
Language Learning Thread

>Learning resources
First and foremost check the Sup Forums Wiki. Please contribute to the wiki as you learn a new language. Many pages need updates. Some pages are completely absent (Hungarian for example)

4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Sup Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Check """pastebin.com/ACEmVqua (embed)"""; for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides.

/Lang/ is currently short on those image guides, so if you can pitch in to help create one for a given language, don't hesitate to do so!

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages:
sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Ffolderview%3Fid%3D0B9QDHej9UGAdcDhWVEllMzJBSEk%23 (Links to the other folders, apparently it was taken down from the original drive)

Other urls found in this thread:


Old Thread

Bon matin à tous!
Bceм дoбpoгo yтpa!

How long has it been since you started studying the primary language you're learning?

2001 German

Portuguese and russians cooperating



Normie Tier:
> English
> German
> French
> Spanish
> Italian
> Portuguese

Medium Tier:
> Russian
> Dutch
> Danish

muh heritage Tier:

> Swedish
> Norwegian
> Irish

classicsaboo Tier:
> Greek
> Latin
> Romanian

Ayylmao Tier:
> Hungarian
> Finnish
> Polish

Weeaboo Tier:
> Chinese
> Korean
> Japanese

Ackbar Tier:
> Arabic
> Hebrew
> Sudanese

>classicsaboo Tier:

Literally who should be a tier represented by pokemon outside the original 150

A Romanian once told me that they were the direct descendants of the Roman Empire, and their language is the purest form of the ancient language. That's why their country is called Roman-ia. He seemed very firm about it and I was too shy to argue

oh that's smart, I was wondering what to do with the rare languages

Would change gardevoir to either hitmontop to complete the 'hitmon' trio or to Hariyama which would represent sumo and therefore Japan
Just couldn't understand psyduck and Portuguese desu

aww, I wanted Gardevoir because weebs always want to fuck her

I thought Psyduck would be good for Portuguese because he is huehuehuehuehue. What do you think is a good pokemon for Portuguese ?

Modern Romanian sounds like a mix of Italian with a bunch of Slav words to me.

He was just being the average Eastern European nationalist. Don't believe anything they say.

replace Polish with Turkish.

>Gardevoir as Japan cause everyone wants to fuck Gardevoir
>Electrode as Arabic because Reasons, im sure
my sides

In the original red and blue games each starter represented a difficulty level because of the opening gyms. Bulbasaur was easy, squirtle was medium and charmander was hard. I feel like this should be the case here so I would swap charmander and bulbasaur
>I thought Psyduck would be good for Portuguese because he is huehuehuehuehue
Anyways, like the other user said hitmontop is inspired by capoeira, a typical brazilian dance/fighting style. It would represent Brazil and not the Portuguese language though so I don't know.

>tfw life is too short to learn all the languages



>ayylmao tier
>no basque

where can I find a good set of examples of how to read pinyin? I have info on how to read each letter but no words with pronunciation explanation to practice on

I am sure there are a bunch of youtube videos that can help you with that

I decided to give Russian a chance and started the very basic course at Pushkin Online. Is cursive really that important for Russian? I still did it mostly because I like writing but it does get complicated at times, specially with Б and O.

That's the Romanian equivalent of a pole claiming that they're sarmatian, A brit saying they're 100% anglo-saxon, or a FYROMian saying he's descended from Alexander the great. It's just lies nationalists tell themselves to make themselves feel better

Just keep practicing and you'll eventually get it, although my б does look a bit wonky some times. Personally I find м more of a problem

>trying to distinguish м, и and л in cursive


Thanks. Also, do you have any advice on how to keep track of the letters on the keyboard? I thought maybe printing the lay out and just keep it around every time I switch.

I just bought these: aliexpress.com/item/Russian-Soft-Standard-Transparent-Keyboard-cover-Layout-Stickers-Decoration-Multi-Color/32815861481.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4_10152_10151_10065_10344_10068_10345_10342_10343_51102_10340_10341_10609_10541_10084_10083_10307_10303_10302_10610_10312_10313_10059_10314_10534_100031_10604_10603_10103_10605_10594_10107_10142,searchweb201603_2,ppcSwitch_4&algo_expid=5406147e-cc3f-4133-950b-139cba9811ce-10&algo_pvid=5406147e-cc3f-4133-950b-139cba9811ce&rmStoreLevelAB=5

I do the curses in memrise where you can tap/click the letters, but you can use the keyboard too so that helps. I was also thinking of putting some labels on my keyboard but I am not so sure how I could do that

Nvm thanks

Is there a better alternative to learning french than shotgunning vocab at myself

You mean just learning words? Then no. You need to read texts to understand the context that certain words are used in. It's much better to read and slowly grasp the difference between parce que and car than to simply know that they both mean "because".

