/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

Home edition.

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WARNING: If you haven't watched until S3E04, spoilers abound.

>I want to get into Twin Peaks, in which order should I watch it?
Season 1 > Season 2 > Fire Walk With Me > The Missing Pieces > read Secret History of Twin Peaks (optional) > Season 3
>I have never watched Twin Peaks, can I start with Season 3?
>I have not watched Season 2, can I skip to Season 3?
>I have not watched Fire Walk with Me, can I skip to Season 3?
>I watched the new episodes without ever watching any of the old stuff and still enjoyed it. You mad?
>Has everything leaked?
Ep 1-2 were released normally on 21st, Ep 3-4 on the internet that same night.
Ep 3-4 will be re-aired on 28th. You can find torrents for 1-4 already.
>When does Episode 5 air?
June 4, same time as premiere

*By "No" we mean "You shouldn't if you actually want to enjoy the series and understand the motifs/story"


>The Secret History of Twin Peaks (MOBI)
>"Diane..." The Twin Peaks Tapes Of Agent Cooper

Is it future, or is it past? ()

Other urls found in this thread:



anyone have any webms of the new york aerial shots?

I don't need Jackpots. I WANT jackpots. I don't NEED ANYTHING.


Any idea when Audrey's gonna show up? Surprised they haven't even mentioned her, considering how she ended with a cliffhanger


I'm going full pleb here, but why do people say they were such nice looking shots. Can't anyone do this with a drone and 4k camera nowadays, you see this sort of thing in music videos a lot.

[Americana starts playing]

leaks confirm that she appears in the next episode, she travels to South Dakota federal prison with Gordon and Albert and has to give Cooper's doppelganger a coffee enema

May the road rise up to meet your wheels.


another simple /tpg/ image for future use

Its just Lynchtards eating up whatever garbage he shits out.

you probably could but there was just something extremely pleasing about them and combined with the score added to the uneasiness of the season so far. same goes for his shots of LA in M. Drive.

Who here won't stop listening for the last time??

Mike are you here? As another midget you are my idol.

>any way how's your sex life?


>Fans of someone likes what he makes

When they go back to Twin Peaks

>song just suddenly popped into my head again
>thread updates 2 seconds later


Here me out on why I think he coffee "woke" Cooper up. Since he came out of the socket, he has only been able to mimic phrases and words people have said to him. Nobody has said hi to him since he left the black lodge.

record yourself dancing backwards and post it

Fargo wannabe

Damn, he's cool

maximum spoopy

What was your reaction when Coop kept hearing phrases from the red room in everyday conversations?

>you can get out now

I swear there were a couple other ones but I'm blanking right now.

Into the night for me

That's a lovely turn of phrase

Would if I could. I'm on my third gin and tonic tonight and I'd probably just fall flat on my face.

It probably went a small way into getting him back, but even DoppelCoop isn't himself. They can't both exist in the same universe.

Just watched the first two episodes again and have some things I didn't put together the first time.

>Ray (Daria's brother) has information from Bill Hastings' (guy in prison in South Dakota) secretary
>The information is coordinates for something
>Ray is in prison in South Dakota for carrying guns over the state line (though Cooper thinks this is strange)
>Cooper goes to prison to find Ray, get the info, and kill him, then escape with the blueprints he downloaded

So not-Coop and the guy that supposedly killed that lady in South Dakota are related through this. I have a feeling that something crazy is going to happen in South Dakota within the next episode or two since all these things line up.

>Philip Jeffries (or someone pretending to be him) says "I missed you in New York" to Cooper
>"Philip Jeffries" also says "You are going back in tomorrow, and I will be with Bob again"

So whoever is on the other end of the phone in this scene was in New York and was expecting to meet not-Cooper there, which is interesting because the glass box stuff is also in New York. And whoever it is for some reason wants to be with Bob in the Black Lodge, and I doubt that's Jeffries. Another interesting thing is when Cooper is in the Black Lodge before he meets the arm's doppleganger he doesn't go through the curtains the normal way but passes through some sort of portal in front of the curtains and his vision is initially messed up. The box in New York also extends outside the building and Cooper falls on it, so that just made me think that maybe it was set up that way specifically to catch Cooper, but I don't know.

I liked the musical number in episode 2, but in 3 and 4 it just felt tacked on.

