Came here to say this. /s
Came here to say this. /s
>dat flood of Sup Forumsdditors
Which one are you?
why'd you cut off the graph like a full year ago?
>which one are you?
Not on scale, fucking newfags.
Does Sage even work anymore?
What the fuck is the point of meta threads? Nobody is leaving and nothing is going to change. You just have the same arguments with the same anons every time with nothing to show for it.
this confirms Sup Forums got taken over by leddit
Sup Forums refugee here
where are the gibsmedats?
They are containment generals for redditors. They keep appearing when their raids fail.
They probably remind them of home.
Look at the state of the board since bane shit
you got the board as your gimmiedats
It's not a secret club.
It's just that redditors like you can't really fit since there are no upvotes and no profiles.
It's the only reason Sup Forums is somehow bearable.
You seem to know a lot about the inner workings of redditors.
Sup Forums is at the pinnacle of shitposting right now
i like it
Unfortunately, these days there are too many of your kind around so it's inevitable.
Hopefully you'll get tired and there will be some respite until the next wave appears.
I've been coming to this shithole of a website for over a decade now.
is that image real?
are liberals really this pathetic?
>newfags taking the bait this hard
>years ago
>less phones
>more recent
>more phones
Woah OP I think you're on to something
Why did that gamergate even happen, why it did cause everyone sperg out on both sides? Did it start the sjw phenomenon
I've been here for 10 years now. The anniversary might even be today.
Imagine where you could be in life right now if you never discovered this site
gamergate was Sup Forums finding out some indie game developer was fucking people for good reviews.
Nothing came of it and no one really cared.
What actually caused the huge spike was the fappening.