So now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think of Get Out?
So now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think of Get Out?
quality thread op
Haven't seen it yet but I like it.
overrated race baiting bullshit
It wasn't particularly scary, but it was a nice film with a good atmosphere
no problem man :)
>now that the dust has settled
lame unimaginative thread
please retroactively abort yourself
It had its scary moments and an ending with catharsis for the protagonist and the audience. Overall nice in my opinion.
>implying being a minority in racist america doesn't mean you are playing hard mode
fuck off Sup Forums
It's none of that. You're either a liar-shill or a poser-wannabe-critic.
seemed pretty ridiculous watching it as a non-american. I guess it can make sense it a country where race and racism is such an essential part of the culture, but for me it seemed goofy and over the top.
if anything, it looked like Peele was intentionally trying to inflame race relations.
I liked it 2bh, the ending reminded of the Loved Ones in where the protagonist gets revenge
Black people are obsessed with white people and what they think of blacks.
White people don't care about black people or what they think
Racist piece of shit. Nothing more
Racebaiting aside, it was boring as shit. Couldn't even make it past the first 20 minutes.
It was okay, but the comedy fat guy kind of ruined the ending.
>White people don't care about black people or what they think
The entire existence of this board proves you wrong
how would you have preferred it to end?
MOTY 2017
Nothing has even come close.
BTFO'd liberals to be fucking honest you retarded niggers.
Pleasantly surprised but they didn't push the envelope in the end[/spoiler
I was in a black movie theater and I kid you not, when the cop car rolled up in the end, I heard sounds of disgust from the audience.
>Autistic subhuman screeching
It pissed me off because the atmosphere and vibe the entire movie was mysterious and chilling. I felt they could have done alot more with it. They wasted a good idea with a Shit conclusion and reason for taking him to the house
Sup Forums in one reply
>racist America
>black president
>black celebrities
>black governmental officials
>racist America
Fucking boring, twist was predictable the main character was unrelateable bc of his detached "too cool for this" attitude
>muh mom
That was just to give the illusion of depth
But of course it has a 99% on RT bc black lead
from what Sup Forums has shown me, Get Out is just 2 hours of this black dude crying. Is there any other images of this movie?
sure, most of the time it's him looking like he's in an episode of the Office; the only thing missing is him doing a typical jim look into the camera.
this is just the only scene in which the actor shows any emotion. he's like a black, male Kristen Stewart
This sums up the movie really well. Garbage.
I'm gonna ask the girl I like out to come watch this movie with me, wish luck pls
This. I refuse to watch it ever based solely on that picture. Surely there are other scenes.
Honestly this, I liked the movie but the main character just seems totally uninterested in everything until the final scenes
unless you're black, don't
Oh okay, I guess I'll go alone then
I still remember when it first came out.
>hur hur it'll be forgotten in a few weeks
>cut to now
>Get Out threads everyday
I went in hoping it wasn't just some overrated garbage. It was actually pretty solid. If you can get over your edgelordism, you'll find a well crafted cult-turned-revenge-thriller horror flick. Plus the black best friend was hilarious.
There's also added irony that Peele made a movie making fun of white SJWs for being overbearingly supportive and as a result white SJWs are overbearingly supportive of his movie.
You silly bastard
>I was in a black movie theater
So... the lights were off?
Eh, not so much this board as Sup Forums.
Sup Forums was once a peaceful, only semi-racist place before stormcucks and r/le_Donarino fags started raiding every board on Sup Forums.
We used to have like 25 cunny threads a day too. Was pretty cool
The Asians and Arabs are doing pretty well. Whats your excuse?
>this is considered proof
I guess the movie was supposed to spark discussion or empower black people?
Didn't really work for me, as the only positive thing I took away from the movie was laughing at the main characters best friend acting like a stereotypical chimp with his OH LAWD's and SHEEEEIT's.
I had gotten that impression from the trailer. Well meaning white libs do horrible things to black people for their benefit. Its practically the story of the modern Democrats party
i had a SJW once explain that to me and they told me that these groups benefit from white privilege because asians are the white mans lapdogs and arabs can pass as south europeans so therefore they are white
i dont talk to that person anymore
Sup Forums used to just be pedos, now its mostly racist pedos.
