Things you do when watching movies


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If it's a movie that features starvation I have to get a nice dinner. The Way Back Home was extremely satisfying with a homemade burger and some lemonade.

That looks suffocating.

I put my aneros progasm in my ass

maximum comfy

>mfw theatre mode in my own shitty room

Resolution is a bit crap but the big screen is there.

I smoke a fat bag of Kush and down a bottle of Hennessy while I watch my movies at the drive in and drive to Miami after.

pause the movie

i strip down to my boxers for max comf

turn off phone and leave it in other room

i feel like i have to watch movies on my laptop because if i watch them on my tv then ill have the laptop open and shit posting here
i cant concentrate 100% unless im watching it on my comp

At cinema-eating chips and drinking a big bottle of vanilla coke, not iced coffee since I down the shit in one go
At home-connecting laptop to TV and watching at bed for maximum comfyness

>vanilla coke
patrician taste

put safety pins in my urethra

>"Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would turn off a phone, before leaving it in another room"

Lots of times when I watch a scary movie online, I'll make it only half the screen and shitpost on the other half. It makes it less scary that I don't have my full attention on it.

Prep the bull

After I've been sitting for a while I crack my knuckles. My brother pointed this out to me and said it was annoying, and I imagine I have annoyed others, too. Oh well, suck it, fags.

I'm the opposite. I like to mirror whatever I'm watching. Also, I'll only watch movies and shows during the seasons depicted. Anything else just feels really weird

Turn off all of the lights
Lay down on my bed across the room propping pillows into a backrest

i watch movies alone when i want a real good experience
when i watch movies with friends we always watch mainstream shit ive seen a thousand times
i know so much about these movies we watch together that i just start talking and they get annoyed
ill either talk about the movies, stating facts and trivia i know
or im just cracking jokes

>make sure it only fit 1/4 of laptop screen so I can shitpost
>fasten speed by 2
>volume off only so I can listen to tunes
Watched over 1k movies so far this year

shiggy diggy mcniggy

>I like to mirror whatever I'm watching
Yeah, I do the same while watching cuckold porn.

I lurk for threads like these, while having something I've already seen in the background


Headphones in the dark with sunflower seeds and soda.

I do this and then crack my toes.

>sunflower seeds

2 potential distractions eliminated if i turn it off AND leave it in the other room, that way i won't hear it and wont be tempted to go check it.
