wheres the fucking fargo thread?
Wheres the fucking fargo thread?
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Maybe try the catalogue retard
It's like they shook everything up so hard we don't know what to discuss
there wasnt one, hence why I made this thread
Mew is single now!!!
season 3 is a boring turgid shit.
You're wrong. Look harder you turgid bugger
>ctrl+f fargo
Boring shit content % per season official ratings:
>S1: 70% boring shit
>S2: 40% boring shit
>S3: 00% boring shit
>implying there hasn't been a backup Chad for months now
She'll wait awhile to reveal him though otherwise she'll look bad
>doesn't notice the varga thread
ewewan magergor has been SHIT in this telly season
chicks actually do this and it makes me sad. true love is a bullshit meme
>everything has to have a general now
If there is something about a show you want to discuss make a new thread, there's no need for a general
Varga is the general of Fargo. checkmate atheists
that kill at the end was pretty lame.
wtf didn't he stopped his bleeding, how can a man be so stupid?
and wtf didn't the spoiler tag work?
you honestly dont understand how a person can be stupid?
in case you didn't notice, stupid humans are one of Fargo's main themes every season
>didn't work
well, you have to put them there in the first place
and here you were, wondering why he didn't stop the bleeding
well he was clever enough to make a big company, he should've enough brain to not push around with glass, or stop the bleeding at once
you don't need to be very smart for that
I know a few pretty dumb people running successful small-medium businesses
I was looking for it too. The one I found in catalogue was only 2 posts. Man Zach Snyder/Joss Whedon and RIP Roger Moore must've taken a lot of space today? Who am I kidding? I'm sure Trump, Bane, BLACKED and pedopostng was really important to the autists who don't watch television and film.
>when you're desperate for a MEW assshot
Could that be her body double?
it was , ffs, but it seems sometimes it negates itself if you use more than once in one reply
oh, look, it worked now
what a complete coincidence
So when we'll get a only Varga episode?
Looks like a discount ewan mcgregor
Has everyone already dropped this show already?
>/ourboy/ Ray died
>Meemo lined up for death
>Turbo Dyke Duo using ridiculous amounts of scooby doo logic to asspull the masterplan
>Jewish man has no purpose in the company(seriously what the fuck did he do? whine and nervously backpeddle in an official capacity?)
>Varga written horribly, has no concrete ideology, writers were painting him as typical pro-capitalist/fascist meme but he has a portrait of Stalin on his desk
>Yuri's backstory at the beginning will not be explained and his character will be an underwhelming waste of time
>My hopes for a MEW/Ray happy ending is gone
This is the worst season yet, boys.
See you guys in next weeks thread!
>>Varga written horribly, has no concrete ideology, writers were painting him as typical pro-capitalist/fascist meme but he has a portrait of Stalin on his desk
you're not very smart are you
>>Yuri's backstory at the beginning will not be explained and his character will be an underwhelming waste of time
So what?
>implying MEW won't pull a Hanzee/Malvo in the finale and just slaughter everyone
really now
>tub full of ice
you'd literally die
it would be extremely painful
No you wouldn't, what the fuck?
I guess not, care to explain to a plebeian such as myself? was he using Yuri's desk or something?
uhhhhh hypothermia?
Do you think they stay in there for hours or something?
either bait or youre fucking retarded. Youve never seen athletes in tubs full of ice after games?
lol no I'm not gay
>Ray is the duck
>dies like in Peter and the Wolf
Does this mean Yuri kills Varga?
doesnt the duck come back at the end alive as well?
"If you listen very carefully, you'll hear the duck quacking inside the wolf's belly, because the wolf in his hurry had swallowed her alive."
Why do they look so similar?
not sure about that, s1 was a more in depth retelling of the classic story. i thought it was pretty good. s2 was really uninteresting, the sudden UFO appearance in the first episode was off-putting to me as well. i like s3 a lot, it seems to have a similar solid structure as the story from s1/the movie whereas s2 looked like junk. like green shrek ketchup compared to the original ketchup
Peter (Gloria) goes back to Ray's, and saves his life (somehow)
later, Yuri/Meemo accidently shots Varga
I do wonder why that could be, user
do you really want Fargo to be realistic and serious? what the actual fuck?
You think these neckbeards have ever athelete?
I bet there's some conspiracy to confuse people.
I didn't realise that the two stussys had the same actor until now.
Is that the guy from taken?
Season 2 was so much better, aliens and all.
yeah maybe you're right UFOs are pretty cool
I was so sad when he died
(He's gotta be dead, right?)
my thought was they found twins to play the roles
the voice is still 100% the same though for both of them
Well, thing is, Ray used to make them, so...
Really activated my almonds
Delete this thread right now son. Fargo is an awful series-and look at that balding loser! Whoever cast him as the lead is a retard.
Never mind the whore character in it-although I commend them on the casting there, they've got a real method actress on their hands.
Shit is it out?
Was there a stream?
>Le nosy female cop
>every fucking season
now there's two of them.
>*pulls out glass as one last act of defiance against his brother*
It's like pottery
>not writing fargo in the search field
thread openings get snubbed in the catalog
Riley pls
this is way better than season 2 imo
damn that makes me think
idk why ray cared about the stamp so much. He had a much hotter girl, which is winning imo
Yeah we all thought she was going to get killed after one episode but she stuck.
What's the point of her character other than to do the job for Coon instead of Coon herself and to be her female partner brought in in a hamfisted way, like the scriptwriters by the third episode realized they needed her to move the plot?
Emmitt calling Varga after killing Ray really took me back to Lester calling Malvo after killing his wife
>this is way better than season 2 imo
Agreed. The whole "truth is perception" theme is being handled so much better in this season than it was with the UFOs last season.
Also I gave 0 fucks about the Gearhardts.
>The whole "truth is perception" theme is being handled so much better in this season than it was with the UFOs last season.
That's why I think Varga is just a conman looking to convince Emmitt that he is more successful in the criminal world than he actually is
not only that, in this case it's a lot more real
for example stock crashes are caused by perception that materialize
only thing I wish is they'd drop the stupid THIS IS A TRUE STORY thing
used to play hurling and we had ice baths after training
It doesn't matter who Varga is. All that matters is how he's perceived.
Fucking plebs.
Pacing, characters, and writing were all hands down better in season 2.
Season 3 is empty, with a quarter of the characters of season 2 and only one maybe 2 of them being remotely interesting.
I don't give a shit which idiot brother wins the "feud" or if the cop solves the murder or if Varga takes over Stussy and gets rich.
Seriously, what have the done to make the audience care about ANY of the characters? Everyone is a floundering buffoon and Varga looks like a bully picking on retards.
And to top it all off they over did it with the accent and comic relief sye(and seemingly every other character in the show) and the atmosphere and tone has gone to shit.
>we had ice baths after training
You're the pleb who doesn't get subtlety. You want explosions? Maybe you should check out the works of Michael Bay, or this AMC series called "The Walking Dead".
They fucked IRL right? British threesome?
The fuck? Season 1 and 2 were just as subtle as season 3.
I hate people like you who watch a show that is fucking empty and try to apply some misguided sense of "subtlety" to everything you see and convince yourselves its good.
And what is even subtle about this season? that almost every character is a fucking moron? Is that whats subtle? How many god damn "lovable goofballs" does a show need?
Stop looking for reasons to like the show because it makes you feel smart
What was that bloody metal pick that Varga was shoving in his teeth?
>Canadian Sunday
They're a Scot, American and Brit though?
It was one of them mini-screwdrivers. He'll get killed by it at season finale.
But what was he doing? Why was he making himself bleed?