Both are made by Disney

>Both are made by Disney
>Both are sequels to films from around 30 years prior
>Both are the same general story as the original film
>Both have the biggest star of the original cast in a major role
>Both kill said cast member's character at/near the end
>Both feature the son of the aforementioned character in a major role
>Both have one of it's other original cast members in a supporting role

>One shunned the original director/writer and threw all his ideas in the trash
>The other retained the original director/writer as a producer
>One has a protagonist who can do anything and everything on her own without any help
>The other has a flawed but well meaning protagonist who makes mistakes and sometimes needs help
>One has a villain without a clear backstory or motivations
>The other has a fleshed out villain with clear motivations who is doing the right thing from his own point of view
>One has the son of the original film's protagonist as the villain, who ends up murdering his own father
>The other has the son of the original film's protagonist as the hero
>One kills the original film's protagonist before the climax in a death that accomplishes nothing
>The other has the original film's protagonist sacrifice himself at the climax to save his son/the world
>One is soulless, pandering, uninspired, agenda pushing trash
>The other is one of the greatest cinematic achievements since the turn of the century

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't care about the comparison to TFA but god damn it you mouse, make another Tron movie.

Fuck damn it, Tron Legacy was great as a visual experience and albeit, the story was dumb in some parts it represented what Tron's world would look like in the modern computer world.

Yes, I'm mad that Tron 3 was cancelled because Tomorrowland did shit.

Falls snuggly within my "fuck you I liked it" list.
Visuals and soundtrack just made it like an kick ass music video from start to finish.

Daft Punk were on their A-game making this movie's soundtrack honestly.

At least Tron had a very hot Olivia Wilde in it and no feminism. TFA is a feminist fantasy with Keira Kinghtley doppleganger as a lead

>One has attractive white protagonists
>The other has a Xenomorph and shaved ape

yea but i actually like tron though...

>Keira Kinghtley doppleganger
In her dreams. Ditto on Olivia though.

Man I love this movie so much.. Both visuals and soundtrack are insanely good, better yet pop some psychedelic drugs and this movie is a 10/10

Too bad the fights in Tron were shit. That disc is shit for fighting

Tron Legacy was an amazing movie.


I'm sorry, what?

>Every character is white
>The only diversity is background extras
What the fuck happened between 2010 and 2015?

Why do we need black computer programs? We actually want programs to work.

Yeah it's lightsabers and weird discs that are used like daggers, they could just have gone with daggers. The discs look weird

>there's no black people in the grid because black people don't know how to use computers

Post yfw this happened

>winrar appears in the grid
>mexican that you force to work that you ignore when he asks to be paid

If The Force Awakens starred only pigs it would be called The Source of Bacons.

Tron: Legacy is shit and the only good things about it are Daft Punk and Jeff Bridges.
>The other is one of the greatest cinematic achievements since the turn of the century

car chase scenes on a flat surface are always boring. A bike can only go so fast

Visuals were great as well.

Unlike most shit that comes out these days, it uses CGI to stylize everything.

>tfw no gridfu

Daft Punk knocked it out of the park for this film. Live action version of Interstellar 555 when?

>The other is one of the greatest cinematic achievements since the turn of the century
Get real

Tron was great because it was basically a 90 minute music video for Daft Punk

>Tron (2010)

Came out to early, "nerd culture" hadn't fully matured yet.

If they had waited 3-4 more years they would have made bank.

shut the fuck up nigger, they would ruin everything it would be on the same level as Ghost in the Shell

Tron is great because its so simple.

Its just a nigger in a digital neon world fight fuckers while Daft Punk plays music behind them.

fuck there isnt even a bad guy in it either, its literally a movie about there is no evil only perspective

Thats all it is, but its fantastic

>Mark Hamill is a major role
>5 seconds on screen at the very end
Yeah, no, you're just wrong.

>there isnt even a bad guy in it either, its literally a movie about there is no evil only perspective
That's always the best kind of "villain". Clu was just doing what he was programmed to do.

Tron 2 was miles better than force awakens. It remains the most expensive movie ticket I ever bought because it was in 3D and IMAX

>biggest star of the original cast
>Mark Hamill

Glad you enjoyed it ! :D You convinced me that we should make a Tron Cinematic Universe and pump out 2 (two) Tron flicks a year

t. Disney

Disney wants Tron dead and buried, what are you talking about?

