Shitskins ruined Merkel's holidays

Merkel goes on holiday.
Then a rapefugee kills a women with a kebab knife. A shitskin murders people in Nice. A rapefugee blows himself up in Ansbach. A shitskin shoots up Munich. Two rapefugees murder a priest in France.

At least half the terrorists came as Merkel's guests, aka refugees. So the press goes:
> It's all Merkel's fault!
> We must halt asylum for muslims until the situation is safe again!
> We must deport failed asylum seekers sooner!
> We must act against extremists!
> If the terrorists were all known criminals, why haven't they been deported?!?

In light of all this, Merkel comes back from her holidays prematurely. Thank you shitskins for ruining Merkel's holidays!

Other urls found in this thread:

my heart is bleeding for her

there must have been a shit skin being denied a blow job at some pre school, so shes gotta go help

dubs decide where merkel had holiday

> W. Bush horse ranch

As if its her fault. Fucking Germany hasn't learned to multicultural yet, so islamophobia and racism are rampant and prevent these refugees from integrating right.

Also, not every attack is "terrorism". Fucking racist media man

She goes for Holiday always to the same place, the Uckermark.

>implying she gives a shit about dead white people

>step one: ruin Merkel's holiday
>step two: silence media so they can't ruin Merkel's holiday again
>step three: Merkel takes a new holiday
Horay for tolerance!

then why dont you have dubs?

Where did she go on holiday? Germany or abroad?

Uh... I think you should preface her with the correct honorific .. Mother or Mutti Merkel your mannerless fucking edgelord.

>she ruins europe and indirectly causes terrorist attacks
>gets her holidays ruined
I'd say she got off lightly

I have figured out a solution.

Obviously we can't blame the "tanned germans" that are raping/murdering/stealing, but we can ban the source.... which is tanning beds.

Punish the tool, not the user!

Merkel Obaaasaamaa okay desu?

Has she even said anything yet?

Also, pic related.

define "integrate"

foreigners will never accept european values to their full extent, by bringing them in you are only moving european society backwards several generations as you are forced to meet the savages in the middle

can't wait until one of these shitskins goes on a rampage screaming "death to democracy, kill all atheists" so you can get a reality check

PK heute um 13 Uhr. Die Fotze möchte ein paar Worte an die Nation richten.

Shitskins ruined nothing.

She will go back to throwing innocent Germans into prison for saying that terrorists are bad, just like usual. And as usual, nobody will do anything to stop her and she will eventually come for all of us... until ISIS is in Hamburg and Berlin and begins to take over entire German cities, by which time it will be too late and Merkel will be on the first airplane out to California.

And you know that I'm right.

Germany is lost. Run for your lives.

You are a disgrace to your ancestors. Stay and fight like a man.

Hoffentlich tritt sie zurück. Träumen kann man ja.


Well German bro I don't think liberals don't have a clear definition of what multiculturalism or diversity is. For example here in America immigration mostly from Mexico does not count as diversity. In your case it's Muslims. Fuck globalist and their agenda to destroy countries.

Kyber pass

Turkish baths

"Wir müssen jetzt alle zusammen stehen. - Schwere Zeiten. - Nicht den Mut verlieren. - Hass ist keine Lösung. - blablabla"


Indeed. Propably that one too.

>foreigners will never accept european values to their full extent, by bringing them in you are only moving european society backwards several generations as you are forced to meet the savages in the middle
very well put pedro. if you go to one of their shithole countries, you'll be expected to follow ALL laws and culture. when they come to our countries, the countries are expected to bend to suit them. fuck everything about that

man, I wish I was in Germany right now

I mean, this fucking story already opened my mind

two girls willingly became hores and then give the dude the money because he asked them to do so, because he wanted to become an astronaut

yeah right

I am sure they had the wetest moment in their lifes. Horing for someone else.

And the dude just got a commmunitary service.
>such envy

South African ghetto

Goddamn it Germany. This woman is a hero and just because you are getting beheaded you ruin her vacation? What a bunch of islamophobe betamales...

Your ancestors were valiant, the German war machine will never be resurrected. Why even live?

chequed dem treys

>clumsy priest in France tríps and accidentaly injures himself
>French kids traumatised

Merkel speech generator.

>Punish the tool, not the user!
So... Ban all guns?


I hope she's the next victim, the ignorant bitch.
I don't think there's been a bigger fuck up by president/pm in the last 5 years than her fuck up.

A beautiful leaf. Czeched.

>dat id

Allahu Akbar Hasanbegoviću

A wonderful holiday of watching a bizarre show with other world leaders to celebrate the opening of a train tunnel perhaps?

