Millennial parents

>millennial parents

Other urls found in this thread:

>People having fun with their lives
And? Are you jealous or something?

>no syringes at the bottom
Way to half ass it

what's wrong with this , at leas they don't beat the shit out of their kids like your father did.

>having fun
Life is to suffer.

>at leas they don't beat the shit out of their kids like your father did

They can undo it in minutes/hours when they get bored of it, stop being a fag.

Reminds me of those ukranian kids who turned their apartment into a swimming pool

you can't undo a ball pit

t. millennials

what year were you born in?

>I'm a millenial for choosing to suffer instead of having fun in life
What's it like not having any cognitive ability?

Why, is it superglue'd to the floor?

it's mostly in an extra room that they don't use

t. bitter /p*l/ permavirgin

life isn't all fun and games can't wait for the next generation to be even more babied and retarded than millennials.


Not Sup Forums, but you got the virgin part right.

>TFW no millennial wife

Yeah, life should be all rape and beatings. Gotta build character.

>someone is having fun in an unconventional way instead of watching netflix and eating pizza or going to the club to party
so horrible!

When did all the Sup Forumstards start coming over? Today is insufferable.

how is childhood not about fun and games. you implied that they are parents so that ball pit is for their kid(s), what's wrong it with it. It's just a toy

Maybe a quitter self-hating millennial defeatist like you can't.

Holy shit, it's the same woman!

You are either a millennial yourself or some dumb teenager. Go away tryhard.

IDK but Sup Forums has been utter shit today because of all the Sup Forumstards

eat shit grandpa

wish I had a ballpit in my room for when I've had enough adulting for the day, I guess I'm a child at heart if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best :)

So you're underaged. Brilliant.
Stay in school.


Mankind was a mistake. Mass extinction event when?

the only thing that concerns me about that clip is how bad the Indian parents of that faggot feel.

Only redditors have fun in such a retarded manner

That guy is like 40, he's an adult and he probably got to fuck a lot of white girls while preparing for this dance

he isn't wrong desu. growing up in a "strict" household is not an enviable experience.

>everything I don't like is Reddit

Is shitting in a toilet considered reddit in your country?

at least they don't defecate in the street

You do know the next generation after millennials is as old as 17 now, right?

Plot twist, they are childless

>their defending it

millenials are 17 yo max, people who are parents at that age can barely afford their daily meth, let alone a ball room

don't be a faggot OP

nokia lumia 930 when in india +1

funny thing is.......they actually are

I think we deserve white genocide

millennial does not mean born this millennium

I did something similar. I upended an empty water basin over the bathroom drain hole and then flooded the floor with water. The bathroom floor was half a foot lower than the outside so it turned into a ghetto wading pool. Malaysian bathrooms also typically have waterproof flooring so this was fine. Also, I did this when I was 7 with my same age girl cousin and we were both naked but that's another story.

>millenials are 17 yo max

Millenials were born between the end of gen X (Around 86) up to 2000.

The group that's born after that is named several things, like Gen Z or Post-Millenial

They're jewish


Criminally underrated Desu senpai

Bloom was born in Los Angeles and grew up in Manhattan Beach,[8] the daughter of Shelli (née Rosenberg) and Alan Bloom.[1][9]Her mother is a musician while her father is a healthcare lawyer. Her family is Jewish.[10]

Okay Nvm, white genocide is canceled

>it's another boomers blame everything on the millennials thread

Can’t wait for next year and the millenial hate

Found 4 redditors today. How would you like your gold good sirs? Is PayPal fine?

Ashkenazis are white, they aren't jews, fuck off you bloody LARPer, tell them to fuck off back to Poland and stay out of Jewish lands.


>you can't have fun when you're a kid

Looks comfy
I hope I had a parent like that

More like PooPal lmaoooo

>look at me!
>look at my facial expression!
>look at how much fun I am having!
>look at how wild and crazy and cool I am!
>look at me!

Oh, also, there's something in the background.

poo in loo

I wish my father had beaten the shit out of their kids.

I thought you were asking sarcastically but then when this other Australian flag gave you a proper answer your response indicated otherwise.

Could you not tell that the woman is a Jew from her face and name?

Ashkenazim are White Jews.
They're the best kind of Jew, even if they are Khazars or Poles, because all the other breeds of Jew are Arab/Turk/Moor/Berber/Gypsy rapebabbies.

I looked it up once, those balls are expensive.

Why? psychopath opinion didnt matter?

>White Jews

No such thing, look up Ashkenazi ancestry, 0% Jewish blood. Literally white people LARPing as Jews.

>they follow the Jewish religion and traditions
>they promote world Judaism

t-they're not r-real Jews, only me and grandpa Mehmet Kabulistan Rigatoni can be r-real Jews!!!111

Rachel is my jewfu. So incredibly attractive.
>tfw you will never suck on her khazar milkers


Khazars were Turkic.

Turkic does not mean "Turkish". Huns, Magyars, and Cossacks were/are Turkic, for example. Contemporary accounts of Khazar appearance have them as fair-skinned, blue-eyed, and reddish-haired.

Modern Turks, Caucasians, and Central Asians are quit extensively racially mixed with Arabs and Asiatics, which is why they do not look White. But ancient Turkic peoples, based on the description above, were, if not truly or purely racially White, then at least very close to it.

There's some possibility that the White racial groups I mentioned in the first paragraph are the result of Turkic admixture with Whites, but even if that is the case, the clearly non-White nature of the second paragraph's examples requires that they have had a high degree of admixture with non-Whites.

Ancient Turkics were probably White. The modern groups treated as representative or exemplar of Turkics are treated so wrongly, and in fact are impure, non-White mixed-breeds.