>One kills the original film's protagonist before the climax in a death that accomplishes nothing
>The other has the original film's protagonist sacrifice himself at the climax to save his son/the world
It's pretty nuts how badly Disney botched Han's death. For such a beloved character of 3 massive films and tons of other fiction over the years it was so fucking anticlimactic and empty. It was just like "Oh... that just happened." On the other-hand Flynn's death was perfect. It was big and meaningful. I had only even seen the original Tron once at that point in time, yet I really felt the weight of that scene.

serinda swan btw, she was on a show called breakout kings

with my man Jimmi Simpson

Critics are extremely bias. And when it comes to Star Wars, we all know most people aren't objective about it because of the nostalgia factor and fanboyism

>serinda swan
That's a different one. Pic related was Beau Garrett.

>Tron 3 never ever
>Uprising season 2 never ever

This is the most infuriating part.
I mean it's been five years and my childhood is already over, but Disney finally had something that let me geek out like the princess brand does for women and they fucking killed it.

based on the way you said that, you need to grow the fuck up

Thanks fucking George Clooney.
>sequel with based Cillian Murphy as the villain never
It hurts


Muhhhh DIIIIIIIICK. I always thought she was hotter than Wilde in this movie



For starters, wanting an actual movie with dialogue and casting for 4 5 is missing the entire point of the production.

I saw Tron Legacy unintentionally in a train I was riding through Spain. Pretty good, as I remember. Also, if anyone wants to visit Spain, don't, it shit. Go to Majorca instead.

It was too early to take care of the mainstreaming of nerd culture, but too late to not be infested with macfag hipster garbage. Still decent over all, could have been better with better editing. The thing is too long.

Tron Legacy blew me away. The visuals, the music, the plot. Was a solid 10/10 for me. I enjoyed star wars, but Tron is something I don't mind rewatching, whereas star wars is more like a chore to rewatch

So, does the majority hate TRON: Legacy? Seen a lot of negative comments here and there, even Futurama or Simpsons mentioned it, something about destroying every copy of it.
I enjoyed it a lot. Even bought a blu-ray.

I don't know if anybody hates it, I think it just kind of is. And lmao at nu futurama thinking they have the right to call anything shitty. That being said I fucking love Tron legacy

I fucking love Tron, i know it's dumb but it makes me feel like i'm a kid enjoying flashing lights. Would probably rather watch a mediocre Tron 3 than another star wars film

got fucking hyped

You can blame both marvel and Star Wars for Disney cancelling Tron 3. They desperately needed a "boys" franchise and attempted that with Tron. Soon after came marvel and then Star Wars so they no longer needed Tron for this demographic. That and tomorrowland bombing made them believe people weren't interested in sci-fi


this isn't real criticism, you fucking child. The cognitive dissonance among people who hate TFA is amazing, they bitch it relies too much on fanservice (which isn't inaccurate) then simulataneously bitch it's not pandering enough.

The plot was painfully inoffensive to have such great music and visuals. The writing wasn't bad, but it's by far the weakest aspect of the film because the music and visuals were just so damn fantastic.

Bros, how do we force Disney to make Tron 3? Or at least season 2 of uprising.

>buy star wars because they need a "boys" franchise
>immediately attempt to convert it to a grrl power franchise


Are you sure you want modern Disney's agenda pushing to corrupt Tron?

Tron Legacy is one of the few movies I watched in 3Dmeme, and I do not regret it.

exactly. that doesnt make sense, they made 2 sw movies and both featured women mc, the sad part for me is women mc is always so forced, like all the focus is on her and she must do everything herself with no help, she beats bad guys herself, save the universe herself etc, every other character is basically 2nd tier in these movies.
Starwars was movie about stories of more then one character, but when MC is female sudently every other character is shafted and ignored or appears on screen for max few 2 minutes.


>Both kill said cast member's character at/near the end
Flynn lives.


>Disney has to shit out MCU and SW turds so there will never be Tron3.

Well they manage to squeeze in a few politically correct remakes here and there in their release schedule.

Another Tron probably would have done better than Pete's Dragon.

>What the fuck happened between 2010 and 2015?
Smartphones became cheap.
Niggers got onto social media and ruined it, just like every other neighborhood they move in to.

Fuck. The internet was great before they infested it.

>Niggers got onto social media and ruined it, just like every other neighborhood they move in to.
I have never thought about it this way but it makes a scary amount of sense
>that shit is so litty *100 emoji*


There is no subtlety about them. Vomiting a constant stream of reaction gifs and emojis is no different than blaring their shitty music.

