Are People really routing for this boring fucking bitch who just been handed shit her whole life to come out on top if...

Are People really routing for this boring fucking bitch who just been handed shit her whole life to come out on top if this show does anything close to her winning fuck it FUCK IT HARD 0/10

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Face it user, the showrunners really are that lame. These are people that make the characters they like more appealing and make the characters they dislike horrible monsters. Dabid's fanfiction is geared towards giving the normalfags exactly what they want now.

The TV series is pandering towards a female audience. If this was Predator everyone would have died except the mexican bitch and she would have killed the Predator.

Stop being so jelly stannisboi

Almost everyone in the show who has a shot at the throne is a piece of shit. It's her or Jon Snow pretty much.

shes fireproof and has dragons

what else do you need?

she will rule with her brother

>Handed everything
>Parents murdered
>Literally sold to a warlord
>brother who beat her
>earned the respect of warlord clan though linguistics and EATING THE HEART OF A BEAST
>literally walks into fire to hatch dragon eggs based on faith.
>Outsmarts world leader and master of unskilled into getting huge army for free, without any help whatsoever.
> Takes two more cities and second son armies through strategy alone.
> outsmarts and burns to death all Dothraki leaders
>Handed everything her whole life
Holy shit you're an idiot. She maybe just a young girl who knows nothing of war, but she has outsmarted every man in her path yet.

Jon needs to rule the North and Dany needs to be on the iron throne.
Also Jon needs to marry someone who can actually have babies.
Ohhhhh wouldn't it be cool if Jaime and Dany got married?? We all know he likes blondes, and his time of listening to Cerci is coming to an end. This would please me.

I can't wait for the finale. So many people are going to be let down no matter what happens. Normie book is going to be like Sup Forums is now because of Samurai Jack

She was horribly miscat

Killed by righteous and just folk who wanted their kingdom to be chill and not ruled by baby burners

She agreed to it

She could have hit back, he was a pussy

Lol their women all have to do that, she was entry level

She was trying to die

Uhh no, she betrayed a deal and backstabbed him, which fucked her for like 4 years

JHahahahahhaha if not for Daario and the Unsullied, Jorah and the Dothraki and Tyrion and her asspull dragons, she would not have done shit.

Fuck barring a door is outsmarting now? Niggers were too stupid to live

>Holy shit you're an idiot. She maybe just a young girl who knows nothing of war, but she has been given everything by pandering show writers and an author who was trying to fuck a friend of his she is based on

>jaime and danny
Yes, the guy that only wanted to fuck his sister
and the girl who hated being molested by her brother

Clearly a match made by divine powers and sentient trees.

Who cares anymore?

It circled the drain longer than most shows but you can't tell a story without recurring characters so the whole red wedding meme died real quick. Now everyone must survive everything or the narrative falls apart.
The tension is gone.

>you cant tell a story without recurring characters

Depends on the story. If you're telling the story of an individual character, it's true, it may be hard to tell their story if you kill them off. If you tell their story through the perspective of several characters who die off, and see the character in different lights, and different times of their life, that's another thing.

Another thing still is the story of a village, a town, a city, a nation, a continent a world and further on. The story of the larger picture if defined by the living and passing of many persons. There are many ways to tell a story. The question is, what sort of story do you want to tell? Is it the story of several set characters or the fate of an entire people seen through the eyes of several living and passing characters over the course of that history?

I'm not saying you're wrong about game of thrones in particular, but I am saying that the base statement of, "you can't tell a story without recurring characters" is a flawed view, not entirely wrong, but please, I implore you, admit that it is at least a flawed perspective of story telling.

Her nephew, not her brother


im routing for

GOT brings the worst cancer to Sup Forums

My cousin named his daughter Khaleesi....

She will die in last season and Jon Snow will become King of Westeros. Calling it now gaybois, screenshot this shit.

Oh my fuck. Me too

"Who will kill Dany?" will thus be the question

What is it about Dany that triggers some people so much I'll never understand. Yes, she has many flaws, but so does everyone in GOT.

Kill yourself faggot. Dany will have what Dany wants.

its going to be the fat librarian who gets the throne

I said this from the beginning and its never been more clear to me

Dany will rule!
Haters will burn!

shes so cute

She's a girl so it's unrealistic for the majority of the beta cucks who overflow this board

people are getting so obsessed with fictional characters in this show, it's unbelievable. half the fandom will be melting down after the finale.

