Where were you when Arrow managed to redeem itself?
Arrow S5 Finale
really? give a tl;dr with spoilers, because when I saw they were bringing more silly, faggy characters to the team at the beginning of s5 I dropped it immediately. And s4 was already very painful. What exactly changed?
> No "Destroy Star City" endgame
> End of the Flashbacks
> Slade Fucking Wilson is back
> Hell of a Cliffhanger
Everyone that isn't Oliver and his son is possibly dead. Of course they aren't, but that's the ending cliffhanger leading into season 6.
>mfw Oliver and Crixus stand as brothers once more
By Jupiter's cock, how does this come to pass?
did they show panties? that is the only way i see
This got to be cheapest deathstroke mask I've ever seen.
Did Willa Holland get fully nude?
The cast got too big and I wouldn't mind it being cut down to smaller sizes but I really want muh thea to be around
does dig still run around in a motorcycle helmet with a pistol? do action scenes still suck major dick? who's the big bad and what's his agenda? is felicity still annoying as fuck? is the gay negro still there?
>slade wilson is back
and they're friends now? also, how the fuck is deathstroke allowed to be in the show, but they had to get rid of deadshot because of DCU?
get that paralyzed ugly ass fucking bitch out my show
bring laura lance back that thick lipped succubus
Literally all of his allies are captured and brought back to the island. Oliver goes to his little prison and recruits Slade and Digger to help him along with Nyssa and Merlin.
That deathstroke costume looks like a bad cosplay
>does dig still run around in a motorcycle helmet with a pistol?
Not as much, he spent the 1st half of the season in prison
>do action scenes still suck major dick?
>who's the big bad and what's his agenda?
Son of a guy oliver killed during season 1 (not actually shown in season, but they do flashbacks to that time) Goal is to fuck with Oliver
is felicity still annoying as fuck?
Most of the time no, but she has her moments
is the gay negro still there?
>and they're friends now?
no more mirakuru insanity, and oliver gives him info on his son
> also, how the fuck is deathstroke allowed to be in the show, but they had to get rid of deadshot because of DCU?
Because the DCEU is shit and Manu Bennett is still the fucking boss.
my goto stream site isnt working and streamango a shit
Well, they are going to bring A laurel back for season 6, but it'll be the Earth 2 version
>thick lipped succubus
which one?
so shit, but less shit
I might consider giving it a chance
Slade being back was kind of a final "in case of emergency, break glass" thing.
if you're actually going to stream might as well go to the official site.
Haven't watched the series but is this worth the time?
no, not really, unless you enjoy this kind of unintentionally cheesy cheap shit
When will Oliver finally kill his ass.
Theoretically, he's already dead as he was standing on a live land mine the last time we saw him. But of course comic book rules apply: no body, not dead.
More like
>No body, no Lazarus Pit, no White Lantern rings, etc. not dead.
I always envisioned the flashbacks ending in sync with present Olly doing some crazy shit or having a wild character revelation, instead it just sort of happened. It was cool seeing Dolph's skeleton before dying in flashback though.
Yeah, don't know what they were thinking with it. I much preferred the season 1 version of the mask.
How can you unironically praise this garbage?
You do realise it's made to entertain mindless retards, right?
We'll the island isn't a thing anymore so it's kind of like bookends
Are they heading towards a final season? 6 seasons seems like enough for a concept like this.
who am I kidding capeshit will never die, they didn't even have the balls to kill Iris and add stakes back to flash fuck CW
There was also that countdown watch and his bag of stuff too when he's searching with Slade and Boomerang.
the cliffhanger ending was pretty dumb but other than that it was good much better than the flash finale
Not really OP, it brought back Olicity shit.
good idea , i just assume it wont work for me from australia as foxtel has exclusivity and id have to wait 24 hours avoiding spoilers
im caught up now - 1v1 fights good, ensemble fights suck, balls the size of melons if they kill everyone,tying the flashbacks to the start of the series was nice touch
It's guilty pleasure you autist.
The only other superhero that we know of that exists in the Arrow/Flash Earth 1 is Batman, but only because Oliver told Felicity that he would have given her the codename "Oracle" but it was already taken.
What's the point of the cliffhanger when we already know all the actors have already signed on for the next season? Not really any surprise if they will survive or not.
I thought Manu shit all over this show on twitter?
What the fuck
Why wasn't argus patrolling the island for their prisoners, why even have a facility if it has one guard
So much better than Flash this season. I'd tell you how it stacked up against Stupidgirl, but I can't.
I stopped watching the SJW show after episode 8. It made me cringe and puke...
Supergirl just kept going further down the SJW hole. It's Girl Power all the time. Also: LESBIANS! And: Everyone is a Superhero now! Even Jimmy Olsen Who Has No Reason To Be A Black Belt In Power Armor Fighting Crime!
Probably the biggest annoyance was completely rewriting Alex to be a lesbian to fill some diversity quota.
>oh wow supergirl beat superman in a fight and we gotta include superman saying that he was at full power because GIRLS RULE!!
Is MANU Bennet back? Shit I might watch this. Saw the first few episodes and the action was pretty good.
