Addressing a multiple people

>Addressing a multiple people
>German has "ihr"
>Dutch has "jullie"
>Many languages I give zero fucks about also have a word
>We're stuck with "y'all" which only retarded rednecks use

Addressing multiple people* Changed it from "a group of" and forgot to delete the a

must suck to be a yank

Did you forget about "you guys"? What the fuck are you talking about?

Rednecks created that word due to the absence of one.
They are more culturally intelligent than you.

That's two words, and try to think if it would make you sound like a moron when using it in formal settings

why is Yank English so crass? Literal caveman speak.

>try to think if it would make you sound like a moron when using it in formal settings

It doesn't, that's the standard way of pluralizing "you."

You would really just use "you" in that case

Okay then what's wrong with that? Why do we need to be like all the fucking special snowflake languages with a million words? English is more simple and better: there are like twelve words total, but through context clues, you can say just as much as any other language.

Youfla bin worry too much you show where you coming from

I think y'all sounds cool

If you said y'all in a formal setting north of the Carolina's you might get thrown out

well tbqfhtwyf English is not rich in expressions anyway

Soon they will all speak Arabic

Funny that. In Malay, we use kamu semua (you+all). Though a more formal kalian or sekalian is also used.

Actually, “you” was the middle english way of formality/being polite and also adressing a group of people
>hear ye, hear ye
>conjugates with Dutch ‘jij’ and German ‘ihr’
“Thou” was the impolite and casual way of talking to a singular person.
>conjugates with many germanic language’s “Du”
>pronounced as ‘Thoo’ though with voiced Th
Sometime later, the Angl*’s decided to just be polite everytime because, why not and just used “you” ever since

You used to have the singular "thou", but removed it. We removed plural form of verbs in 1940. It's a shame, really.

We have like 8 different words for addressing people in groups
>Ladies and/or Gentlemen
>guys and/or girls
>you all
>you lot
and many, many more. But you're a seppo so I suppose proper English is a bit beyond you anyway.

*blocks tha path*

very American post

Why do we need a different word for multiple people?

That's why English is the best! We are all equal

Talking to one person? You!
Talking to a woman? You!
Talking to a man? You!
Talking to a superior? You!
Talking to an equal or lower person? You!
Talking to a group of people? You!

You are already being a special snowflake language by not having a 2nd person plural.

No wonder Marx wrote his books in England

I have always found it quite funny that even saying "fuck you" you are actually using the polite plural form. If you would want to be really rude "fuck thou" would be more appropriate.

Based Yorkshire

Ireland has 2, "Ye" in most of Connacht and Munster, "Yous" in most of Ulster and Leinster