>Egypt and Mesopotamia
>not the first Cultures
Pic related: Book about Culture and Civilisation
It does a better job than a hundred Dinesh D'Souza documentaries ever could of painting a portrait of the Democrat ideology.
Good idea user. You don't that person shitting in your head.
Just dropping by to say Ancient Egyptians weren't black
Notice a pattern?
No realistic black man would take the outright racism he faced without flipping out. Instead he just stares at the aggressors with a lobotomized gaze.
it was rock solid right up until the climax. the rampage thru the villains like they were nothing was a massive disappointment. also the ending with the stupid tsa joke was stomach curlingly cringey. but the entire set up was great.
It was entertaining and quite well executed generally.
I'm usually quite sensitive to anti-white messages but I didn't see it that much in get out
The people who argue Get Out is anti-white are the same dipshits who argued Fury Road was anti-male.
That's true. Anytime I see a black person complaining about being racially discriminated against they are quite animated and shouting at the top of their lungs. Then whatever they stole falls out of their pockets and a black security guard picks it up while shaking his head in disgust.
that the places with any kind of actual commerce have the highest asian populations? It's not a matter of race it's a matter of economic distribution. Nobody likes a nigger the same way nobody like white trash. Poor black and white people live where they live because they're too poor to move and everyone with any sense moves away. Asian Americans immigrated relatively recently enough that there was never any reason for most to end up in those shitholes, so their immigration patterns are actually semi-decent indicators of something that could be called a pattern.
Haven't seen it yet but my pleb friends liked it and Armond said it's shit so I'm undecided if I'll ever see it.
Who's Armond, your back alley buttsex boy?
A critic who's literally never been wrong
>congratulated to
by far the most cringy thing in this pic
I find it hilarious that they try to insert the subliminal message that white people want to be black.
Otherwise, it becomes too predictable at a certain point. I'd give it a 6/10
>the subliminal message
it's pretty much the one message from the film. if you consider this subtle story telling in the least, you probably need to be kept away from sharp objects and things small enough to swallow
He's not even crying in that scene. It's sheer terror and eyes that can't close, which naturally water up.
It's a pretty great movie. I enjoyed the tension and the catharsis at the end. The acting was pretty fucking great from the whole cast except the girl. The whole film is actually taking the piss out of modern obsession with black "culture", so it should hit your buttons if you are a pol edgelord.
The only issue I had was with the black friend, who, I suppose, was meant to be comedy relief. The film didn't need that at all and actually suffered I think because of it. His scene in the police officer's office was pants on head retarded and an stupid detour from the events at the house as they were getting to be most tense. Can you imagine The Shining with a comedy relief? I unironically think Get Out could have been as good as The Shining if it didn't have the black friend.
is that the same nigger from black mirror, or do they all just look the same?
>white people want to be black.
Are you a rural person or something? Seriously, just go to any well populated city and you'll see that all the "hip and cool" white faggots increasingly act like black folk. Not straight up gangsters, but the tame faggots that are portrayed in this movie.
The whole "cultural appropriation" angle that Peele is going for is a far fucking stretch, seeing as how Americans have no culture to call their own, unless it's the collection of delinquent acts that their kids engage in.
If anything, this movie is throwing shade at the aforementioned liberal city dwelling fags who can't really comprehend actual black struggles and are enamored by their "culture" (whatever that may be) our of guilt.
For example, that deer accident at the beginning, the white bitch felt all offended for no reason other than the cop asking for the guy's license, even though that's standard procedure for any accident, just in case the matter needs to be taken to court. You can easily tell that she has no fucking idea how the world works and is quick to get offended on behalf of others, and I think that's Peele's first clue into the whole American liberals are retarded thing.
None of this shit happened to me.
It's definitely overrated, and it would be treated like the drop in the ocean it is if you replace blacks with say, the irish.
Overwhelming agenda-pushing aside, it's alright. Decent enough to warrant pirating it / streaming it if you are bored and/or are doing some sort of 2017 completion list.
Definitely not worth giving your money to the degenerates who were involved in making this film.