Let's get this re-started

Let's get this re-started.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=XGLqYr-pUvM











Ah, Kolara chan

File was too big for 4chins. Had to alter it







These cruisers are still really cool looking. I wish they would make a comeback.


Probably the last we'll see of the Judicial Forces in a long time

Having some issues. Is this website being slow for anyone else?

I doubt it. They're a pretty big deal in Tarkin. If anything takes place in this time frame and older, we'll see them


And that's a wrap.
Thanks everyone

Man. To think puberty brought this comfy relationship down to a lot of trivial bickering.

Is it just me or does he kinda look like Alden Ehrenreich already?

Did anyone notice the heads of those war bots look like AT-XT's? Also... slug throwers.
