Scene is set in New York

>Scene is set in New York
>"Hey! I'm walkin' here!"

Other urls found in this thread:

>Scene is set in Los Angeles
>"Hey! I'm driving here!"

>Scene is set in Chicago
>"Hey! I'm on a train here!"

>Scene is set in Boston

>characters go to london
>"london calling" plays over shots of double decker busses and royal guards with the big hats

>Scene is set in India
>"Hey! I'm shittin' here!"

>Scene is set on OP
>"Hey I'm a faggot here!"

>character carlessly tosses something off-screen
>glass breaking and cat screeching sound effects

>Scene is set in Detroit
>"Hey! I'm gettin shot here!"

new yorkers really are like that

literally I went and some hot dog guy was like
>ya speak english??

>Cock is set in my ass
>"Hey! I'm Cumming here!"

>Scene is set in Paris
>Accordion music is played on a garlic baguette by the Effiel tower

>>Scene is set in Mexico
>>"Hey! I'm rapin' here!"

>Scene is set in Manchester

I'll fuck your ass little gay boy.

>scene is set in new york
>"hey! im eatin pizza here!"

>scene is set at Ariana grandest concert

>Scene is set in Japan

>scene is set in France
>"Hey! I'm surrendering here!"


>Italian family scene
>You think you can fuck with me? Nobody fucks over Don Cajone

Cringing pretty hard at most of these replies.

>and your OTHER here?

>scene is set in a no-funfag's home
>"Hey! My dick is super small here!"

hey fuck off, TMNT 2 is a timeless classic

sure its for kids but they have jokes for the kids who grew up loving the movie too

>scene is set in Europe
>"Hey! I'm praying to Mecca here!"

If you want me to have fun, you're gonna have to do better than this crap.

>scene is set in the bowels of Hell

>*random stock screaming noises in background*

>Scene is set in Vietnam
>"It ain't me" starts playing

I unironically enjoy this one

>scene is set on a battleship
>martial snare rolls
>camera pans while everybody is walking around in a rush
>"USS PeePeePooPoo: time/date" in tacticool font

>Scene is set in USA
>Hey estoy caminando aquí!

That's humor I can get behind.

>House party scene in LA
>Jump Around starts playing

>scene is set in a convenience store
>kids are shoplifting

>scene is set in Wal-Mart
>"Hey! I'm shartin' here!"

>Scene is set in my prostrate
>"Hey I got cancer here!"

>scene is set on Sup Forums
>"hey, I'm being unfunny here!"

>scence set with detective trying to interview witness at their work
>witness keeps working and moving around
>detective gets ready to leave
> that you mention it....

>Scene is set in Canada
>" hey I'm watching a black gentlemen fuck my wife here!"

>scene set in Sweden
>hey I'm getting culturally enriched here

>scene is set in Colorado

>cut to Russia


scene is set in tel aviv
>"Hey i'm jewwing here!"

Fucking poor attempt

>scene is set in Jerusalem
>only shots of Tel Aviv

>Scene is set in Uzbekistan
>"Hey, i'm CIA here!"

>Scene is set in X
>"Hey! I'm Y here!"

shat up kike

>Scene is set in a taxi cab
>someone honks at driver
>"Ahhhhh BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS!" [waves fist]

>Scene is set on a plane
>"Hey, I'm crashin here!"

>Scene is set in Iraq
>"Durka durka muhammed jihad"

>Scene is set in Israel
>"Oy vey, I'm kvetching here!"

>Scene is on CNN
>anonymous sources

>Scene is set in Detroit
>"Hey, I'm Dyin here!"

Both Baltimore and St. Louis are more dangerous than Detroit now. In 20 years Detroit will become Seattle 2.0. Take of that as you wish.

Dont forget the montage of the Queen and other female members of royalty volunteering their involvement with the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)

wtf i want pizza now

>they're not even folding it
get the fuck outta here


>scene is set in poland
>"hey! I'm praying here!"

>scene is set in soviet russia
>"hey! I'm starving here"

Relax, Rob. Ice Ice Baby, Cool as Ice, your fly cameo in TMNT2, TMNT2 as a whole are all considered kino, I assure you. Now get some hel- uhh rest, bud.

>a tour de force


>she's got a 6 gorillion horsepower engine, hoverjets, heat seeking missile system, 300 gigawatt headlight system, all terrain superflex action grip tires, ground to air propulsion system, fire retardant seating, instant use satellite-linked communications array, the best sound system that money could buy, and you're really gonna like this last part...
>check it out...
>extra cupholders!

All these tv shows and movies show someone killing someone else by snapping their head/neck. Is this even realistic?

>المشهد في لندن
>"يا أنا المشي هنا"

>it's a pulls a bullet out of flesh with subpar medical equipment scene
>"I'll need some alcohol quick!!!
>Doctor drinks the alcohol

>characters go to london
>characters stuck in traffic for three hours

>scene is set in a david lynch movie

>characters go to london
>*islamic screeching*
based 24

which pseudokino is this?

>Scene is set in current time Prague
>everyone is wearing ushankas
>roads filled with Ladas and Volgas
>cyrillic signs everywhere
>blue tint

>go to let Muslim horrible country to listen to horrible music die le horrible death

>In English, Doc!

>what does this button do?

this makes me chuckle every time. it's a clever dad joke user.

It's the Libyans, Marty! They're coming to blow up our girls!

It's not called It Ain't Me, it's called Fortunate Son!

And the song you're thinking of isn't even Fortunate Son, it's House of the Rising Sun!

And even that's just a slowed down version of Ride of the Valkyries!

>scene set in Alabama
>Sweet Home Alabama plays
>"Honey! I'm sweet home!"


>scene is set on 15 year olds phone
>"hey I'm cringing here!"

>remember that button I told you never to push?

>scene is set in DNC headquarters
>hey I'm getting assassinated here

>scene is set in Sup Forums
>hey i'm being ignorant here!

>scene is set in Shareblue HQ
>hey I'm shilling here

>scene is set in my bank account
>"hey! im empty here!"

>scene is set in Rick's garage
>hey I'm burning bibles here!

>scene sets in Berkeley safe space
>hey I am mountbreathing here

it's time to stop

>anything you want to say to me you can say in front of her

>scene sets in Sup Forums
>faggot says it's time to stop

>Scene is set in a casino

>Scene set in Boston
>Hey I'm dying here!

>scene is set on the filming of a Ridley Scott movie
>Hey I'm ruining my legacy here!

>scene is set in a fat ass thread

>non-jew character uses jewish words like schmuck

>scene sets in Sup Forums
>hey I'm trying to look like an intellectual film expert by pretending to hate le stupid capeshit and putting mostly black and white stuff on my 3x3 here

>scene is set in Jordyn Jones' private quarters
>Hey I'm BRRAAAAAAPPing here!

>vietnam movie
>"It Ain't Me" by Fortunate Son starts playing

>Scene is set in Paris
>"Hey I'm surrendering here"