Why is no one hyped for this?
Why is no one hyped for this?
Because The Force Awakens was stupid.
came here to say this
TFA and Rogue One were dull as all hell. After three shit prequels and two bad sequels, I think it's time we all got over Star Wars.
No one really likes the direction Disney is taking this tired franchise and whatever """hype""" people have for it is forced to save face.
Only the most die-hard numale faggots and retarded women are legitimately excited for it. No one else cares.
fuck off pol, tv loves TFA
It'll still gross over $2B
>Why is no one hyped for this?
Citation needed.
I used to be obsessed with star wars but now I'm kinda fed up with it. Also, I don't like the direction it's taking.
Because Star Wars is the most over hyped and overrated franchise in "Nerd Culture".
Sup Forums = Sup Forums
Lurk more newfag
trailer was underwhelming. too similar to TFA's and the hype for TLJ was based around that it would be different.
Literally 2 decent movies out of 8.
Stop watching star wars
The new film looks so tired. The swashbuckling adventure of IV and V is long gone.
Yeah, maybe if Sup Forums had their way. But they don't.
Now fuck off back to Sup Forums.
It hard to get hyped for Star Wars when we're getting one every 12 months.
It used to be a very special occasion because they rarely came out.
You don't have to be pol to think TFA sucks. It's just plain a bad movie.
Haha, no. Back to your containment board, poltard.
Because it looks like mediocre disneyshit.
The only reason I really want to see it is to spoil it for friends and random people on the internet
I'm literally more excited to watch good-quality critical reviews of TLJ than I am to watch TLJ itself, that's how likely I think it is that it's going to suck.
This. It's only been two years and I already have Star Wars fatigue setting in. No way in hell i will see the Han Solo movie. I would see an Obi wan solo, but not Han Solo. Basically, I'm already done with the new movies. Hollywood is cancer.
No thanks I was here first. You're more than welcome to leave.
No one will even care. People cared about TFA spoilers, somewhat. The series is so out of touch that I wouldn't care if the whole script leaked. I'd rather read that than pay to see it at this point.
let me fix that poster for you
What I don't understand is why like 80% of people online like TFA and are excited about TLJ. I don't think it takes that much intelligence to see that TFA sucks. You just have to not be an imbecile. What explains TFA's appeal to all these people?
And why the fuck does Daisy Ridley think that gaping like a fish = acting?
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I'm assblasted by TFA, but I'll still probably see this on opening night because I've been a fan since a child. But if it's as awful as the previous, I may not see 9.
>disney will never make a star wars film that aspires to be more than a cash cow
a movie about thrawn or soontir fel or kreia would be the greatest scifi kinoflick ever
A combination of mouthbreathing numale drones, geeky gurl women trying to look appealing, and paid shills/bots, and young kids are the ones regurgitating phony positivisty for this garbage
You could say the exact same thing about Marvel or DC. Terrible movies that people cannot wait to see.
Luke dies
agreed. utter, mindless, video game cutscene bullshit
Because Star Wars is for faggots.
V > VI >VII >IV > I > III > II
The Force Awakens wrecked the original beloved characters. Turning Luke, Han, and Leia into buffoons who helped raise the new Darth Vader.
Also the movie was a clone of Star Wars 1977.
It does not need to exist and killed the good ending of Return of the Jedi just for $$$.
It's another over-arching sign of societal decline and collapse. Empires usually only last about 250 years. We're in our decline. In the decline stages you get rise in degeneracy (transgender, sjws), and a rise of "bread and circus", entertainment to keep the masses docile. That's what the influx of mindless hollywood movies is. Bread and Circus. Trump is our Caligula. We're riding a horse on it's last legs, it's written on the walls.
>The Age of Pioneers
>The Age of Conquest
>The Age of Commerce
>The Age of Affluence
>The Age of Intellectualism
>The Age of Decadence
The 6 ages of an empire. We're fully in the sixth age of decadence.
Luke - "the galaxy is in trouble, but I'm gonna go live on an island"
Han - "I'm a hero of the war that saved the galaxy, but somehow I owe people money again and have gone back to smuggling"
I'm hyped for Reylo
Star Wars is nothing special anymore.
It's practically a Marvel capeshit with more feminism.
This, so much this.
fpbp. absolutely mediocre. all that hype for nothing
>killed the good ending of Return of the Jedi
This shit hurts the most.
But we do. Reddit took over Sup Forums, we came as refugees.
We will go back to Sup Forums when Reddit leaves. That means you too.
Because 7 was meh and Rogue One was a disaster.
>dolan drumpf is evil!!!!!! we cant let him get the nukeler kill streak
Because TFA and how Disney treated the IP has got me not wanting to see another SW again
because we aren't children?
because it isn't part of my head canon
Neodisney Wars can fuck off hard. Everything about is so underwhelming and half assed and obvious.
Needless to say though, we'll get like two movies each year until we're all dead which hopefully is very soon :^)
fuckin this
I just want to see Laura Dern's parts.
because the force awakens was a fucking abortion
disney and these 'writers' who prioritise marketing and politics over telling a cogent and interesting story can fuck off
how jew jew managed to blow the ONLY opportunity to have han, luke and leia all reunited is unforgivable
take me back to when dark forces and kotor were canon
In other words, 80% of the world's entire population
Fuck, Marry, Kill?
