What is the best economic ideology, Sup Forums? You may say that governments and regulations fuck things up...

What is the best economic ideology, Sup Forums? You may say that governments and regulations fuck things up, but what can you do about the fact that some people are doomed to poverty even in rather successful economies? Like, if your parents are uneducated workers, you're fucked without any help from the government.

Economical ideologies all are just that - tools of the powerful to dupe the poor into their demise. Communism, capitalism, whateverism was used, being used and will be used by the powerful to maintain and increase their own affluence at the cost of others, at any costs.

Economic liberalism is what built the West and is the most compatible system with European culture. Marxism is an alien jewish ideology.

What about the Nordic countries? Didn't they adopt some Marxist notions to develop the welfare state?

Keynesian. There's absolutely no other answer to that question

Kek'd and check'd

Poverty is relative and there will always be poor people, take it upon yourself to educate yourself, take personal responsibility, have ambition and ultimately work hard. People change their "class" all the time, in America over half the population will be in the top ten percent at some point in their lives, the fact of the matter is that you don't earn the same amount of money at 17 as you do when you're 50, and if you do you deserve to be poor

>Economical ideologies all are just that - tools of the powerful to dupe the poor into their demise.


It's all about a religious Monarchy.

Or barring that, Fascism.

Yeah, poverty is relative, but in some countries there are more people living below the poverty line than in others though. The problem might be not that poverty exists, but that there's inequality.

Those countries tend to be socialist