Why would Albert and Gordon go to some girl who briefly knew Coop for a couple months when they obviously know Diane?


i dont think dopplecoop getting arrest was part of the master plan


It definitely was. He knows that Ray is in that prison, finds it on a map, and then downloads the blueprints and other info about it from his computer. He probably didn't exactly expect it to happen the way it did but he definitely was on his way to that prison.

never did I ever expect a David Lynch eccojam

>Fargo wannabe

Variation on the Laura (You) I made.

>2.11 MB
Kind of unnecessary.

>that moment in episode 4 (26:00) when Bobby walks in and sees Laura's photo and the music plays and you know Twin Peaks is really back and about to get back into first season form

We truly live in the most blessed of times. I hated the lack of music until that scene, but it was perfect contrast.

>Leo: New shoes
>Coop: New shoes

Whats the connection lads?

Is Leo the key to all of this?

I still don't understand why Bobby cried.

for (You)

I really don't like ending every episode in the bar. Really annoying, but its probably just an artistic thing Lynch wanted...

Getting caught is always part of the plan.

>tfw Bobby got his shit together and now it's just heartbreaking instead of amusing to see him get fucked

>not wwanting HD laura

>caring about file size

hello phoneposter

thank you dear friend.

>Hey Bobby, its me Laura
>y-y-you too, Laura

Really brings back the memories

yeah thats probably right, but he definitely didnt expect that shit to go down while driving down the highway at 100mph

It's just upscaled though, I can see the artifacts and shit.

>sees an old picture of his his high school girlfriend who was murdered

I wonder.


But Laura was a fucking terrible person, and Bobby knew that.

This whole season was filmed like a movie so the music at the end is to have each episode end in a similar way rather than just cutting after the last scene.

It's not going back to how the last two seasons were.

cant wait for laura to show up

A lot of shitty people get murdered, doesn't mean it still doesn't affect people who knew them.

Probably reminds him of his dead Dad, too. Lots of nostalgia now that he's grown up and not a teenager full of angst

I think he felt guilty as fuck because he didn't help laura when she needed to be helped. He just let her go deeper and deeper into her awful life.

I think ther'll be a lot more scoring at key emotional moments, like the in the first two seasons, is what I meant. The show would've never been as good without it.

I think that person on the phone is Mike.

I didn't upscale it. I just couldn't find a good high res version of that shot. It's the first image I found googling "laura twin peaks"

here's a proper Blu-Ray screencap to work with if you want

Me too. Whether she's playing Diane or not I wonder what the personality of her character is going to be and whether she'll have a southern accent or not. If she talked like she does in her Inland Empire monologues that would be amazing but I probably wouldn't be able to take it seriously.

That's a good guess I think.

>Starting to get hyped for Sunday
>Realise there isn't a new episode


You can get ready for the flood of review videos complaining about how it got even weirder than 1 and 2.

Thanks. I'll use that one from now on.

The box is meant to catch something from the other world, but I think Cooper passing through it was just a serendipitous accident. That's why it cascades and throws him back out again. Whoever's behind that box and what it's for won't be known for awhile, it's 3spooky.

but 1 and 2 are objectively weirder than 3 and 4

Formica table
I thee wed

The original series was fucking beautiful. The only bad thing is that it was in 4:3 but that's understandable.

Bobby has aged pretty well.

Do you think he would make a good DADDY

mista jackpots.

Oh and another thing I just remembered. When not-Cooper shoots Phyllis, Bill Hastings' wife, there's this weird effect that happens. I don't know if it's just to accentuate the gunshot or if it's supposed to actually mean something. It's like a weird warping effect.


Watched first episode of this pretentious arthouse shit and its drab as hell. Check out Stranger Things for tv done right


Fucking Reddit tier opinion, fuck off

being this much of a fag you shill your shitty netflix show

back to plebbit with you

>me favourite films the elephant man

What did Karl mean by this?

New hi res version thanks to a friendly user.

So he's James Dean and Wally is Marlon Brando, right?

It's objectively worse. Being this much of a contrarian faggot that everything regarded to be better is "reddit" is even worse than being a redditor.



I'm also turbo pleb but out of the countless NY fly-bys I've seen, none have looked as nice as these

>The only bad thing is that it was in 4:3

>academy ratio
stop it

I'm under the fan

>an aspect ratio that only exists due to limitations of the time is good

You're a fucking moron.

You sure? I didn't notice anything. I kind of don't want to re-watch but considering there's two weeks of waiting I will at some point I guess.

>Yeah dude, Citizen Kane looks like shit, should have been widescreen brah
>muh black bars

Fucking end yourself, plebiean faggot


Unless you held the tonic, that's a pretty weak excuse

>It's objectively worse


Gee, it's almost as if the world changes.