ITT: Movies you watched in school kino

ITT: Movies you watched in school kino

This isn't a very good thread reddy

My crush on Ryan Gosling started here. He was such a loveable idiot in this movie.

I first saw Holes in school. I've probably watched it 20 times now.



Watched this is my sophomore biology class.

Too bad I was the only person in the class who liked it and understood what was going on.

Everyone else was a fucking retard.




>the white students and black students learn to get along after the white students learned to have fun and adopt some of the goofy things the black students did and the black students changed for the white students by... something...

this tbqh. Probably watched this more times than any other film.


Because THEY learned to accept THEM ya dingus.

Zac Efron looking motherfucker.

Of Mice and Men

Based film teacher




not joking


I went to T. C. Williams High School so the story was already spoiled.

Hey man, I watched Avengers in school so it's not that far-fetched.


>all the girls who couldnt handle it

not sure how it was allowed desu

I rembember watching this

Spanish 1


8th grade pe
Freshman English
Freshman biology
Freshman English
Freshman English

>watched this in history class in highschool
>can't even remember why
based teacher nonetheless

This image pisses me off. Stop using it faggot!

i remember this



6th grade health


Holy shit. Grew up in Arkansas. Watched the first half of this movie 50 times in school because it was teachers' go to lazy day, but never saw the end.

Why are they pointing guns at her?


12 Angry Men
Blade Runner
Close Encounters of the Third Kind

German 1. Teacher also had us watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off because she likes it.

>eating fast food too much is bad


I went to a based private high school, so I could post lots of movies I've watched which had no real purpose other than occupying the time because we finished the coursework early

The best movie I've watched in high school related to the course was Dead Poet's Society in an English elective class focused on poetry.

English teacher made us watch it because he was also the head of the school newspaper, yearbook, and journalism class and wanted students to join.

Great movie, but the teacher was a bit off.

Why the sci-fi movies? What class?

We watched that in our basic public school English class.

My science fiction class in 12th grade (no joke)

Grade 4
An Inconvenient Truth

Grade 5
My Neighbour Totoro

Grade 6
Rabbit Proof Fence

Grade 6 Japanese
My Neighbour Totoro

Grade 7
Remember the Titans
She's the Man
Mean Girls

Grade 8 English
Bridge to Teribithia

Grade 8 Science
Bad Teacher

Grade 8 Japanese
The Karate Kid

Grade 8 Social Studies

Grade 8 Health/Homeroom
Harry Potter 7 and 8
Mean Girls
Never Say Never

Grade 9 English
Rome + Juliet

Grade 11 English
Dead Poets Society
Mean Girls
Supersize Me

Grade 11 Math
Madagascar 3

Grade 12 English
Power of One
Macbeth (Polanski's one as well as the weird Australian one)
Pearl Harbour

Grade 12 Math
Blazing Saddles
Kung Fury

Thanks OP. I enjoyed this.

>Watching 1/4th a movie every day
Literally the worst way to watch a film.

We watched Gladiator for Latin class.

teacher probably posts here

Well that was just related to the coursework. We watched the entire lord of the rings trilogy in AP US history after the AP exams. We were supposed to do some pointless project, but he decided to incorporate the AP exam result into our grades instead.

In case you are interested, I got a 5 on the exam. Great teacher who could have become a professor, but he decided not to. Also taught AP European History in which I received a 4.

Got a 4 on my APUSH. Teacher was a cool guy who ran marathons, spoke Russian, and was originally going to be a foreign services guy but had kids first. Instead he became a so-so teacher. Loved the subject, but you could tell the idiot students were a drain on him.

School didn't offer European.

The wizard of Oz
The polar express
where the red fern grows
Old yeller
spy kids
spy kids 2
inspector gadget
romeo and juliet
Anne frank
the boy in the striped pajamas
Freedom writers
space jam
cinderella man
ferris buellers day off
home alone
its a wonderful life
a Christmas story
And at least 15 other films i cant remember the names of.

>An Inconvenient Truth

Ha. Biggest work of fiction on your list.

