is this game so hard for you emotionally
Well he's a faggot, so.
That's nice that Jeff finally revealed the tiebreaker rule. And it's a pretty good one.
Russell won Samoa in Jeff's Reunion Special
I wonder how many times they've fucked already
>manipulator irl
remind me not to date tai
It was worth it seeing little gingerbread man get BTFO. At least Nicole is cute and an actual fan of the show.
Buttslut winning was better.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on nat and james? He leaked her nudes so she is suing him? Was she as fake as the things on her chest all along? Also post the nudes lads
same, i thought they were gonna pick paul for the studio win pick but they actually chose the one who actually played the game
not really, she had 3 locked in votes and Paul had two, each grabbed other two and she won
>He leaked the nudes
>tfw Aubry will never EVER be your gf and hold your hand at the movies
Just kill me 2bh
If Devin was casted this season would he have made jury?
>Was she as fake as the things on her chest all along?
/bbg/ was already saying this by week 2. If you were fooled by her that's you're fault.
Natalie ruined everything.[/spoiled]
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go
/trannypropaganda/ time
awaiting nat nudes
>cultural milestone
christ, jeff
Would it be gayer to fuck Zeke or Bailey Jay?
Why were they allowed to shows Zeke's nipples?
I was disgusted when I saw her shirtless
What I don't understand is that the only "person" who "outed" that tranny faggot was CBS.
Jeff Varner about to get btfo
Zeke and cis fucking white male up next
boi pussy beats trany cunt
Rhetorical question my dude
ITT we wait for the nat nudes
Because she has no tits. And a hairy chest to boot.
How do you go from this
Implants were a mistake
Bailey got really fat tho
How many nicolefags are there?
he was "outed" several years ago in his college newspaper, this whole shit is just for publicity
Come on CBS, at least tell us a little about the new Big Brother.
Will Varner kill himself live?
she's on my shortlist for sure
anyone else's tv just blank out?
question for BB fags
do you like Julie Chen?
she seems like the most robotical person, and for me she's shit as host. Probst is miles ahead.
Pressing F to pay my respects.
Nips aren't as busted up as I expected tho
zeke looks fucking pissed that cbs is running with this lol
Not a BB fag but Probst will never be topped.
i have never liked her but she's such a staple that it wouldn't be the same without people saying that she's looking fine tonight
Bravo zeke for showing your tits on national television
>I don't wanna be known as the trans survivor
I don't care I'm not a showfag
she's okay.
>getting "outed" as a trans is the biggest game changing moment in survivor history
This show is fucking garbage.
>reminder that BBOTT was played on levels never seen before
There was one posting on /sci/ for a while who claimed he was not the OG nicolefag. So at least two
dubs and Varner pulls out a gun
>>No vets
She's okay. But Jeff has more charisma and is overall better.
>"Zeke...tell me... how could you choose to be such a monster"
Jesus Christ, Jeff
>it wasn't scripted
Do you believe him, Sup Forums?
the bigger question is if nicolefag has a phantom?
She's married to the CBS CEO.
She has her own daily show on the network too
It's Season 2 Varner
Poor zeke, cbs is shoving this in millions faces just for a quick buck. How much you wanna bet thst they fed him a script right now?
when is he going to kill himself?
I spotted one in the Samurai Jack finale sticky last week end.
I was disgusted
I'm confused about Sarah. Someone's I want her to wrestle me down, handcuff me and then sit on my face...other times she disgusts me. What do?
She is worse than Jeff obviously, but the latter is getting on my nerves this season. Julie wouldn't try to force stupid shit, she would just half-ass it and go home.
awwe nice
>(((Hollywood Reporter)))
unfortunate. Zeke seemed cool.
wish i was a trap so people would read my musings
Does Zeke have a working pp?
>zeke's contract to appear was void when personal doxx info was revealed by another player
>Zeke then asked for 2 million dollars to allow CBS access to air the episodes
Oh yeah... poor Zeke
I like Zeke. And this was a genuinely interesting story.
But enough already, there are like 15 other people left to talk to!
time to grill this white male for being a despicable human being
afaik (s)he hasn't had the surgery
lel I almost forgot about misting black twitter and tarans meme maker
OTT was a wild ride
>Julie wouldn't try to force stupid shit, she would just half-ass it and go home.
Julie doesn't give a shit, and that's probably a good thing.
"""""Deservedly so"""""
Ahaahahahahahah holy fuck jeff
Varner, why are you such a piece of shit human being?
I haven't heard of this. Is this speculation/bullshit, or do you have some sort of source?
Aubrey or Hannah?
poor Cochran. Probst just uses his lifeless body at this point to poke fun. poor guy is depressed as fuck
Varner's victim speech is so fucking contrived
>michaela confirmed for a third season
please stop
how about you bring back Jay instead
Cochran is the worst winner ever.
I want Jay and Joe on a season tag teaming the qts
holy shit cochran is banging aubry?
>You'll never relive OTT
>that fucking bitch julie chink
Tell me Sup Forums, if you could bring back one player (who hasn't already been on more than once) who would it be? I choose Burton.
Could we have a new Survivor couple?
Brian Heidik
good lord