ITT: What we learned from Master of None Season 2

>italian women are filthy whores

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So disappointed in Aziz. I was pleasantly surprised to see that his standup wasn't "SERIOUSLY MY SKIN IS BROWN SERIOUSLY", now he's gone full fag.


What did Mr. Ansari mean by this?

Need a quick rundown, my dad likes this show but doesn't look great

crap show.

second season has a girl who's about to marry a rich guy she's been dating for 10 years leaf him after a few months of knowing Pajeet.
She leaves her life in Italy and goes live in NY with street pooer.

Its good better than most comedies nowadays but can be depressing af and does stray into PC territory with racial issues. I liked it tho desu

wow can a non racist please give me a review? There is nothing wrong with being POC in New You=rk

his name in the show is Pajeet

Don't you have some pearls to clutch?

I remember reading his book "Modern Romance" and thinking 'wow, this guy really seethes with sexual insecurity about his race. wtf?' I haven't watched Master of None but I'm glad to be vindicated.

>wants to escape monotony
>moves from NY to literally anywhere else

Nice fake news
This is the most important time to face racial issues head on.
Haha not an arguement

Ooh boo hoo I cant fuck dimes without spending cash, better blame it on society.

racism is fake news libtard. The only racism today is against white people

Whatever dude, if you arent a little racial in your thinking I just assume you are a white phony that doesn't ever feel comfortable around non whites anyway

I learned that Aziz Ansari is a talentless hack who can't write for shit, has way less charisma than he thinks he does, and that shows can win awards just for having high minority quotient.

I also learned that of all the people aping Louis auteur style, Aziz managed it the least, and Donald Glover the best.

Why don't they ever show aziz using a toilet? Is he afraid of the witch?


how can this crap show have 100% rating on RT?

Easy: Indian dude

-Aziz Ansari, 2015

hahaha wtf


Wow you guys are mad jelly. 4chans usually full of insecure tards, but you guys go the extra mile....dwelving into micropenis teritory.

People tend to dislike inauthentic people, I'm not drinking the hatorade
he just stinks

>dwelving into micropenis teritory
How far into micropenis territory would we have to go to find Aziz' "penis"?

didnt the do a study about how indians dont use condoms because their penises are too small form them not to fall off?

I've heard conflicting reports on that one, but I do know a guy who traveled there and said the only condoms he was able to find in stores were of a smaller size.


we learned op is a faggot for watching shit

Suddenly Aziz' rage makes total sense

Watched a few episodes of the first season due to the hype. Seemed completely uninteresting to me, but I guess some people like it. Hard to tell if it's one of those shows that people just say they like though. You know how people will say they like a show that you've seen, you start asking them about it, and it turns out they watched two episodes like a year ago but they "have plans" to watch the rest? That's what I'm thinking is going on here.

pasta and italian films are awesome

It's only compelling to me because Eric Wareheim directs it, but... I'm not sure. Doesn't seem interesting or funny to me.

i watched the whole first season
I liked it
I like aziz, i've always thought he was pretty funny in his stand ups

The best part about this show is watching Aziz constantly try to give his sexy romantic face to the Italian chick in the last few episodes. Totally ridiculous that this hot woman would leave her fiance for goofy looking Aziz

Which one do you think is his best? I watched one and it wasn't for me.

well directed, some funny moments, erics mannerisms are gold

however some of the "woe is me, being brown and sought after in a white majority country is so hard"

like goddamn what are the solutions? make it majority brown? make all of the white women want to fuck you? i dont get these stances that are occasionally brought up.

Watched both seasons. First was funnier, second takes unexpected feels turn especially having been in a situation like him and the italian qt3.14. Honestly, the show is good

that italian girl was fucking gorgeous

Yes and yes.
White women need to stop being with white men. Don't hurt feelings

also a fucking whore

Aziz confirmed as the Blacked poster

Shatner is the second gunman

i know you're being facetious, but i also dont understand the "fetishizing" thing either

if im a white guy who likes to fuck asian girls, why is it that im some creepy asian fetishist? why isnt it that i just find the way asians look to be attractive? if blue is my favorite color am i fetishizing blue?

look at this weirdo AZN fetish guy HAHAHA loser

It's always men who are accused of fetishizing something.
But if you're specifically targeting Asian women purely because of their Asian heritage then you're fetishizing them.
Women do it too but double standards my man.

This show is filled with nonstop complaining. Also who the fuck mismanages the relationships like this guy has? Also where the fuck does he get all this time and money to do whatever the fuck he wants all the time? I'm 9 episodes in and it just seems like abstract bitching with unrealistic characters all the time.

>why is it that im some creepy asian fetishist
>im a white guy
Found the problem

Is too much about first world problems and the unrealistic shit this guy expects.

One of the best things to come out this year . Y'all just acting weird for some reason. Is it because he's pajeet?

He's a host of a TV show and had his own traveling cooking show by the end of the season. I think he was ok on the money department

Aziz is the worst part of this. He looks like he's about to laugh in every scene, even the serious ones.

you'll find that all american asians feel this way. they are super bitter that white girls wont fuck them. in fact even asian girls wont fuck them because they'd rather fuck white guys.

they're easily the most cucked race. black women are willing to date black men, latina women are willing to date latino men, white women are willing to date white men, but asian women just wont fuck their men in America. Pajeets specifically, there aren't that many pajeet women to choose from, so it's already limited.

Reminds me of trannies who bitch about "chasers"

"They're actually sexually attracted to me? Ewwww!"