This felt like Rogue One.
Other than a few artistic shots, there was too much fan-service shit.
This felt like Rogue One.
Other than a few artistic shots, there was too much fan-service shit.
>Sequel continues the characters' story
fucking WHAT
It's like nothing changed after 20+ years.
except every red curtain scene was absolute kino
Too much CGI.
Laura turned into one hot ass milf, holy shit
surprise surprise Sup Forums doesn't know what the FUCK its talking about
What the fuck are you talking about? The first hour was almost entirely new characters. I thought the whole thing was going to be the goddamn latte people and old shaggy
The only parts I've liked with the original characters were with coop and spooky coop. I like the new stuff a lot. This makes me want a new series by Lynch more than anything.
>Twin Peaks poked fun at what was popular on TV at the time: prime time soap operas.
>Unnecessary remakes, sequels, prequels, and expanded universes are currently popular.
Gee, David Lynch sure is a fucking hack for dragging a bunch of old people in front of the camera for an unnecessary sequel. He's totally stealing from The Force Awakens.
nigger are you serious?
You faggots are a bunch of blind followers of Lynch who won't accept that "Twin Peaks: The Return" is a total disaster. This is the final proof that rebooting old series is a really *really* bad idea, since not even Lynch can do it right.
TPTR is not Twin Peaks: it's a bland, sad, and pathetic attempt of self-celebration in the form of an artificial continuation of an unfinished old work. So old that you, the creator, can't even remember correctly. Ironically, at a metalanguage level, the topics of this reboot perfectly reflect what reboots per se are: concretely, a doppelganger, product of a creative void. It's not Cooper who is lost here, it's David Lynch himself. Maybe this is his unconscientious talking...
I will tell you one thing, Sup Forums: after watching the first episode I was actually deceived for a moment, as I thought it was going to be great; maybe it was going to be more in the direction of FWWM, but I was OK with that. But then, after episode two I started to realize what was really going on here. At episode three, I started to cry and almost turned off my TV, as I finally understood what was happening here: it was the dead of one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.
>old character shows up on screen
Wow Lynch'd
>literally the opposite happened
>rogue one
Fuck is it really that terrible?
I thought the scene where they filmed Jack Nance's gravestone was a bit much, but I enjoyed the rest of the cameos.
>James? Yeah, he's the coolest.
Rogue One is better than the hipster millenial shit which is twin peaks
That's just stating obvious facts.
See >This is the final proof that rebooting old series is a really *really* bad idea
>hipster millennial shit
uhh the original was targeted for Gen-xers
the butthurt is palpable
It's literally the opposite of fan service.
>First scene in Twin Peaks(the town)
>Dr. Jacoby takes off his goggles, revealing his iconic red and blue glasses, instantly setting up expectation for a fan service scene
>The scene plays out in wide shots with the dialogue mixed in so low you barely hear the characters
>Coop is out of the Black Lodge
>He's catatonic from the experience
>He encounters his first cup of coffee
>Expectation is set up for him being jarred out of his current state by the coffee
>He takes a sip then spits it out immediately
These are only two examples I could think of on the spot, but the whole show seems to be built to subvert the audiences' expectations.
>retard doesn't understand Rogue One or Twin Peaks
Kill yourself
Yeah, Lynch really doesn't give a fuck what people expect.
This. Sequels should have no familiar characters or locations and should be a completely different movie altogether.
>muh red room
>muh cooper
>muh cross dressing mulder
Makes me sick
David Lynch directing Han Solo movie confirmed. Finally, we will have a post-Empire kino Star Wars
It's not a sequel retard
>sequels should have nothing to do with the original
you've been on Sup Forums too long my friend, you're starting believe dumb shit just because its the negative thing to do
Fanservice wasn't at all Rogue One's problem. Force Awakens had more fan service, yet it was a much more enjoyable movie. Rogue One's problem was a lack of enjoyable characters, affected grittiness that just made it seem joyless and a weak first act.
You didn't watch it. Stfu
Actually it is
>yet it was a much more enjoyable movie
Speak for yourself. Force Awakens was aggravating. Rogue One just wasn't very good.
It's a whole new series, not season 3. So it actualy is a sequel
Why even make a sequel then? If you had no returning characters or locations then just make a whole new movie. Sequels can use old characters and locations, it's just important they come up with a new plot.
It's season 3. Dumb fuck.
>Twin Peaks poked fun at what was popular on TV at the time: prime time soap operas.
Do you mean to tell me that people sat through a glib facsimile of something they despised just to be ironic?
Twin Peaks: The Return Season 1
Only shithead bloggers call it that for convenience, the title is just Twin Peaks as it always has been.
so you're going to stop watching and spare us your retarded faggotry for the next however many weeks... right?
>Sequels should have no familiar characters or locations and should be a completely different movie altogether.
where did you get this rule from? and please tell me your idea of a great sequel that follows what you said. fair warning in advance: i think you're retarded.
The problem with the fanservice is that everything is fixated around bumfuck South Dakota, the Twin Peaks scenes just come out of complete nowhere and don't have anything to contribute.
>Only shithead bloggers call it that for convenience
Convenience is calling it season 3. "Twin Peaks: The Return Season 1" is the official title. Argue all you want you dumb cunt because it doesn't change anything.
>where did you get this rule from?
Do opinions equal rules now? And you think I'm a retard?
>"Twin Peaks: The Return Season 1" is the official title.
Source or shut the fuck up. All the official marketing title (as well as the damn show itself) is using the original title.
This. There's the South Dakota stuff and now the Cooper in Las Vegas stuff. The stuff in Twin Peaks feels shoehorned in and doesn't fit.
I'm really hoping this gets rectified in the next 2 or so episodes. However, I wouldn't be surprised if we sit through another 5 episodes of retard Cooper and almost no plot advancement with anything happening in Twin Peaks.
Go get fucked nigger.
i'm waiting on a sequel that you think fits your criteria, bb
David Lynch and Mark Frost
Believe or not a lot of people don't require others to validate their opinions. So just keep waiting you insecure child
Yes I agree it sucks ass and DAVID LYNCH RAPES KIDS
HD video brings out every flaw and wrinkle on a human body.
Lynch probably loves that, but I hate it. Everyone looks like wilting fruit when they're old and this show exemplifies that.
way to change my mind.
Just google it dude. Not him but the official title is "Twin Peaks: The Return" but it's just being advertised as Twin Peaks.
Although to be fair it seems to not be listed as either a season 3 or season 1. So I guess you're both wrong.
>everything is fixated around bumfuck South Dakota
except the scenes in New York and Las Vegas. it's too early to make declarative statements like that in my opinion. obviously whatever hawk is doing is going to play in to the storyline.
bait confirmed
>watching Fire Walk With Me for the first time
>that uncomfortable dinner scene with Leland and Laura
This movie is fucking spooky man, what's the deal with Cooper in this?
The scene where Dougie dies and Mike is just staring at him like a retard with the AWFUL lighting they give the red room now it looked like some trash parody video.
Coop's actor didn't want to do the movie, so they rewrote all his scenes for a new character, Chet Desmond instead, then he agreed to do it, but Lynch really liked Chet so they gave him a smaller role.
Are we back in 2005?
Just to add. He didn't want to do it because he was afraid he'd get typecast. He was still in the movie, just a lot smaller of a role. He's in some of the cut scenes too.