It's over Sup Forums, they're here.
It's over Sup Forums, they're here
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Is this legit?
Fucking hell, maybe if some of the try to do something here they'll get red pilled
>Millennial shit head
>Tries to take down Sup Forums
hmmm....why do this remind me of a certain website who tried the exact same thing a few years ago....
> meme magic is literally going to be the deciding factor of who wins this election
What a time to be alive. Praise Kek
>get red pilled
> anons here un ironically believe this
Wew lad
A bunch of twittlers against the whole shitposting force of Sup Forums? Oh lawdy
Watch it backfire horribly. The memes definintely won't be dank. They will probably be tumblr-tier.
I unironically nutted in your waifu.