Are you Jobless people?

Are you Jobless people?
I am Jobless too.

I'm not jobless,
I work tomorrow at 7:15
(it's 3:15)

reeeeeee go to sleep normie
Sup Forums at night is the only time i feel superior to others

But jobless are not people but a parasites, don't forget that.

I'm a student

Get a job,Takeshi.Stop using your mother's 年金.

I'm jobless but I have quite a bit of money saved. My current plan is to build a shack in the woods and live there. I'm planning on using solar panels for electricity and farming for food. Is this as retarded as people have told me?

Jobless people sicken me.

yeah pretty much

Damn. I just want to escape society

Does housewife count? I'm jobless if so.

Imagine being a neet and not getting free money for doing nothing.

why not become a farmer or fisherman?

Fisherman sounds too hard and farming requires land. I guess I could afford some farming land here but then I'm not sure I could even afford to build a shack. Maybe I could move to some shit hole third world country and buy cheap land there

How about train to become a programmer, work remotely and travel or live in Asia?

I'm already doing computer science in uni, but I fucking hate it and it makes me want to hang myself everytime something doesn't work. But I guess being able to live for cheap as fuck in somewhere like Vietnam where whores and alcohol cost basically nothing might make up for it

Its something you can work with. I worked in some IT consulting companies. A lot of the people I worked over the years fucked off some day to NZ and or elsewhere and work from there. One of them is living in a Van on the beach, surfs allday and programs in the evening. He said he loves it. You dont have to live a cubicle life friendo

Thanks Germanon, the life that guy has, that's the kind of life I want. I didn't know what I wanted to do, and I've kinda just been picking things that my parents wanted. But now, I think I might just focus on programming and try to get a remote job and live in paradise in Asia. Thanks again man

Yes, cause i'm "house husband" and not a neet then too.

>house husband

Me and you living life to the fullest. All the benefits of NEETdom but you still get to have sex at the end of the day.

Only difference is that a housewife is "oppressed relic from the 1950s" but a househusband is a "liberated 21st century male". Fuck me.

I just woke up 6: 30
time to milk the goat

There is no good reason for people to be unemployed. MacDonalds and other such places are always hiring losers. People who don't work should be given the rope.

t. Taxpayer

That's a lot of ropes

>MacDonalds and other such places are always hiring losers
only good looking ones

Lizzie May needs to cut off the bennies.

What about the disabled?

Oh wait you're Austrian nevermind