I voted for Trump. You still can't actually say he isn't a sign of the end. Or at least the beginning of the end.
Phasma actually looks memorable without her helmet. Usually I love characters having helmets and not enough movies let their characters wear helmets anymore. But she still looks cooler without it.
Why did they pick such unattractive people for this movie?
If Rey is killed and Finn turns out to be the one, maybe it'll be good. Virtually everything else will be predictable, overblown, manufactured drama garbage.
And that's not an anti-woman thing, it's an "unstoppable badass instantly good at everything already hyped up to be the savoir of the universe and probably also a Kenobi or Skywalker vs. legitimate nobody who could rise to power and struggle with himself along the way like the original" thing.
(Ok, maybe not killed, there's too much money to be made, but y'know, taken down.)
fuck Phasma, cos she is a she. Marry Kylo cos I'm assuming he is the richest out of these three and kill the guy who's name I don't know and which I'm not even going to bother googling.
If Finn isn't force-sensitive in this one, I'm done.
I liked him with a lightsaber and having Rey be the action lead is just bland, even though I like her too. What's wrong with two Jedi?
after TFA and Battlefront I no longer can feel hype for upcoming star wars media
this I'll only watch it because Luke is in again in proper form (alteast that's what is promised) but just as you I may not see 9 on the theater, maybe when it's on the internet at good quality but not before
I am. The teaser pictures that came out recently look neat. And I'm eager to see what they'll do with Luke's character.
>not posting the original version
His name is Hux because he gives no fux.
Truth be told he was one of the most entertaining things about TFA. He hitlers around in front of stormtroopers and he has this weird playground rivalry with Kylo over who's the bigger dick.
Why the hell does he still have the wonky lightsaber? I thought the only reason he had it is because he jury-rigged it out of spare parts, and it got destroyed at the end of the last movie. Why doesn't he make himself an proper one already?
>redditors still dont understand that Sup Forums = Sup Forums
This has literally been in the news before. Mods have admitted it.
>more focus grouped pre-digested bland mush
no thanks
>Phasma isn't attractive
Fuck this gay earth
To be fair the script for that scene probably called for him to ham it up as much as physically possible.
I mean we've known who the actress was since way before the first movie came out.
Maybe TFA is actually good and you're just a cynical contrarian autist?
I legit had no idea, I was hoping she'd be some evil Samus aran type
The poster alone is already a turn off. You can tell they have nothing new to bring on the table, let's change the logo's colour! It reminds of C3PO's red-arm. There's absolutely no legitimate reason, just to make people talk about it and create buzz.
It's completely retarded that the First Order can build a gigantic sun sucking battle station but can't build him a proper lightsaber. This is just a stupid gimmick from the early concepts and they kept it because they thought "it was cool", just like wearing a helmet for no reason
Are you nuts? I'm hella hyped.
I just wish it was coming out this weekend.
This. The last great star wars movie was made in 1980. I have no further interest in seeing more movies in the series
>It's completely retarded that the First Order can build a gigantic sun sucking battle station period
>If Finn isn't force-sensitive in this one, I'm done
give it up you retarded nigger, he's not and never will be.
>"no one hyped for this"
>literally multiple +300 post threads about it every single day
you're all just acting like you don't care while you post your next autistic Star Wars essay post about all the little details and intricacies you gather from a fucking promo picture or whatever
I care enough to post about how shit disney wars is but no enough to pay to watch it.
I like rian johnson, but I will probably not love it partly because I didn't like tfa or rogue one
I'm pretty sure you payed off your cinema ticket just by the sheer amount of posts and threads you made about it.
You're just doing the marketing for them for free, there is no "bad marketing.
Disney execs are laughing right now.
dude what? i don't watch movies
Damn, Phasma looks like THAT?
Lots of people are. But it's just been turned in to nu-male cuck shit by (((Disney))), so essentially it's yearly release consumer garbage now like Marvel capeshit.
>ou're just doing the marketing for them for free, there is no "bad marketing.
I beg to differ, why do you think they shut down imdb boards?
It's not something I made up, there is no bad marketing, it's free attention which can be used in their advantage.
Justin Bieber became one of the most popular pop stars of our time just because of the sheer amount of hate towards him that spread like wildfire. for every hater he gained one fan too.
Your thread about how the new trailer/promo pic/script leak/whatever is looking really bad is just promoting Star Wars and more people know about the upcoming release and the exact date.
And it's not like the Plinkett anymore, for most of your hate posts there are just as autistic (You)'s defending it and all that is left is free marketing.
two words: hype inflation
the more you hype in a given time frame, the less the hype hypes
I heard this "no publicity is bad publicity" before. It doesn't mean that's true. Just one example : Ghostbusters or BvS. The studios learned their lesson and realize negtivity can build up and make people run away from their crappy movies. I have no doubt Disney forced imdb to shut their boards down, the proof is that they used bogus different reason to justify the shutdown. One time it was the troll, other time it was because it was underused. BS, it was because of the negativity.
Fuck Phasma, Marry Phasma, Kill Myself
Just because people are talking about it doesn't mean they're going to see it. The last movie I saw was Deadpool when it came out and it was terrible. I haven't watched a single movie/tv show since then (and I don't regret it)
>Just because people are talking about it doesn't mean they're going to see it.
sure thing buddy
come back here when it's released and there will be nothing but fucking star wars threads for a month straight