what are some movies about betas getting rejected?
Lars von Trier getting friendzoned
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Lmao, this can't be real. A successful director can't be this pathetic.
Why can't she just say so? What's her fucking problem?
He's a creepy nu-male who makes weird films.
I bet if Michael Bay texted her she'd be there in no time.
Why does Lars Von Trier sound like a bitter 21 year old who's only gotten laid once if at all?
desu if i had dunst phone i'd make a fool out of myself with her too, she's just too gorgeous even nowadays that she's on thicc milf mode
It's a parody account you gullible retards.
>makes depressioncore movies that make you think he wants to commit suicide
>is a notorious shut-in
>got friendzoned by his most famous actor collaborator
is he /ourguy/ Sup Forums?
Sensitive Joss Whedon is one of the biggest earners right now and he's a magnificent faggot
kek, imagine if Nate Parker texted her.
she'd get wet like a snail and slide towards him to ingest that BBC in every one of her orifices
He got her to masturbate to earth's destruction while naked on camera, why would she just blow him off?
it's real. he posted some set pics from his new film through this account a few months ago.
lars just likes to fuck around, that's why he wrote that it's a parody account...
He practically is the reason Sup Forums exists
What are some movies where young men get raped by attractive older women?
Settle down, Lars. Stop dragging your problems into the public arena.
Most girls I try dating try to friendzone me and when I tell them no thanks and stop talking to them they get pissy
Posts like these are incredible because they happen so often and it's proof that you have an infatuation with cock.
this is pathetic wth
>confronting a woman on her passive aggression is beta
nah m8 i have more of an infatuation with female orifices...
yes... it is. he even added the . at the start so everyone could see him going "kirsteeeeen why wont you call me baaaaaack :("
""I am for Jews but not too much because Israel's a pain in the ass"
What did he mean by this?
is it alpha to slink back and let a woman be disrespectful towards you?
sounds beta to me.
how can one man be so based? i like that he's still not blacklisted after these words and all the hollywood actors still desperately want to work with him.
even (((they))) couldn't get based lars out of the film business, the power of his superior european kino is just too strong
>the same as the ineffectual act of tweeting
thats no fun, what a bummer
i like *some* of his movies, but he seems to be an unsufferable human being
also, kirsten's way out of his league.
Just earlier today I was thinking about how I never see anyone using the term "friendzoned" anymore, and there we are.
That hurts
We're pretending its real. Get on board the meme train cunt
This is You.
>pls respond
For some reason i thought Nate Barker was the name of that little jewish guy that directed Whiplash and got really confused.
>joss whedon isnt a faggot
More like lars von try hard
>tfw you're a Liars Von Trier fan but whenever you bring him up in conversation people judge him by his new shitty work that's on Netflix
Breaking the Waves and The Idiots are kino af
It sounds like a joke.
Von Trier = Nazi = Cuck
Your next line is "I was just pretending to be retarded!"
my man. i love riget too, he should do more tv stuff.
i'm thinking about checking out his earliest three movies, Element of Crime, Epidemic and Europe. i've seen all his films except those three. a lot of his fans don't like them. how would you rate them?
This is also You.
>tfw i know that feel
i try my best to not do pic related though, because i don't know what's going on, sometimes they may be actively ignoring me, other times they're just busy and don't have time to respond and me being confrontational would come of as excessively needy
lol kirsten is probably busy sucking on Michael Haneke's wrinkly white Frankfurter right now to get a part in his next film...
The only movie out of that selectionof those I've seen is Europa (though, I think those other two are the only ones I haven't seen by him). Von Trier seems to try to do something new in each of his films, and for this one it's having the camera traverse through marvelous black and white industrial set designs .
It's an above average Von Trier film for sure, but doesn't rise high enough to be one of his best.
i mean what is he going to do? go to her house over it?
This way it put her actions in the open and made her at least deal with the loss of face.
that sounds like he was influenced by eraserhead. ok i think i'll watch it.
Currently in this situation. What is the optimal time to wait to message her again? We were having an actual conversation with fast responses over about 8 hours so I assume she got sidetracked somehow and not that she's avoiding me. It's been a week since and I'm debating just asking her out and seeing what happens before I'm lost to complete obscurity
8 years, buddy.
i sent you a black guy's dick now answer me
By twitter. Publicly.
It's the definition of beta.
I don't think it's real. The user seems too much into american culture.
this is why i hate texting, it's just me rationalizing for 10 minutes about what I should or shouldn't do
>can't send more than two texts before she responds, or else that seems desperate
>can't respond immediately, or else that seems desperate
>can't make text too long, or else that seems autistic
>if i send text and she doesn't respond for a while, does that mean i fucked up, or is she just busy
>le Trump le Voldemort am I right fellow nerd XD
>implying "coffee" = date
He could also be trying to meet her for a part in his next movie.
I would have thought that an actress in her 30s would do her best not to piss her potential directors, irrespective of whether it is a date or not.
Who's pretending?
They are all good and worth watching. Europa is the best.
I knew a girl in high school who looked just like Kirsten Dunst. I fantasized about her often
>go to Von Trier's wiki to see why he's such a bitter asshole
>find this
What the fuck?