Nigga killed his mom, wtf
Actually, thie season of Arrow was pretty good, the best of the CW series
Arrow > Legends > Supergirl > Flash
Download terrarium TV on your phone.
It didn't. It was a great finale but they clearly spent all their budget on it and as a result the entire rest of the season suffered when so much more could have been done with it. Nyssa vs Talia and Canary vs Canary had no weight whatsoever, and aside from Merlyn everyone else was just there to punch mooks. They brought based Slade back but did fuck all with him.
He may or may not be dead now. They brought Captain Boomerang back just to kill him off too.
>mfw Ashur tries to say mate like an Auscunt
cheers mate, will look into it
USE FUCKING SPOILERS YOU FUCKS. I haven't seen the last episode yet
>Opening and reading a thread entitled Arrow S5 Finale before you've seen it
No-one to blame but yourself.
that costume sucks
why is deadstroke a tiny manlet i thought he was supposed to be a big guy ,
Billy looked far more intimidating.
One episode cannot redeem and entire season of total shit. Maybe next season will be better, if oliver stops acting like a little teenage bitch, the team becomes half the size, felicity dies a painful, horrible and well-deserved death and have an interesting, not super-plot-powered no-name villain with a trivial M "muh daddy" motivation.
have they shown any panties since that time they showed caity lotz panties on the boat?
Does anyone else get the vibe from Caity Lotz's face that it's the face of someone who survived for a long time in the desert after a plane crash or something
I can't explain it
best girl and the only reason I see legends
The guy who plays Stein is pretty good
Why don't they have such sexy scenes as this in every third or so episode?
Isn't the writer a woman?
In Legends she makes out with a hot girl probably every second episode
Not really, only a few times. But the clothes she wears are usually great.
>kill everyone
It's CW.
You know the following episode is going to be the explanation episode on how they got off the island just in time
Is also an awesome singer so that's nice
for you
>it's a cute girls in historical clothing episode
LITERALLY my fetish
ok, which episode does deathstroke come back?
The last of this season.
JUST ONE EP? definitely not watching the whole thing then
>> also, how the fuck is deathstroke allowed to be in the show, but they had to get rid of deadshot because of DCU?
>Because the DCEU is shit and Manu Bennett is still the fucking boss.
Warner Bros actually had a contract that let them have exclusive rights for those characters but they have expired now
last moments of the penultimate episode and then is in it for the last episode. Honestly I only watched the last two episodes, it was bretty gud. Seemed worth watching from the beginning of this season though.
I wonder how they will explain how not one important person died in the explosion. Pulling some Flash-tier bullshit and Felicity quickly hacked into an iphone in the last minute to create a supersonic quantum bazooka barrier?
I feel the conflict with Chase was pretty shallow, tbqh.
They should've introduced him in season 3 or 2 and have him become true friends with Oliver before this season.
Was anyone else bothered by how painfully obvious it was that Manu Benett wasn't available to film all of Deathstroke's scenes and just have a guy wearing the costume in the scenes with his voices dubbed over?
Having him wear his mask in some scenes while other characters weren't really stood out.
Felicity called Flash, he didn't pick up, she called Cisco, who told Wally to save them.
Well you have to remember a little while back Manu bennet said he did not really like the show for letting Thea beat him up.
Prometheus is the GOAT villain.
When did that happen? He wasn't in the show since season 2 and that was before Thea could beat up anybody. Or was he talking about the fake Deathstroke from the alien-abduction crossover episode?
He was in season 3 or 4 when Thea and Oliver went to Lian Yu for whatever and Slade escaped and Thea beat him up and nearly killed him.
He did but that was during s4
This whole season was really s1,s2 quality
Deathstroke needs more pouches if I'm to take him seriously.
just like Felicity' s mom was a series regular and Katie and Wentworth singed a multishow contract and then did jack shit with them
also how they said Sara was going to have an important role in season 3 and they killed her 5 minutes after showing up in the season
End of 5x22 and whole 5x23
She did have an important role just not the actress
It's not like they will kill off the entire supporting cast of the show though. It's a stupid cliffhanger because it's blatantly obvious no one died.
How does anyone unironically believe this? I hope you're shitposting
when they were evil in legends it was pretty hot
they got in the argus bunker jail
I endured through season 4 and tried season 5, but it's still so terrible. I stopped around episode 14 of s5. I unironically find supergrill a better watch if for no other reason than to chuckle at the absurdity of liberal bullshit being spouted every few minutes.
Too far away.
They said they could fix the plane if they had equipment from their plane, which was close to the bunker.
I am pretty sure they said, they could fix it if they have any tools at all.
The plane Oliver came with blew up
Badass villain with actual motive instead of MUH STAR CITY NEEDS TO EXOLODE
Oliver killing in some capacity
Felicity being pushed to only 5 min per ep
Oliver has a life outside GA
Fight scene and choregorpahy no longer seem like they were written by a edgy 12 year old?
>I see you on the boat
from the last episode and now that finale.
Chase truly was head 10 steps
best Arrow girl