I started learning German yesterday

I started learning German yesterday.
I know stuff like; one two three = ein zwei drei, and I can say my name and where I'm from and all that

So am I ready to fuck a piggy-tailed milk factory or no?

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>classes on saturday
kys nigga

Yeah they all speak English anyway.

you also have to learn to say ein volk ein reich ein führer


>Yeah they all speak English anyway.
This desu. I quit actively advancing my German around B2. They always insisted on speaking English even when I asked otherwise.
My experience with French has been the opposite.

>They always insisted on speaking English even when I asked otherwise
a bit rude there, but I was in this position once
I don't know why, but when you listen to someone trying to speak german and constructing his sentence it feels a bit like listening to someone stuttering and internally you're just thinking OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

germans have small tits

well shit.

Ich denke dass du dumm bist

I think most of the time people just want to make it more easy for you without noticing that they are rude
or they are thinking they are only trying to speak german out of courtesy and maybe some inferiority complex comes into play as well 2bh

in germany it's well known that you have to at least try to speak some french before you can switch to english etc. so some germans might be expecting this from foreigners

German women will prefer a man who doesn't speak German.

sounds retarded or it is just specific cases that majority of people will not experience that.

I'd only learn gayerman for 5 years to read NEETzsche and goethe init

read schoppy he does magic in german

do not underestimate our autism

I don't. One interesting bit while in germany was seeing an angry german at a train station. He was tall, skinny as fuck, with shorts/fanny pack, white shirt and those socks/sandals combo. Was surreal as fuck seeing him yelling and flipping off the ticket seller in german.

Also, holy fuck you guys have a tagging problem, even in LA I haven't seen so much spray paint.

yea, train stations often are meeting points for "Assis" (antisocials, aka low class (foreigners), drug dealers, punks and others)

It wasn't that bad at all, I had been to worst train stations. Just wish I could had thank that angry german for lighting up my day with his shenanigans.

Just listen to some German music and you'll learn it quickly youtu.be/pzmI3vAIhbE

yeh... you can just speak english.