
rate my rabbis flow edition


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tfw unironically miss volk

אף אחד לא מתגעגע אלייך חלאה


לך תמות הומו אני לא וולק
כשהיא/הוא היה פה לפחות היה /ישר/ פעיל, עכשיו יש אחד בשבועיים שמת עם 100 תגובות

She was only reason for your general to exist

ты пoнимaeшь чтo мы мoжeм пpoчитaть чтo в твoeм фoтo пpaвдo нaпиcaнo?

my grandpa was jewish can i stay with u guys?

are there a lot of jews in mexico?

no shalom back, i hate jews now

gday m8

do you have a jewish last name like cohen

why do j*ws cling to the old testament and utterly REFUSE to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior?

there are but they are not as common as in other countries, most live in the rich areas in mexico city

U mad bro?

He didn't fulfill the prophecies. Christians counter by saying he's going to fulfill them when he comes back but the rest of us are skeptical.

my last name is perelman i don't know if that counts

you have a famous relative


אני יכול להוריד את פה כולם עם בעיטה מסובבת אחת


>the devil enters the thread

אתה מוזמן לנסות, ידידי, אני יודע קרב מגע. סופך קרב.

מי אתה בכלל יא ילד קקה בוא לקניון ראש העין היום ב2 תשאל על "איציק החונק" יא זין

הדבר היחיד שאיציק יחנוק היום זה את הזין שלי, עם הפה שלו.

can't grow hair on my cheeks


hello? any jew man want send me an israeli wife? I live in Florida.

הייתי 2 מטר 100 קילו שרירים אלוף הארץ במכות בכיתה ה אני יאנוס אותך בתחת נבלה

No, you have to serve 3 years in the IDF first, goy.
אתה נשמע כמו מנלט קוקסינל, בכיתה ה הייתי מכופף פוגים של פוקימון עם יד אחת.

You have a famous relative

בוא בוא תקרב שניה נשבע אני לא דוקר

what up jews

stayed up cause I had a bunch of questions for you guys about israel but its 3am and I'm exhausted and can't recall them anymore. I'll try it again some other time

good night brehs

gn bud

opinions? i.4cdn.org/hm/1513588037797.webm


WOAH a bit racist

I cannot stand Israeli culture. Just look at this thread. If you could read Hebrew you'd see how ass backwards this 'culture' is. Fucking hell.

Sup Volk, how's been going?

too many mizrahi

I have no clue what or who Volk is.
It's not just them. It's the entire culture. It's too macho and proud. These people need to learn how to respect others and treat each other like human beings.

Virgin Western culture vs Chad Israeli culture

לך תמות אפס עלוב
כולם יודעים שזה אתה וולק

>what are memes

Non-nuclear opacity is dishonest and I don't support the UN's continuation of this policy vis-a-vis Israel.

Good goy. You will be sent last to interracial breeding grounds

Haha we're just pretending to be retarded xD.

אתה חדש ל4צאן?
בוא שניה לא דוקר זה מימ פה כבר כמה שנים

t. Butthurt Buzaglo who gets offended by Mizahiposting

Just a shout out but I'm rarely lurking around, I don't dig /r9k/ anymore either.
Currently spend my time around /tg/ and it's ultra comfy.

Good to know there are /volk/ minions around, keep up the good work.

the holocaust never happened but it should
1488 gas the kikes race war now

thanks for all the memes

Not a single anime pic or obvious cock posting, how is /isr/ so masculine and virtuous?

Anyway, do you guys know any good Israeli porn? I could use google but I enjoy posting here and interacting with Jews.

anime is not kosher
I don't know if israeli porn exists

I'm phoneposting and the pali isn't here yet. Just wait a few hours and this thread will reach Estonian levels of faggotry.

I've been here for 10 years. Who the fuck is this Volk?

She visited Sweden once.

/isr/'s greatest enemy and greatest patron

>/isr/ashit is dying without my participation

save us

This place and this country deserve to die.

bad post

i really do hope that you dont take that picture seriously

The truth hurts

is it true that jews like to marry cousins ?

pls explain

Nah, that's just Muslims.

This is a semitic tradition. And it's hot.

Who the hell knows?

i doubt that, certain non-part of the world does it but especially jews and muslims
consanguinity is not hot :/

so if you don't mind i'll stick to my headcanon and think you're the unibrowed girl you claimed to be in the beginning

There are so many headcannons and possibilities at this point that I don't really give a damn.

Arabs used fuck their own sisters and mothers before Islam you know


are you retarded? they never did that

I was told by Emirati that Arabs did tho


Why is G-d always so angry in the OT?

because the israelites are ungrateful shits who always turn to other gods

>tfw no טכניון bf

tfw אין זנזונת צבאית שתלקק לי את השלונג

Shalom jewish friends

How was your hunnaka or w/e is it called

it's still going on, tomorrow is the last day
it's nice, one of the comfiest holidays

What is it about

the jews rose up in rebellion against the greeks
the greeks sacked the temple and there was only one pot of oil left unspoiled, it was supposed to last for 1 day but it lasted for eight days so we light a candle each day of the 8 hannukah days

I guess it was high quallity lube


Is the Jewland a paradise on Earth or should I stay in Finland?

i'm pretty sure it's not as good as binla

But it's warm!

hellishly hot*
I would say that the weather in finland is great but i'm sure if I lived there all my life I would think like you

You speak the truth. I don't actually mind the cold and winter at all. It's just that Finland is so dark and wet most of the year. Even Summers are ruined because it just rains too much.

lol, our winters our ruined because it's sunny and hot
every time it rains here it's a big deal

Finnish winter looks like this. Basically snow falls down, stays that way for a while and then it melts for good. That and lots of darkness.

yeah that doesn't look nice
here's a pic from a week ago from my house, it was 25C today

Well that's just mean to tell me those numbers. But view is pretty damn beautiful.

I say that as a bad thing lol, it's the middle of fucking december i'm sick of driving with ac and wearing t shirts


That is just Helsinki winter, not all of Finland.

is something like this real?

>t shirt temperatures
>middle of December
Where do I sign?
Pic was from Tampere and it's the same until Lappland. But true.
Mostly in Lappland