>In 1989, von Trier's mother told him on her deathbed that the man whom von Trier had thought was his biological father had not been, and that he was the result of a liaison she had had with her former employer, Fritz Michael Hartmann (1909–2000),[83] who was descended from a long line of German-speaking Roman Catholic classical musicians. Hartmann's grandfather was Emil Hartmann, his great grandfather J. P. E. Hartmann, his uncles included Niels Gade and Johan Ernst Hartmann, and Niels Viggo Bentzon was his cousin. She stated that she did this to give her son "artistic genes".[84]
>"Until that point I thought I had a Jewish background. But I'm really more of a Nazi. I believe that my biological father's German family went back two further generations. Before she died, my mother told me to be happy that I was the son of this other man. She said my foster father had had no goals and no strength. But he was a loving man. And I was very sad about this revelation. And you then feel manipulated when you really do turn out to be creative. If I'd known that my mother had this plan, I would have become something else. I would have shown her. The slut!"[85]
haha no silly Trump is Nixon
He's a spastic faggot. He hit on Nicolas Winding Refn's wife and got BTFO a few years ago.
Dude is way better than Kirsten, he could pretty much slay 9s everyday with that money
Lars von Trier looks like what I imagine most of the people who browse Sup Forums look like.
*grabs you by the throat*
Back off, kid, Kate's my girl.
>After von Trier had had four awkward meetings with his biological father, Hartmann refused further contact.[88]
Kek.Those "artistic genes" at play.
>rejected all throughout high school and college
>halfway through college go home for spring break
>do nothing but drink because I hate my major and what I'm going to end up doing
>end up having sex with my sister
>tfw only relationship I've ever been with is more pathetic and nasty than being a virgin
>end up having sex with my sister
How drunk was she?
My feminist girlfriend told me months ago that she doesn't think friendzoning exists and women think it's a really misogynistic term to shame women into dating men they don't want to be with. Which is strange coming from her since she strongly suggested I break up with my longtime commonlaw girlfriend at the time so I could be with her and I bought expensive gifts she asked me to buy for her. She also told my mom when I took her to dinner that we were just friends not my girlfriend at the time and when we made out she would get uncomfortable and leave to fuck her ex-boyfriend. So it was a rough few initial months of the relationship where "friendzoning" supposedly didn't happen but thank God she finally settled down with me. All it took was threatening to rape her at gunpoint and she totally agreed that she was really my girlfriend.
Pretty drunk. But we've done it while sober since then. I feel guilty because she says she loves me but this is too disturbed for words
Is she older or younger? Did your parents fiddle either of you as kids?
They may not think it exists but they definitely do it and are hypocritical about it. My female roommate likes to talk about not wanting to date guys because of xyz physical reasons and just continues to hang out with them as friends. But then I am not interested in dating one of her close friends because I'm not attracted to her and she gets really offended about it. Women are stupid. You were right to show her who's boss.
Would you date her if she weren't our sister?
von trier -- does he actually have any good movies
all he does are good movies.
>Breaking the Waves
>Dancer in the Dark
>Nymphomaniac (Director's Cut)
Older by 4 years. I moved in to her apartment to go to the same college and share rent, apparently that turned out to be a bad idea in the grand scheme
You're talking about Von Trier here. This guy has probably seen all psycho analysts in his country.
Is she at least seeing other people? Who's in charge of the birth control between the two of you?
Melancholia is his best to me.
Breaking the waves was a great story, but visually it was a bit too rough.
Idiots and Dancer were good.
Dogville was a bit too dogmatic and soulless. It was a Von Trier meme film really.
Antichrist was wtf for wtf sake.
Nymphomaniac was ironic, maybe a little too self aware
Remember when he did this?
no, that's why I'm thinking of killing myself,
she wants us to be together, legit try the whole move 2000 miles away so we can be a couple in public and I don't know what to do. i love her both as my sister and a lover and I can't say no to her.
this isn't a fapfiction i'm really fucked here
i would kill myself if I were in your situation desu
yeah, he went full cinema verite with Breaking the Waves, it was due to him commiting to that Dogma 95 charta, thus making films with shitty shaky cams and mostly natural lighting to highten authenticity. it's still a great film if you can get over that, the performances are very good, emily watson is an angel.
again, you have to look past Dogvilles eccentric approach to the environment. it's the characters that carry the whole film.
i agree with you on Antichrist though. i guess he just didn't give a fuck while making it. he said it himself that he made that movie to try to process a heavy writers block, the movie was very aimless and relied too much on gore effects.
Nymphomaniac I was legitimately the best comedy film i've seen in the last years.
stop boning your sister Jaime.
Who made the moves past friends with benefits, you or her? It sounds like she's the one in control and you're just being dragged along with.
It's times like these I hate Sup Forums's anonymity since there'll be no follow up to this past this thread
Yeah to be honest, the end of Nympho 2 is when it gets interesting, i feel...all the rest feels a bit too sketchy
The whole "I'm a nazi" thing was an autistic attempt at a joke.
Are you Canadian?
>get let down easy
alpha as fuck
It was a stupid "haha just a prank bro she can't be serious" attitude that fucked me I think.
Just hanging out with her watching tv, liquor,
weird touching but I'm drunk and this feels good king of thing, heavy petting, and then next thing I know we're open mouth kissing and you know from there.
No, American
she is a vile whore
im glad she's dead
Dude. You want out, so make it happen. Don't be her bitch. Sure yiur dick felt good, but in the llong run you already know. Rip off the bandage my nigga
Or he could just get over his guilt, move 2000 miles away and live happily ever after boning his sister. Dont listen to society user. I believe in you.
Doujins are not real life faggot
Would he? That guilt will always stay there, and knowing how humans act, it'll get worse and worse over time until it causes an even bigger fault between the two. Not to mention the two of them becoming a genetic dead end.
Talk about being dramatic...