I dont want to just learn words anymore. Got any texts to recommend?

I'm not sure what your level is. You could try "le petit prince", I think it's a bit simpler. Personally I don't subscribe to the whole "starting with easier texts" thing. I just try to brute-force whatever I want to read. Right now I'm reading Marc-Aurèle. I import texts into Learning with Texts (lwt.sourceforge.net/), in addition to using Anki. So don't think about it too much, just pick the whatever text you find and start reading. You can find most texts on gen.lib.rus.ec/

>lingua Franca Tier (at the top)

try lingq


Learning with Texts is better because free source.

Spanish - 2008 (Technically, just one class per week in middle school)
Portuguese - 2016

Download the kindle app for your smartphone, or your kindle if you already have one, and go to Amazon's foreign language e-book section, go to french, and then sort price low to high. I was able to find some free children's books/elementary readers for Spanish.

Can anyone who studies Arabic tell me about their experiences/how long it took them to reach a certain level of proficiency/etc?

If you could be fluent in three other languages besides your native tongue, and not have the capacity to learn any other language, what would they be and why? Those of you who have been bi or tri lingual since an early age only get to pick 2 or 1 more depending.

Spanish, Portuguese, French

I've already studied Spanish for a long time and it's really useful when you live in the United States, or plan to go to Spain or Latin America, which I have done/plan to do. I like Brazilian culture and have always wanted to visit Brazil and Portugal as well. French just for functionality, really.

ayy lmao
the purest form of modern latin is found in the various italian dialects
most of the muh purity claims come from the fact that we preserved some features not found in other romance lingos
doesnt change the fact that were the scots of romance langs

Let's studying!

Buon studio!
Bonne étude!

Yes yes! let's studying! very nice!


W-who are you?

Wew spooky


It is time to study anons..

German, Russian, Japanese
Lot's of economic opportunity. German seems most practical of those three, especially since it'll probably be easier to learn than Russian and Japanese. Russian and Japanese are two languages that have always interested me, and I'd definitely like to visit those countries sometime in my life.

I'm hoping that by the time I'm 30 I'll have some proficiency in all 3 and at least be fluent in one if not two or all three languages. I turn 20 in two months and as of right now I've learned the Cyrillic alphabet and can read Japanese Hiragana and Katakana, along with having learned a couple of basic Russian and Japanese words/phrases. I'm starting to learn German right now and am hoping I can make some significant progress since I have a month before classes start back up at my college.

Anyone going to sign up for Lingvists premium thing at the discounted rate?

>Anyone going to sign up for Lingvists premium thing at the discounted rate?
Don't see why I'd need the premium to be honest, it's not like Lingvist is my primary language learning source.

/lang/ daily reminder that Swedish is the comfiest language, and everyone should learn it.

Pic related is me at fourth place for the Duolingo Companion Swedish course on Memrise

daily reminder to continue your slavic practice user

To be a proud patrician one should be fluent in Ancient Greek, Latin, English, French, German and Russian.

Hello are French classes in my local Alliance française worth taking? What about membership and such?

I'm learning nihongo. I've failed 3 times. This is my 4th try. Wish me luck my Weabros.

You can't learn japanese

How did you "fail" the other 3 times? Motivation loss?

Also, how far have you gotten? I personally ended up losing motivation after learning to read kana since Kanji was just too hard to do while also studying for class.

I'm hoping to return to Japanese eventually, but I want to learn something a little easier first since the second language you learn is supposed to easier than the first.

Yes, mainly after reaching about 500 cards on Anki I kept losing motivation and started wondering if losing x amount of time on Anki everyday was worth it. My retention just kept dropping and I started pausing new cards. That fucked me over.

I've tried mining, but it just becomes overwhelming. Thanks to the amounts of words I don't know, I have to keep stopping & researching every single time. I couldn't enjoy any VNs like this.

If I had to summarize the times I have failed Japanese, it would be like this:
>1st time after discovering I couldn't read yotsuba after finishing Tae Kim's guide
>2nd time after reaching about 500 cards on Core 2k/6K
>3rd time after reaching about 500 cards with mining
I'm the perfect example of a 出来ない as this user suggests , but I won't give up completely yet

Holy shit Langfocus Paul replied to my comment.