>Grade 12 Math
>Blazing Saddles
>Kung Fury

How did your teacher get away with it?

everyone was trying to act cool and hate it but I was giggling like a little girl

They made us watch Sticks and Stones. There's a scene where this bully catches the protagonist, breaks his arm and shoves his face in a pile of dogshit. I think the teacher hadn't seen it beforehand.

i never understood why they would go through all the effort of making this musical just to rehash romeo and juliet for the billionth time
what a waste

By screening them in between exams and holidays.

He had a folder filled with bootleg DVDs he obviously burnt himself.

One of the best math teachers I had and a cool guy to boot.

I'm wondering how he got away with the repeated use of the word nigger. I would imagine that some offended student would report him.

We live in Australia.
Also, if memory serves, the only people of colour in that particular class were a Figian and maybe a Mauri

Senior english class. Such a great movie to watch at the time. Loved it.

every year the 10th grade class spent an entire day watching this in the auditorium

pic related was in 11th grade history

Don't remember anything about it except that one scene where a guy fucking explodes after being hit by friendly artillery.

A teacher showed us a bootleg of this while it was still airing.

>football coach "taught" my social studies class Freshman year
>we watched a different football movie every Friday while he was sitting at this desk going over the gameplan or whatever

Liam Neeson literally came into my school after we watched Schindler's List because one of his sons went there

One autistic kid asked him, "how did you react when Bethesda asked you to play a character in Fallout 3?"

He responded,
"Well I talked to them on the phone, and I asked them, 'Yes, yes, how much for the role? That's it? Sorry, not interested.' And I hung up. Then I waited 10 minutes, they called me back and I picked them up again and said, 'How much was that again? Oh that's much better, thank you, buh bye'"

Gained a ton of respect for him after that day

Was this the tiddies one

Wasn't expecting our old ass teacher to actually put on a good old movie, caught us all off guard. was legit too.

>Grade 11 math
>Madagascar 3

>Grade 12 Math
>Blazing Saddles
>Kung Fury

Jesus I can't imagine how happy you were to get a competent teacher after grade 11

anyone else watch finding nemo 2 gorillion times because the teachers kept passing it around

by not picking fights like stupid niggers all the damn time

You fuckers even trying?

>Black coach criticizes white guy for going easy on the black kids "you're crippling them"

Don't think this film could be made today

Yes, underage Tn'A.

Nigga u 40

Underage b&

Had to watch it in my English class. Lost my shit when tank appeared on screen.



We watched special edited versions of this movie and pic related that our 8th grade teacher had commissioned.


Grade 9 Chinese, in which we made the teacher cry on multiple occasions. Also, one lesson she referred to her cat as her pussy which lead to an entire lesson devoted to her explaining to us how she played, stroked and didn't wash her pussy. I hated high school but sometimes I miss it. The Japanese class got to watch Howls Moving Castle... I still think we were better off.

I wasn't ready for that pregnancy aftermath

You niggers just watched old people shit in your classes

>schindler's list
>lord of the flies
>the cabinet of dr caligari
>the poseidon adventure
>the descent
>a hard day's night
>billy liar
>rear window

You guys had boring fucking childhoods, you should all kill yourselves and pray to that sandnigger god buddha that you get reincarnated as real fucking children

what dis?

>he didn't take a music class
>his teacher was a pleb


is this the inspiration for this album cover?

truly the most kino Shakespeare, aside from the trailer for Hamlet in Last Action Hero of course

Based Doggos

Your name is Toby!
I saw this twice, both times were in class.


>implying i wasn't a film student
>>implying i wasn't an english student
>>>implying you can't watch anything good in middle school


>missing the point of this thread
>thinking a middle school teacher would show a fourth of those
>going to film school instead of going to films

Oh it shows


I remember them putting that on when I was 6 and I was scared shitless

I remember watching only movies that involved Black people overcoming white racism. The only other videos were purely instructional or that one time we put on Bumfights.

What did the public school system mean by this


I remember something similar.