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lil peep is good

making a thread 50 posts in advance are we

shaved my pubes a few days ago, really itchy


aye he's dead good

early new has been and will always be the most pathetic gimmick. Lowers the prestige of this fine general in the Sup Forums community

pics x

I swear to god if I go down to the laundry room in an hour and they haven't dried my clothes I'm going to lose it
I gave them TWO fucking drying tickets this morning and all they do all day is just sit in the side room smoking and watching K-Dramas on their phones


had a dream about this song

So i Guess you guys Will have sex with the gf this x-mas after all this is the alpha general

agree. smacks of desperation and is nothing but a sad pathetic cry for attention.

cannot stand brainlet runts who consider "the hero's journey" as a formulaic guideline instead of a series of observations

thoroughly enjoy how you can't fathom people actually having sex cos you're so fat and undesirable and will surely die a virgin

Post images of you currently

don't understand this post


Does anyone have the greater London pic of the top hatted man in front of elephant and castle.

I have tried Google

I AM not fat though




Hatd my legs they're too hairy

Sitting at my toil station while mongs talk about rubbish around me

big mistake. Either trim with an electric trimmer or get it full blown waxed, never shave.

the soy post

something like this?

>get it full blown waxed

t. big fat blobby virgin

hello sailor

post pic of simpsons folder

*scratches you*

I AM not fat nor ugly to be honest


feel like doing a cry
always stop myself though

pissin masel och the weans haggis aye in mah hoose irn-bru bash yer heed in hahahah

3,581 Retweets 8,772 Favourites

I always opt for the trimmer, was just laying out the alternatives here.

anyone want to come round and wax my arsehole

ahaha big fat ugly blobby virgin

Why are Scottish people so completely unintelligible anyway? The Irish are much easier to understand

do it
unironically nothing bad if it's alone or with loved ones it releases a lot of endorphins there's a reason it exists

Yes pretty much

not very big

What About you

post proofs or fuck off you fat ugly cunt

severely lacking pics of bart smoking weed

looks like it'll probably be a nice day. Shame the toil is beckoning me.

never understood why south americans do that

what sort of things do they say?

Today is Stalin's birthday

this kraut & tea business is pretty funny ay


beto o'rorke, the fat irish mexican

Fuck you hohol

Winter - November, December, January
Spring - February, March, April
Summer - May, June, July
Autumn - August, September, October

this is a million times superior to the nonsense we have now.

Do you know we're still in Autumn right now? how fucking autistic is that?

my dads french and my mums swedish so shove baguette in bum lol

another swede that's been blacked

dirty beaner communist. get fucked.

my dad italy and mum russian dont know whether to cum on pasta or cum in vodka bottle LOL

that is what we have now you utter stringbean

>Do you know we're still in Autumn right now?

Lol there is a hohol living in Canadá

what the FUCK are you talking about
all your seasons are one month out of wack
winter is dec/jan/feb and so on


what does it matter

whatever helps you through the day beaner. try not to end up on liveleak with your head cut off.

>Hohol in the Ukrainian language represents a type of duck
you're a fat ugly weirdo lad

google is wrong end of discussion

idiots refer to it doesn't make sense

retard redditspacer

that's the astronomical seasons

can't imagine a grown man crying over anything but a family or friends death

haha might as well be a woman lad

nah that's wrong

Winter is December, January and February you mongs



>nah that's wrong

Milk > Water

love it when you wake up in the middle of the night with diarrhea, then you go back to bed, and then you have to get up again 10 minutes later for round 2

new star wars is fucking shite

Me > you, yeah you

off sick from toil today lads

very comfy rn

I shan't be watching it
I've taken to calling it 'Soy Wars'

>current year
>watching soy wars
good goy

>The seasons are defined as Spring (March, April, May), Summer (June, July, August), Autumn (September, October, November) and Winter (December, January, February).

so is it autumn now or isn't it

I knew about lil peep before and thought he was shit. Never saw his name mentioned anywhere at all until he died and now you see him everywhere.


>May is in Spring

stupid, it's summer


umm no sweetie every year the seasons are dictated by weather patterns

wish i could shag myself so I could no longer be a virgin

had a chuckle, might be cause of 'tism

not remotely amusing

stupid nigger equinoxes don't mean shit. the definitive months of each season are

winter: nov, dec, jan, feb
spring: march, apr, may
summer: june, july, aug
autumn: september, october

Have sex again this night.......with my hand

bent """sex""" doesn't affect your virginity

Will someone just have sex with me for fuck sake

it's so bad

lucas may have been a gobshite but atleast he based it on old westerns and samurai films with some conception of a philosophy behind it

on my way.

damn this seasons discussion is really interesting please ca-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz