No one is paying attention to what's going on in Honduras?!

No one is paying attention to what's going on in Honduras?!

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lol of course not lol lol lol lol

whats a hundoras

Some people are but for the most part we support it.

Samr thing as always. Ignorant indios killing each other

who gives a shit honestly

I think that where our coffee come from

What happened? More murder?

Your coffee is shit. Salvadoran coffee is the best, i know because we're not the ones that drink it.

Which side?

You are literally next to it. Haven't you hear the explosions from the civil war that is taking place in Honduras?

Sup Forums used to care about this sort of, otherwise, irrelevant events.

Nope, just grenades but they're common here.

I support the president and the military. Getting rid of the right wing military squads was a mistake. Don't trust what the gangs/contras are saying.


What's habbening?

How do I learn Castellan?

sadly I'm in the minority

>tfw no central american qt

We have a saying in Russia
>Not that country was named Honduras
When some retarded shit happens in Russia.

Only thing i remember about Honudaras is that it has high homicide rate.

So what's happenings are happen there now?

Irrelevant spic shithole

>I support the president and the military. Getting rid of the right wing military squads was a mistake. Don't trust what the gangs/contras are saying.

Honduran refugees for Chile

Hola?cómo te llamas?

Greentext please

With effort and believing in yourself

They arent that great

>Be Honduras
>Have an already serious violence problem on top of a very poor socioeconomic situation.
>Have elections.
>The two main candidates end up very close. But the officialism wins.
>The opposition, which is being financed by the Venezuelan dictatorship because it is left leaning, calls for protest nationwide.
> Gangs take the streets.
>The government lose control

well i knew one from Honduras, that has a nice body and ugly face, but she was easy (a night out and my friend fugged her)

Wonder if that'll actually work to get rid of the gov. The pacific way definitely doesn't down here.

Sos vos, salvatrucha?

Ignore the Panamanian. He’s a well known shitposter and everything he says is based off his own worldview and opinions.

There are more Panamanons, you know?

indio marero detectado. gtfo

>implying nationalism is bad
you're almost about to strike the fuck out

Pobre del país donde
Lo malo controla donde
El civil se enamora de la corrupción

Pobre del país alienado
Por la droga porque una mente
Que afloja, pierde la razón

Pobre del país
Que con la violencia crea
Que puede matar
La idea de su liberación

Pobre del país
Que ve la justicia hecha añicos
Por la voluntad del rico
O por orden militar

Cada nación depende
Del corazón de su gente
Y a un país que no se vende
Nadie lo podrá comparar


No te olvides.

he's one of the most sane posters in central america though

t. Irrelevant spic shithole

t. Irrelevant spic shithole

Mexico is a lot more relevant that Guatemala.


t. relevant spic shithole

I'm a coalburner who wants to fuck a Central American man. What are Hondurans like as lovers and boyfriends?

Like every spic country.

it's not caused by russian missile so who cares?

So, hyper-mascline but sexy as fuck?

>tfw you will never be El BulgarANO

>implying nationalism is bad
It is. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

No one ever said otherwise fattie


You'd think that Venezuela would buy food instead of propping up gang bangers

Can we get latina refugees now
bls? No men allowed

Just kill yourself ffs

Thats socialism for you


try following your own advice for once

Kill yourself. Nuke the country. Genocide when. Fucking shithole. Awful people.

this is why Mexico needs a wall

So gringo racists like this dumb fuck here are related to migration how?

you clearly have no allegiance to the country you inhabit so i guess so.

If you hate Mexico why do you live there?

>you clearly have no allegiance to the country you inhabit
How the fuck do you figure that when I'm the one guy on this thread against it being called a shithole? Are you retarded?

I vouch for Nasrallah

That's the point

>when a central american replies to me

Just another day in latin america.