only post in this thread if red white and blue are your flags only colors

Other urls found in this thread:

But why?


Saw this on a "We Was Kings" Facebook page, made me kek.

Is this your attack bublecopter?

no the emus don't let us own bubble wrap, it's a choking hazard


How's it going lads

Sup, feels good to be superior

How do you choke yourself with bubble wrap?
Is it even possible?

Hello Burger King

Wew straya mates. Feels good to have a winning flag

Do we count?

Gotta agree, best toothpaste there is.


>that pride smelling within me

Red is for commies

Did a giant spider distract you or are you being witty with an upside down w?


blue is for cock


ayy lad

What about Liberia?

Post more cool concept flags had the Krauts won WW2, they are comfy
British fascist flag is nice


Hello my brothers and sisters

join John Smith and make america great again!

No white on the Canadian flag, nice try.

Fuck off
Fuck off
Fuck off
Fuck off
red, white AND blue cunts. Fuck off

canada's statistically less gay than burger land and the majority of western europe lad

Hello fellow americans

sure m80

Hello why you are Hungry?

Hey there, though I wish we didn't have the red bar.

GTFO, leaf.



>3.2% of Aussies claim to be gay
>1.7% of Canucks claim to be gay

fix your own shit desu

fucking pseudo-dutch faggot

>98.3% of Canadians are liars

I miss the good old days.

You're must be pretty in touch with the gay community to be able to come up with these numbers without sources.


ay boss

>get stung by kangaroo
>get aids

sup fuckers

Sup fellow goyim

We have the most beautiful women

You had your chance canacuck, but y'all voted for a fucking leaf with no blue so that's what ya get. If it doesn't appear on your countries Olympic team or military then it doesn't count.

Statistics shmatistics. You seem are heaps gay ay.



>countries olympic team
>green and yellow

This thread now belongs to Great Horde! All gib a tribute to the Great Khan!

Some folks are born made to wave the flag
Ooh, they're red, white and blue

slovenia and croatia do not belong

take your filthy yellow and get out

Japan has enough yellow for everyone

gonna need sause or nuudes here

Our countrys flag is a russian rip off with a fucking Crest top left, also our country looks like a chiken
