Can we all promise we will see this movie before actually talking about it on Sup Forums?
Just this fucking once.
Can we all promise we will see this movie before actually talking about it on Sup Forums?
Just this fucking once.
Fuck off shill faggot.
>can we all promise to see this movie
No fuck off faggot, no raimi no deal
Yes, I am going to love it either way. I dont want to see Sup Forums take a dump on it like everything else they do.
I'll do you one better, I won't even talk about it after it comes out
ive seen 2 of the 8 thousand trailers and tom holland's accent has slipped 4 times. idk about this one senpai
my nigga
No. Fuck you.
Wow, how did Raimi get away with this?
A different time...
Looks garbo from what I've seen so far..
Might be Marvel's 4th flop considering it needs $800M to break even.
No Raimi no Spidey
this looks so fucking terrible. how does it look worse than the raimi spiderman 10 years later?
I don't have the money to see movies
This looks like a poster from a video game.
I've basically already seen this movie. The two trailers reveal everything. Only thing left is the action scenes.
>photoshopped the airplane out of the poster
>see this movie
I'm going to tell you this right now. I don't even like movies. I'll only watch a movie if it pops up on tv. The last movie I watched on purpose was years ago. Lost in Space on VHS. I only come here to meme and shitpost about identity politics.
This guy knows what's up. I've haven't seen a capeshit movie since ironman 1. But I spend hours arguing for and against both marvel and dc, it's really the most patrician relationship with movies you can have.
>I didn't go to film school, I haven't even watched a single film
>watch hollywood blockbuster schlock and pay for the very thing I despise
Uhh, I'm not retarded like the rest of this board that pays for things they hate.
>I went to film school and have never watched a single film