> shitskins ruined Merkel's holidays

More like
> Merkel ruined Germany

I like how it took her three days to respond and speak to her people. Makes her seem even more fucking useless.

Shit when things go down in France, at least Hollande mans up and gets straight into pointless damage control.

>can't wait until one of these shitskins goes on a rampage screaming "death to democracy, kill all atheists" so you can get a reality check

Don't count on it, Jose, not gonna happen. Stupid germans had their national pride and national values COMPLETELY eradicated out of them by their liberal media. They won't wake up...ever. They are too stupid to do so.

It's a fucking shame, really...
>Germany is lost. Run for your lives.
Pretty much, so pack your family, fortune, technology and weaponry and move to Eastern Europe where you'll live among white and destroy what you can't bring. Leave them nothing. It worked great for Stalin in 1941.

If I think about it...this image is actually very true!!

Krautfags does your country have no provisions to impeach this bitch

is the population not crying out to end the cancer of immigration

>be german
>go outside
>get beheaded


>be german
>go outside
>wait maybe i should stay inside
>get beheaded by refugee live in

ayy lmao

This IS Insane

Hang the catalysts: Blair and Bush.

Lock the reaction up for the rest of her days: Merkel.

>At least half the terrorists came as Merkel's guests, aka refugees.
No ?

>be german
>born in Iran

In our country they were.

> clumsy priest


Just like the friendly tanned ice cream delivery man.

> oh my i've accidentally hit the accelerator, I don't know how to stop this thing, people don't run, I have ice cream for you!

"Der Islam gehört zu Deutschland. - ALLE Religionen stehen vereint gegen den Extremismus. - Der Islam gehört zu Deutschland. - Pegida trägt HASS im Herzen. - Es ist doch nicht ihre Schuld, dass sie sich mit ihrem Buch besser auskennen. Gehen wir öfter in die Kirche.

> Germany is lost bla bla

No. As good Europeans, the right thing to do is to prevent these shit for brains cucks to leave their self made hellhole. What do you think is going to happen when you let two mil Germans into Hungary? They'll behave like the shitskins, just organize better. Don't encourage them to spread their mental disease.

Wir können gewaltbereite, polizeibekannte und radikalisierte Muslime, deren Asylantrag abgelehnt wurde, nicht einfach so abschieben, wenn in ihrer Heimat Lebensgefahr besteht. Außerdem möchte ich nochmals betonen: ASYL KENNT KEINE OBERGRENZE

Gott ist mir schlecht.

Is this actually your news? I cant believe it.

Always baffles me why foreigners think the people that want to leave Germany because of what it has become are the same people that wanted it to become this way.

There's been another attack last night were a syrian refugee wanted to blow up a mall in Bremen.

People demand solutions from the govenrment. And in contrast to Obama or Hollande, Merkel has just ignored the recent terror attacks.

Merkel is collecting minus points from all sides.

Because those who want to leave haven't done shit to prevent it- you thought "wir schaffen das" while you watched how your country went to shit for the last 200 years. Your blind trust in your incompetent elties brought you this far. You are useless and we don't need that here.

Aus der Wirtschafts-Woche

>Angela Merkel und der Terror
>Die wahre Macht: Schweigen können

Kritiker werfen der Kanzlerin vor, zu den jüngsten Attacken und Attentaten in Deutschland zu lange geschwiegen zu haben. Aber kühles Regieren ist viel wichtiger als hitzige Empathie.

Der Artikel hat aber glücklicher- und berechtigterweise eine unterirdische Bewertung bekommen

I have yet to get a single proper response from anyone on Sup Forums when I ask them: What could have been done to prevent it?

You don't want like minded people just because they had to suffer the consequences from being a political minority? Ridiculous.

I agree, no matter how this turns out, don't take in ethnic German refugees. This may seem tempting, since a lot of them are qualified and educated, but let them rot in the shithole they created.

Yes, it not their fault, they've been brainwashed their entire lives by foreign entities. I do feel for my countrymen and -women and it's not right, but there are so many contradictions in their guilt trip, that if they can't figure it out themselves, they don't deserve compassion or refuge. The main thing being you are an individual and not responsible for the deeds of others, you dumb fucks.

Only exception should be people who can prove that they opposed the current course of action, ie. are of sane mind. By all means, protect them.


Actually that's not true. Germany was doing fine. Too well in fact, which is what caused WW1 and all the mess that followed. If you don't know how the Germans got here and actually blame them for the last two centuries, you're just as brainwashed as they are.


