ITT: Sup Forums in 2004

ITT: Sup Forums in 2004

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most people here now probably weren't even born

>OP always trying this hard to force his shitty threads

Did you guys hear about what’s happening in Fallujah? I hope it was just an isolated incident.

Oh, I’m sorry for killing your shitty blogpost, you asspained faggot.

Wow 2004 was actually 14 years ago, one of my earliest memories was being at a Christmas celebration in a banquet hall when I was a little kid when it became 2004.

I started visiting site at 2007 so i don't know.

The American economy

>14 years
It's not 2018 yet user just wait a couple more days for that

It’s for fun, not actually trying to be 2004 Sup Forums. Sup Forums didn’t even exist until 2010. Just pretend it is 2004 and talk about things that happened in 2004 as if Sup Forums was around back then.

I can't even remember what happened last month

Sup Forums didn't exist until 2010, you stupid fucking newfag.

Fuck Bush.

How fucking new are you that you've never seen an "Sup Forums in XXXX" thread?

Holy shit, how fucking illiterate are you?
>ITT: Sup Forums in 2004
>when Sup Forums didn't exist until 2010
Maybe it's because you weren't born until ten years ago, you fucking inbred commoncore beaner.

ahh not him but the gimmick is that the date is pretty old , like Sup Forums in 1980 or Sup Forums in 1939 /int/ in/type/op/
Oh no, he's actually this fucking new.

I came in 2006, but from what I heard pre-2005 Sup Forums was just a shitton of namefaggotry and anime memes, it wasn't until cancerous goons like myself infested the site in 2005-2006 that Sup Forums became non-anime shitposting.


Wish me luck guys, I'm off to enlist in the army and bring democracy to the poor oppressed countries in the middle east!

Condolences to homies in Indonesia

>turn on EuroNews
Wow, I thought Reagan died years ago, but couldn't check because old textbooks and no internet at home.

Oh, also EU, I guess.

the iraq war is probably justified

This. Saddam is an evil dictator. Good job on Bush for concluding the war so quickly.

>trying this hard to fit in
>literally hasn't seen a [board] in [year] thread before
holy fuck, kys yourself

> be Indonesian
> drown

>Saddam did 9/11!
>Isreal is truly our greatest ally!
>Kerry for president, gore should have won anyways!

Fuck all these yuro faggots who don't believe there are WMDs in Iraq. Why would our government lie to us?

2004 was actually the first year I got on Sup Forums

I'm 6 years old