
so uh

Yeah totally not a spoiler /s

Come on senpai, it's all context


is this the fargo thread? lmao where is everyone

>this is a true story


Is everyone just speechless or what? This thread should be halfway to the bump limit by now

I like that MEW got beat down. That's true equality. She acts tough, and she killed someone, so she should be able to take punches like man too.

There was a thread earlier that hit the bump limit. It's in the archive now.

I know. I meant this second thread. I'm not on the east coast, so by the time I get through the torrent the first thread is archived and the second one still has momentum.

Wait what! Ray gets hit in the head with a picture frame and then randomly gets a shard of glass in his jugular and dies while his dumb ass brother looks on in horror and doesn't immediately apply pressure to the wound

They somehow made a season worse than the second one

First for fuck twin peaks general. They wish they were us

Quit trying to start a fight.

They're both good shows.

One is "muh random unexplainable just for the sake of it" that people mistake for avant garde and the other is legit kino. Inb4 the ol reddit switcheroo

redpill me on the value of stamps

Best show currently airing.


I was 90% sure MEW wasn't making it out of this episode and then they pull this stunt. They got me.

>shadow of his nose creates Hitler's mustache

that roastie mew better not get away with it

Did Noah finally jump the shark?

Also, holy shit, Vargas's acting was on another level tonight.

>character picks his teeth
>they bleed


The glass breaking in that manner and also killing him made no sense 2bh

wtf just turn your brain off

Amazing show. Mew kills it

>Leave the IRS to me
Does Varga go on Sup Forums?

Couldnt watch, how is he not in constant pain

the trick is not minding that it hurts

Necrosis takes over after years of neglect, so he wouldn't feel much unless he started digging into with a fucking nail.

>Hates Jews
>Hates fatties
>Poor dental hygeine
>Pees in cups
>Lives in some sort of basement with just his PC?
Is he the our guy'est /ourguy/ in all of kino?

if your carotid artery is sliced as completely as Ray's there's pretty much no hope unless it happened in an operating room with everything ready to go, but not even that guarantees survival

It takes more than a glass frame being pushed slightly hard into your head for a shard of glass to become lodged in your carotid artery. I could maybe see it happening if he was hit in the side of the face with it full force, but the actual scene is very hard to believe.

>glass can break
>sliced carotid means death pretty much guaranteed
What doesn't make sense? Happens more than you think. There was a story recently about a girl on meds who fell in the shower, broke the glass sliding doors, sliced her carotid, and bled to death in a few minutes

Just rewatched the scene and it's definitely more forceful. Maybe the director didn't do a good job of portraying it? Still, freak accidents happen and fargo has always had quite a bit of that