>Merkel, planlos und inkompetent, wurschtelt sich ohne Ziel durch, reagiert nur nach dem letzten Meinungsbarometer
>Das Regieren mit der ruhigen Hand

>Merkel bricht die Verfassung, um über eine Millionen Wirtschafts- und Sozialmigranten nach Deutschland zu fluten und es die eigenen Bürger zahlen zu lassen, während man selbst keinen einzigen Cent zahlen muss und man schön die eigenen Bürger verhetzen und mit Stasi-Spitzel jage kann, während sich Parlament und presse freiwillig gleichschalten

>Das Land kracht unter ihrem Arsch zusammen, Deutsche und Migranten werden durch IHR Totalversagen und das der Regierung in den Straßen geschlachtet (schuld sind Killerspiele und die Freiheit des Internets)
>Die Kunst des schweigen Könnens

Kühles regieren? Gehts noch, in ten year Merkel has practically ruined Germany. You should maybe look into Germany's debt, esm, eeg or target2 in particular. The last one alone is worth a trillion Euros, which you'll never get back. Not once has she defended German interests and TTIP/CETA will ultimately undermine the state for private companies.

And since you obviously haven't realised it, user, Merkel is directly responsible for the attacks in Paris, Brussels and Cologne (plus smaller incidents). Many of the perpetrators and their weapons came in through her open door policy.

>ruhige hand
>she should be jailed ffs

Richtig. Wie kann man das nicht sehen?

Sehen können ist nicht = sehen wollen. Es könnte im Suizid enden.

Der Tagesschau Kommentar stimmt der WiWo wohl auch mehr oder weniger zu :^)


>"death to democracy, kill all atheists" so you can get a reality check
he will be hailed as a beacon of his culture, politicans will bend over backwards to not seem as racists and will thank him for his service to germany

you have no idea how many layers of guilt us germans have instilled in us huehue bro

Tf is that bullshit?


Dont. she relishes every white that dies.

Ill make it quick.


>> It's all Merkel's fault!
>> We must halt asylum for muslims until the situation is safe again!
Who says that?
It seems more like the opposite.

So what did they find in that mosque they raided?

1. Orban, Wilders and lePen
2. Gauland
One of my facourite quotes comes from the senator of the interior of Berlin (CDU): "Wir haben uns da völlig verrohte Menschen ins Land geholt."

>Kein unmittelbarer Zusammenhang zwischen Flüchtlingspolitik und den Geschehnissen

>. Orban, Wilders and lePen
Exactly. German media doesn't say shit it's only the foreign media. The censorship even got worse here.
Meanwhile they can't mention enough how the left-wing populist Jorge Bergoglio demands Poland to take in shitskins too.
How do they not see that shit like this just infuriates people and drifts them further away for their parties? Do they thing everybody is literally retarded?

Fight with what? With who? For who anymore? No one wants us to fight. If there would be an announcement for a war against Islam I would fight, but no one wants it. The country and maybe even the whole continent is fucked.

Hard to translate because of the necessary connotations / register.

Basically when Merkel doesn't have a plan and knows not what she's doing, German prass calls that "ruling with a quiet hand".

When millions of people come violating the constitution and the Dublin Agreement and she doesn't have to pay for it because the taxpayer will, German press calls that: "Culture of Welcome".

It doesn't work, people get killed, she doesn't react: "The art of being able to be silent."

It will be a civil war

Merkel sitting down, speech any moment now.

>Do they thing everybody is literally retarded?
Most of them are.

KEK, the memes are real


>Interviewing Cuck Doemens
For what purpose?



I am talking about normal people.
Normal people aren't retarded yet.

> What could have been done?

Contrary to popular opinion, you do have multiple parties there. Merkel and her flunkies were not forced upon you. You allowed the left wing cucks shame you into conformity. We have these cucks here too, but nobody takes them seriously. You are a failed society.

You could have voted the last time there were elections. Participation was historically low the last time. Guess what, your politicians know that. That's why they do the lefties bidding - they are the only ones bothering to get out of their flats on election day.

What I am saying is that the current situation is a product of earlier failures that reflect very negatively on you as a group. Groups only work if individuals are wilking to cooperate. Apparently none of you are albe to.

You again. You are among the most annoying posters on this board. Just do the world a favor and KYS.

>Merkel pissed at murders among refugees
But will she act?

Well you didn't do too well on the diplomatic front did you? Otherwise you wouldn't let yourself be dragged into an glorified criminal investigation.

Fuck political correctes and fuck fear.
Tell things the way they are.

Und wähle niemals wieder Blockparteien.

>92% Ja

Kek suicide when?

Auschwitz for her monthly white guilt reminder. She goes during her period so the blood reminds her of the 666 trillion

This is the first, and pretty sure the last time I'll say this unironically:
Thank you shitskins for raping and pillaging.

Sounds like she's using the incidents to now establish an organization to monitor the internet. Sweet.

Also introducing more laws to restrict the purchase of weapons