This. Even if you dislike the character, Stan is is the rightful king, and they made a good character completely shit in his final season.

She's played by a shit actress.

>still thinking stannis is relevant character

I liked her to start with, but she really has just been getting shit handed to her the entire time. She never DOES anything

No, Emilia does decent job with dialogue she's given. People are hating her because they hate everything Dany.

everything she does looks so forced and out of place that a scarecrow would have been a better cast

>implying you wouldnt kill yourself if you faced even 1% of what she's been through

Lot of people just can't differentiate between actor and character. I remember back in seasons 1 and 2 when Jon's character was boring everyone was saying how terrible Kit is. And now they're all jerking off to him. Same with Sophie, her character is boring, so she must be shit actress, it has nothing to do with writing.

what if her son wasn't stillborn and will show up at the end?

gurm was very clearly setting it up for her to turn out to be insane and get killed, but he's probably going to chicken out and make her win it all now that the series is famous since he's a spineless cuck.

tell me one thing wrong with her acting in this scene. yeah, she's not meryl streep, but she can do great job with good script

It really all seems too forced and too "wooden". She has no flow, not her lips, not her body. It's like she's trying too much to come off as epic; and I get that it is an epic setting but what makes GoT so good is that the characters that compose its universe are all reletable and feel very real and "next door" if you know what i mean. Daenerys comes off as cheap and unrealistic. Her expressions are too forced, and god I hate that fucking thing she does when she smirks as if she just pwned everyone, when all she achieves is cancelling out all the good work from the rest of the actors, because she makes you feel detached. You can "tell" that she's acting. Everyone else in the cast is so natural and spotanenous. She DEFINITELY did not deserve any emmy nomination

She's written like a self insert fanfic character so many will like and support her.

>"Tyrion flinches each time a projectile lands near the pyramid, because he’s human and it’s a natural human reaction. Dany never flinches. She is not the same woman who flew away from Daznak’s Pit on the back of a dragon. She is changed, changed utterly, a terrible beauty glaring at Tyrion"
This is from S6E9 script. I know this is not the case in the books, but in the show she is literally written to act like a goddess. That's why she doesn't 'feel real'. But when that wasn't the case, like in season 1, she was amazing IMO, especially in scenes with Jason Momoa and Harry Lloyd. But people have different tastes, so I can understand if you didn't like it, and I appreciate that you're able to have normal conversation about this, it's rare on this site.

She's the embodiment of american sjw that believes whatever she touches becomes gold and everyone else is evil, retards will eat this shit up like there is no tomorrow.

No she's really not that good.

Kit improved as an actor tho

can't tell if trolling or just retarded

Maybe you are retarded.
Remember pizza pizza season finale? Literally the sjw wet dream.

I hope the white walkers win, tired of the good guys winning all the time.

Dany is a good girl. There's no reason for me to root for any of the assholes left.

short man is still a bro.

so is the fat beta.

delusional cunts like you only make me love her even more.

it's pretty pathetic how the writer's just handwaved away all the problems she had ruling mereen.

>just forget about dragons killing children
>scene with religious lady means the people are all happy now
>dragons kill all the slavers

literally none of it was justified. it happened because the writer's needed it to happen because she's a pop culture figure now.

same with jon getting resurrected. characters don't suffers consequences for their choices anymore so fans can get "badass" scenes with them instead.

also forgot that her locking up her dragons also had zero consequences.

>they randomly escape just as she flies into battle and needs their help
>totally fine with getting locked in the basement by mom

>she's so terrible!!1
>why are the writers making her so good? i want my favourite character to be more popular!!!
dany haters in a nutshell

It's a realistic role model for women

Her impending victory is the character equivalent of waiting for your dog to take a shit so you can go back home. You know it's gonna happen and you know it's gonna be shit, so you just want it to be over with already.

>character that gets away with all her retarded choices because the creators have chosen her as the one who's going to win anyways

She's just boring after book 2.

She's literally handed an army of fanatic slave soldiers.

Meanwhile characters like Stannis, built to be an antagonist to her, have far more engaging and interesting stories.

Hang on so has that fuck fuck actually finished the books? If not is he telling the writers the ending or are they making it themselves? Because if they are making it themselves isn't there a chance it's going to be totally shit compared to his ending?

he told them the ending.
he stopped writing the books though.