They make everything worse.

WinRAR is actually Russian. Along with FineReader, Acronis and Kaspersky.


The dialogue in Tron Legacy was atrocious.

Absolute dogshit. I'm not defending TFA, its a hot mess.

I like Tron because of the original, and the Uprising animated series (FUCK YOU DISNEY, axing it when you got Star Wars), and its pure kino aesthetics.

But fuck me the dialogue is shit. It was funny, I even watched this last night before you made this thread. All of Bridges lines and all the programs were horrible, absolutely horrible.

At least Bridges could channel CLU, which was at least tolerable for his lines as a villain.

Disney hates Tron. It's male orientated. They're out to promote feminist agenda shit.
Pay attention. They're about to fuck up star wars forever. All this Star Wars is female and the force is female shit will bite them all in the ass.

Tron > SW: FA

> Tron art style, while different from the original is beautiful
> Tron has Olivia Wilde
> Tron actually addresses an interesting topic like simulated images (albeit in a silly way)
> Tron has Olivia Wilde
> Tron OST is awesome

You forgot
>Tron has Olivia Wilde

Tron:Legacy was a pretty off the wall experience, I enjoyed it and I was but a little drunk, I wish I was stoned.

I liked Rogue One better than the Force Awakens.

I liked Han's death, because it recalled his original character arc of growing into a more loving, open-hearted guy. He dies in a final act of opening up, and even after he gets stabbed seemingly has faith in his son in his final moments.

TFA in general doesn't do Star Wars or Han justice, but that scene did.

that too

>here we go again

can you shut up??? do you even know what feminism is?

Seriously, if we take the broader definition of a reboot, Fury Road and Tron:Legacy were the best so far, by far. Maybe the others had a lot of expectations riding on them.

or Chewy justice
"btw you life long best friend died lol no hug from Leia shes gonna hug this mary sue she only knew for a few hours"

>>can you shut up??? do you even know what feminism is?
tumblr spotted, and I am not that poster you replied to

btw explain this image mkay

>there will never be another season of Tron Uprising
I liked it better than both movies, desu
I mean, we know how shit will end because it's a prequel to Legacy but still dat cliffhanger ending

wait, I don't remember that. Does he send a message from the grid? or dow e see him living as a programme in digital paradise? All I remember is Olivia pinnochioing to ride at the back of the motorcycle as the sun comes up.


>not using ELECTRIC AVENUE by Eddie Grant


why do I? and why did you save it? Does it trigger you?

what does that even mean?

Didn't answer the question.
Does my question trigger /you/?
I have a folder where I save bullshit so I don't have to keep it in the back of my mind so I can disprove retarded revisionists like yourself.

Extrapolate as you will? Maybe you should look up who those people are in relation to the production of Star Wars properties at Disney.

why should I answer your question? What do you want me to interpret? I 'm asking you a question in return. Does that image bother you in any way?

Nobody's trying to shove propaganda down your throat when they present a female or a black person as the hero in a movie for a change.

>why should I answer your question? What do you want me to interpret?
by doing the actual research you dumb retard.

here's your (you), come back when you do your school paper, kiddo.

can't spoonfeed you retards who defend this drivel when you don't even know the basic facts.

also stopped reading after what i quoted of your post.

you are very upset, but I can't understand why.

I watched Tron Legacy while high and it was an amazing experience. I don't know if I'd enjoy the movie as much while sober but it was pretty great.

I enjoyed it sober but very much wish I could watch it high but I don't know where to get weed so

I 'm afraid I surpassed the point where can I get high without danger to my sanity. It was one of the moments where I wish I had some weed. Do you thik I can consume again at some point in my life? Haven't touchd it for 6 years.

And Tron is better
Even though it's a meh movie on it's own

>Both are shit

Reading comprehension? Hans death felt hollow. That doesn't mean "it needs to be a big epic battle" it changed fuckin nothing because he could have been dead already, or died then, or lived and nothing fuckin changed for the story you nigger

>and nothing fuckin changed for the story you nigger

Except for Kylo Ren losing his fucking shit because he realized killing his dad didn't make him the big powerful badass he thought it would, which leads to his instability that causes him to lose to Rey

the entire movie led up to that moment, almost every scene with Kylo relates to him building up to the realization he'll have to kill his dad

See It was a pretty important capstone on Han's character arc and Kylo's insecurities. We won't know the full effect it has on Kylo until VIII (or maybe not even until IX), but it's hardly hollow.