Why are Republicans such shitty orators?

Almost every single great American speechmaker since 1900 has been a Democrat. Look at this fucking list:

Franklin D. Roosevelt
John F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Malcolm X
Jesse Jackson
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama
Michelle Obama
Joe Biden

You can look at any of those names and immediately recall a phrase they uttered that entered the lexicon...'Fear itself'...'We choose to go to the Moon'...'I have a dream'...some of them are literally the peak of American oration. We could also lump in some Democratic presidents that weren't known as great orators but still gave historic speeches, like LBJ and Truman.

Meanwhile, the only notable Republican speechmakers since 1900 are Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan: The 1st got run out of the GOP and created a Progressive party, the 2nd is only remembered for a snippet (military industrial complex) that only conspiracy theorists care about, and the 3rd was a former Democrat himself who grew increasingly senile through his term. Reagan is such an outlier in the oratory department for Republicans that his image has been used for 30 years to prop up their shitty candidates. He might as well be Republican Jesus at this point.

Almost all the other Republicans are only known for their shitty embarrassments. From Nixon's "I'm not a crook!", to Bush's "Read my lips!" to Romney's "Binders full of women!" George W. Bush had almost nothing but these braindead utterances. Nobody gives a rat's ass about anything Taft, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, or Ford ever said.

It can't just be coincidence that there is such a clear delineation between the 2 parties when it comes to communication. The Democrats, on the basis of their eloquent composition and charismatic delivery enter the history books almost consistently. Every elementary school student studies and listens to their speeches. Republicans complain about liberal bias, but history shows they very rarely produce speeches even worth mentioning.

Other urls found in this thread:


Now we have Donald J. Trump. A man completely devoid of oratory elegance. Even Scott Adams admits 'Teleprompter Trump is not impressive.' Now, I will give him some credit for improvisation, from his 'New York values' reply to Cruz and his incredible redirections such as the Rosie O'Donnell quip, it's clear he has a quicker wit than many of the other Republicans in history, certainly sharper than any of his retarded rivals. But the idea that he will ever even come close to Obama-level is absurd, probably he himself would never believe it. Perhaps that's why after the Newtown speech, he tweeted 'Obama spoke for me and every other American'. The gulf between them couldn't be wider. He knows it better than anybody.

It is to his advantage that his opponent is Hillary Clinton, not known for particularly uplifting speech. Even so, her ability to articulate and her vocabulary vastly dwarf Trump's. Her experience means that she has absolutely no problems with prepared speeches, and whereas her improvisational ability is clearly lacking, history shows that it is the prepared speeches that enter the history books. Meanwhile, Trump still looks unhappily chained by the teleprompter and almost his entire RNC was spent shouting into a microphone.

this whole wall of text and you give away that youre a shill in the first sentence, bravo

I support Trump and have since August, because he was clearly the best of the Rs and Hillary is an unfathomable disaster awaiting us.

That doesn't change reality. Democrats are better speakers than Republicans nearly every single time in modern history.

MLK was a republican.






Let me be clear

Cant even say Islamic terrorism.

Good speches, populism is a good tool also for good speeches but nope, Donald Trump nor Hillary have good speeches

Your shitty opinion doesn't deserve the bandwidth.

Because they're doers not talkers

Uh uh uhhhh uh uh

Yeah Obama is a great orator ok.

You wasted your time typing all that up shill. IF IF IF IF IF... OKIE DOKE... UHHH LET ME BE CLEAR... UHHH.... UHHH UHHHH.

Fuck off retard.

Never mind that shit:

Why is Hitler the greatest orator of all time?

>The 1st got run out of the GOP and created a Progressive party
And you probably think it has something to do with modern progressivism, lmao
>the 2nd is only remembered for a snippet
Historians generally rank him among the top 10 president.
The greatest orator in this country's history, btw, was a Republican. Lincoln

Eisenhower was pretty good speaking, when he warned us about the MIC, you fucking communist.

>great orator





The real question


>Imgur filename
Checked for trips, but remove thyself.

r_obama_jfk.jpg (320 KB, 750x500)
320 KB
Why are Republicans such shitty orators? Anonymous (ID: +U3N4FlY) 07/28/16(Thu)12:17:37 No.83163558▶ Almost every single great American speechmaker since 1900 has been a Democrat. Look at this fucking list:

>Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jew puppet scum
>John F. Kennedy
Okay i give you that
>Robert F. Kennedy
Literal nobody
>Martin Luther King, Jr.
Literal nigger destroying white america
>Malcolm X
...Are you serious?

>Jesse Jackson
>Bill Clinton
Liberal scum literally americas downfall
>Barack Obama
King nigger
>Michelle Obama
>Joe Biden

Do you really think they write their own speeches? Holy shit you guys are more naive than humanly possible.

Trips of truth


It's in their nature. Republicans aren't conducive towards debate and conversation.

Ask yourself this: which films do the greatest actors generally choose to work on? That's right, the ones with the biggest budgets.

Politicians, to some degree, are simply professional actors. The party of that gives the government the biggest budget, ie. the Democrats, will attract the best actors.