Jon is literally perfect

This. I want the show to end so the plebs will stop talking about it.

This, and not to fellate the books, but at least this is what happens there:

>Mereen is shown to be a worst place than it was before Dany arrived, and her freeing the slaves has crashed the economy and made everyone starving
>ergo closing the loop about Mereen being an Iraq war allegory, and basically telling us that idealism is a powerful evil if applied badly showing us Danearys as a sympathetic character, but also inexperienced and self-centered who has let her tampering with local customs screw everything up. It's meant to help her growth if ever she does become queen in Westeros.

Meanwhile, show:
>dude it's a-ok if dragons kill kids, LOL, things like that will just fix themselves
>dude just kill your enemies with your dragons, so epic xD, haha negotiations are for pussies (in reference to that last scene)
>things about slavery and shit will just fix themselves, so you know, you can leave for Westeros now ;)

pls dont bully dany

Well she annoys me a bit because she does have some pretty serious flaws and has done some very immoral and questionable things, but the show-runners never put any focus on this. The plot trundles along pretending that she's perfect and good when that is a highly debatable position.


Yaaas kween slay
*clicks fingers*

I don't like that they spent 4 seasons developing (because it's that way in the books) her entire story arc to be 'You can't win through sheer force of will and 3 dragons' then these last seasons have just been her winning everything through sheer force of will and 3 dragons.

They've thrown out any politicking or compromise for 'muh dragons' and people just flocking to her side because muh dragons. To be fair the 'politics' angle of GoT got thrown out the window practically 3 seasons ago.

Sure buddy.

everyone makes faces like that when shouting. and the fact that someone watched her scenes frame by frame just to find something to bitch about, only proves my point.

Most of those scenes aren't even shouting, just her over enunciating / overacting because shes a bad actress regardless of script you nugget.

she's shouting the whole time, people she's talking to are like 100m away from her.

She's boring. Nothing more than that. But that's true of most got characters. When you kill off the interesting characters and keep the boring ones, the show will circle the drain real quick.

Her entire emotional range even going back to S1 is angry overenunciation and resting blank / smug face. Even in scenes where shes supposed to be sad shes just blank as fuck.

Her fucking brows. Can't they afford some more fucking bleach?

She hasn't earned her place as queen. She just stumbles around like a blind dog and still manages to come out on top because le dragon ex machina meme.

Actually, now that I think about it, Cersei is the same. Except substitute Dragons for Qyburn.

>Married off by her brother without even arguing
>Let him abuse her multiple times
>Fall in love with your rapist
>Murder people who do not agree with your point of view
>Force your ways upon each settlement you've arrived to
>Makes a trade and proceeds to murder the trader
>Surround yourself with cockless men
>Only men who advise you are old and beta or actual midgets
>Lose control of cities when you leave them
>Can't quill a rebellion within your city
>Can't even accomplish anything without help or dragons
>Has never had to struggle

Appreciated, you've offered a perspective that i hadn't considered before so props to you too, the goddess part makes sense desu but I still feel like she's the weakest link in the cast.

They're still children tho if we are to follow yer logic. Did you torch your mother on fire or ate her limb every time she grounded you when you were little?

>foreign invader bringing an army of 100,000 rapists and three massive dragons across the sea
>she should be hated and feared by everyone in Westeros
>show will make her the saviour of the land, here to deposed evil queen Cersei
>she should go crazy and start burning cities, like GRRM looks to be setting up in the books
>she won't, and will sit there with a smug look on her face as Westeros kneels before her
I like the show, but goddamn she's annoying.

Her only redeemable quality

Boring, bad actress, Mary Sue, and last but not least.



Sansa is basically Sakura from naruto.
Littlefinger is orochimaru.
Jon snow is naruto.
Tyrion is shikamaru.
Jamie is Kakashi
Jamies sister (what's her name again?) is Obito.
Dany is sasuke.


>so called ''good guys'' are so boring and unoriginal you actually start rooting for Cersei

The worst part is knowing she will never win because normies could never accept it.

she gets everything handed to her and they depower any type of antagonist/villain that opposes her.

>in a hut filled with a dozen dothraki bloodriders and a fucking KHAL, some of the best fighers most likely out of like 40,000 dothraki soldiers.
>starts a small fire, instead of leaving or even just killing her.
>they freak out like a little bitch whilst danny just looks at them with that pretentious smug same face shes used for the past 5 seasons to appear like she is strong.