Why do Japanese people and other Asians celebrate Christmas (and Halloween), even though they're not Christian...

Why do Japanese people and other Asians celebrate Christmas (and Halloween), even though they're not Christian? How come people there are following some of the western cultures besides their own one?

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blame american's fairy tale
santa claus

Because they are civilized, and the asians are our direct brothers


>how come people there are following some of the western cultures besides their own one?
Did you knew that we never celebrated Valentine Day in USSR? And now it's one of biggest holidays unlike Halloween or St Patrick Day which are celebrated here too but to much lesser extent.

It's the corporations man


We're one of the few countries that don't celebrate Xmas has a public holiday.

South Korea is cucked.

I heard in russia (i think during valentines day) that the country, or portions of it, does some sort of raffle and if you get your girlfriend pregnant and she gives birth on an exact day, you win and you get prizes like an SUV

we don't celeblate to christmas.

we want enjoy party,dating with lovers/friend.that's all.

oh ya, here it is, Russian Day Of Conception, sept 12
>get gf pregnant
gotta love russia

>Did you knew that we never celebrated Valentine Day in USSR?
But in the Russian Empire people did.

tell me about day of conception holiday, i want to hear from a russbro

Japanese and Koreans have cuckold master mentality. They will copy America completely because it's successful even dumb shit like santa clause.

It's effective desu.



Halloween here is hundreds of times better than in the west, unless you're 5 or something

For the same reason pretty much the whole world is using a Catholic calendar even though only 15% of the world population is Catholic.

But anyways, Christmas is not really celebrated in countries like Japan, China nor Vietnam I mean is not even a public holiday

It's a roman calendar mi familia

>cuckold master mentality
says the wh*Teoid with a sandnigger name following a sandnigger religion posting in a Futaba cheapcopy image-based bulletin board

Never heard of it.
>we don't celeblate to christmas
But you do. >we want enjoy party,dating with lovers/friend.that's all
Then why do you call this Christmas?

There's just no family/tradition element is all. It's simply a day for themed dates. Or does having a toga party imply being a cuck for Greeks/Romans?

They just need a reason for party and having sex.

Because we're all living America. Coca cola (sometimes war)


I find it interesting a bunch of communist and nearly 100% muslim countries observe/celebrate it
On the other hand we will soon change the time to "Summer Festival" so as to be tolerant of other religions

The fuck does Halloween and Santa Claus have to do with the cancerous death cult that is Christianity?

Just piss off back to your shitty /brit/ general, you dumb Paki cunt.

>The fuck does Halloween and Santa Claus have to do with the cancerous death cult that is Christianity?

>doing this in a high muslim population country

absolute madman, thank god he got arrested before he got beheaded.

>Christmas (and Halloween)

there's a lot of christians in east asia

>one of the few countries that don't celebrate Xmas

Soon they'll be saying that marriage is also a christian invention


I'm not Christian and I celebrate Halloween, Christmas, Easter,...

good for our economy.

Same, but I'm baptized.

>Why do Japanese people and other Asians celebrate Christmas (and Halloween), even though they're not Christian? How come people there are following some of the western cultures besides their own one?

but we don't celebrate to christmas

But you fucking do it as well as Halloween. Even in Iran people celebrate Christmas. Christmas has been greatly commercialized and it isn't a religious holiday any more.

Yes. Mexicans too should stop being cucks, abandon sandnigger religion and go back to genociding themselves by mass sacrifices to their gods.

Do you know christmas's meaning?

Yes, of course.

I suppose they use Christmas-like things for celebrating the new year. At least that is the way it works in most non christian countries.

Japanese don't celeblate to jesus's birth day.

As I said before, Christmas isn't a religious holiday any more since it has been commercialized and made secular.

meh it's not of a big deal in this cunt actually

we think of it as just another bland, commercialised holiday in winter and normies think of it as a day on which they can make an excuse for having an orgy fuckfest

But we are like the most Christian country left

People here are being fucking retarded.In Portugal it's called christmas regardless of the fucking coca-cola red clothed white beared motherfucker.
Not everybody has this image,not everybody lives in america or a god forsaken orthodox/protestant country

Santa Claus is a mix of British, Dutch, German, and Nordic cultures. So, protestant.

are you ok?

>Santa Claus
Lol. Catholicuck education