Moses' china wife tried to pressure him into signing a contract to forfeit his custodial rights. It turned out she was hiding assets in a fund and now she might be charged for embezzlement.

All YT polyglots are stupid, Moses especially. This is what he gets for involving himself with Taiwanese thot more than 10 years older than him.
I've heard he went full black nationalist recently.

hello friends i can speak greek how cool is that

How do you feel about some Americans using "MOLON LABE" on shirts, vehicles, weapons, stickers, posters, etc?

>tfw start learning russian
>most russian are racist

don't bother if you are 100% white looking


But the French are 100% white

im not french

Stop making France fithy with your presence

This, réimmigration prioritaire

Good to know

Of course it's the French flag

Il bumpino

Coming from someone who spent time and money in classes I have to say it depends. Normie classes take a while to progress but at the same time a teacher can show lots of shortcuts.
Nowadays I would only take personal lessons and after having a base to use it.

>just started studying russian
>practice a fuckton, 500 XP or more a day in duolingo

>currently at work
>someone is loudly playing the radio in the next office and its all ads right now
>sounds like muffled Russian to me
>woman starts talking
>sounds exactly like the robot lady on Russian duolingo

>go out for lunch
>hear a woman yelling at her friend in the distance
>dont understand what she saying, start to hear parts of Russian words

Holy shit im trippin right now. Has this started to happen to anyone else? Wot te fok

Has anyone ever tried a language immersion class?
Are they effective? How come so many of them are less than a month long?

>How come so many of them are less than a month long?
It's a scam. Only normies do them and normies have the attention span of a squirrel's testicle so they have to make it short to make money.

has /lang/ accepted their pronunciation will never be perfect?

sina sona ala e toki sin la mi wile e ni: akesi suli li unpa e monsi sina.

Sort of, you are entering the stage where a language stops sounding like complete gibberish.
Unless you meant that in all that mumbling you started hearing Russian, because then yeah you are trippin hard

Dictation time!
This is the test to assess how well you guys can follow the sentences told with awkward asian accents, and also examine how fluent my speech sounds.

Dictate the sentences and answer the question.

Aiso, please point out the accents to be fixed I have in my speech

Its both the first and second one i think. Like instead of picking out english words from gibberish i hear, i pick out russian words.

day one of learning russian:
>Holy shit noun cases are so hard and confusing why overcomplicate things like that reeeeeeeeee
Day four of learning russian:
>holy shit this is so much more straightforward and efficient than latin grammar what a reasonably structured, reliable language why isnt every language like this

More French music which is clear as this?

I've found that language classes move slowly because they make you learn and master each concept (or at least, they make sure most of the class learns and masters) before moving on.

I've been entirely self-teaching myself German, and while im much farther along than any first year uni course, I'm very bad at a lot of it. It's kind of a Jack of All Trades, Master of None sort of situation i guess.or maybe Tortoise and the Hare.

Thoughts on languages image, version 2?

Lingua franca Tier:
> English

Normie Tier:
> Spanish
> French
> German

Slightly Odd Normie Tier:
> Italian
> Russian
> Portuguese

Weeaboo Tier:
> Chinese
> Korean
> Japanese

muh heritage Tier:
> Irish
> Welsh
> Swedish

classicsaboo Tier:
> Greek
> Latin

larping as a Viking Tier:
> Norwegian
> Danish

Ayylmao Tier:
> Hungarian
> Finnish
> Basque

we wuz Tier:
> Romanian
> Macedonian
> Polish

/pol Tier:
> Dutch
> Afrikaans

Reddit tier:
> Esperanto
> High Valyrian
> Sindarin

Ackbar Tier:
> Arabic
> Hebrew
> Turkish

sex tourism Tier:
> Tagalog
> Thai
> Vietnamese

Literally who? Tier
> Serbo-Croatian
> Sanskrit
> Lojban
> Greenlandic
> Mongolian
> Toki Pona

>classicsaboo tier
>no Church Slavonic
>larping as a Viking tier
>not Icelandic

Yay, 1546 words learned in Norwegian
Yay, 1546 ord lært i norsk

>ackbar tier



>he adopted my suggestions

>not studying phonetics and jailbreaking your mouth

Дoбpoe yтpo /lang/

What did you learn today?

>Swedish is the most comfy
>not proto-slavic

Learn ipa you fuckin casual

>be american
>dipthong every vowel
Why do they do this?

I would like to learn Catalan, but the Duolingo course is only available in Spanish. What's a good online alternative?